Publications which cite archives held at the MRC - 2022
Clare Anderson, University of Leicester:
Convicts: A Global History (Cambridge University Press)
Aurélie D. Andry, Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol, Haakon A. Ikonomou, Quentin Jouan (eds.):
Rethinking European Integration History in Light of Capitalism (Routledge)
Gordon Barrett, University of Oxford:
China's Cold War Science Diplomacy (Cambridge University Press)
Paula Bartley:
Women’s Activism in Twentieth-Century Britain (Palgrave Macmillan)
Romain Bonnet, Amerigo Caruso and Alessandro Saluppo:
The First Revolution of the Twentieth Century: Fears of Socialism and Anti-Labour Mobilisation in Europe After the Russian Revolution of 1905, chapter in Rethinking Revolutions from 1905 to 1934: Democracy, Social Justice and National Liberation around the World, eds. Stefan Berger and Klaus Weinhauer (Palgrave Macmillan)
Katherine Bruce-Lockhart, University of Waterloo:
Carceral Afterlives: Prisons, Detention, and Punishment in Postcolonial Uganda (Ohio University Press)
Andy Clark, Newcastle University:
Fighting Deindustrialisation: Scottish Women’s Factory Occupations, 1981-1982 (Liverpool University Press)
Joshua Cohen, University of Leicester:
British Antifascism and the Holocaust, 1945–79 (Routledge)
Catherine Cox, University College Dublin, and Hilary Marland, University of Warwick:
Disorder Contained: Mental Breakdown and the Modern Prison in England and Ireland, 1840-1900 (Cambridge University Press)
Jennifer Crane and Jane Hand (eds.):
Posters, protests, and prescriptions: Cultural histories of the National Health Service in Britain (Manchester University Press)
Henry Dee:
Clements Kadalie, the ICU and the transformation of Communism in Southern Africa, 1917–31, chapter in Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917, eds. David Featherstone, Christian Høgsbjerg and Alan Rice (Manchester University Press)
Leon Fink, University of Illinois at Chicago:
Undoing the Liberal World Order: Progressive Ideals and Political Realities Since World War II (Columbia University Press)
John Foster, University of the West of Scotland:
UNITE History Volume 4 (1960-1974): The Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU): 'The Great Tradition of Independent Working Class Power' (Liverpool University Press)
Ronnie Fraser:
British Trade Unions, the Labour Party, and Israel’s Histadrut (Palgrave Macmillan)
Isabel Gejo-Santos, IES Francisco Salinas:
Katharine Atholl en Norteamérica: entre la política y la philantropía (1938) / Katherine Atholl in North America, between politics and philantropy (1938), chapter in Patrimonios vivos: música, performatividad y representación, ed. María Jesús Pena Castro (Ediciones Universidad Salamanca)
Paul Griffin, Northumbria University:
Protest: Contested Hierarchies and Grievances of the Sea, chapter in The Routledge Handbook of Ocean Space, eds. Kimberley Peters, Jon Anderson, Andrew Davies and Philip Steinberg (Routledge)
Diane Kirkby, University of Technology Sydney, Lee-Ann Monk, La Trobe University, and Dmytro Ostapenko, La Trobe University:
Maritime Men of the Asia-Pacific: True-Blue Internationals Navigating Labour Rights 1906-2006 (Liverpool University Press)
Keith Laybourn, University of Huddersfield:
The Football Pools and the British Working Class: A Political, Social and Cultural History (Routledge)
Marjorie Mayo, Goldsmiths, University of London:
UNITE History Volume 3 (1945-1960): The Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU): Post War Britain, the Welfare State and the Cold War (Liverpool University Press)
Keith Mc Loughlin, University of Bristol:
The British Left and the Defence Economy: Rockets, Guns and Kidney Machines, 1970-83 (Manchester University Press)
Gareth Millward, University of Birmingham:
Sick Note: A History of the British Welfare State (Oxford University Press)
David Pitcher; Beverley Burke (eds.):
The Advancement of Social Work: Studies in Social Work to mark the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Social Workers’ Educational Trust, 1972-2022 (British Association of Social Workers)
Setara Pracha, University of Buckingham:
The Pathology of Desire in Daphne du Maurier’s Short Stories (Lexington Books)
Sally Robinson (ed.), Canterbury Christ Church University:
Principles and Practice of Health Promotion and Public Health (Routledge)
Roger Seifert, University of Wolverhampton:
UNITE History Volume 2 (1932-1945): The Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU): 'No turning back', the road to war and welfare (Liverpool University Press)
Louise Settle, University of Helsinki:
Probation and the Policing of the Private Sphere in Britain, 1907-1962 (Bloomsbury)
Sally Sheldon, University of Bristol and University of Technology Sydney; Gayle Davis, University of Edinburgh; Jane O'Neill, University of Edinburgh; Clare Parker, University of Adelaide:
The Abortion Act 1967: A Biography of a UK Law (Cambridge University Press)
James Sumner:
The United Kingdom: Going it Alone?, chapter in Prophets of Computing: Visions of Society Transformed by Computing, ed. Dick van Lente (Association for Computing Machinery)
Melsia Tomlin-Kräftner, University of Bristol:
A Narrative Exposition of British Colonial Rule in the Americas, chapter in Contemporary Intersectional Criminology in the UK: Examining the Boundaries of Intersectionality and Crime, eds. Jane Healy and Ben Colliver (Bristol University Press)
Eileen Turnbull:
A Very British Conspiracy: The Shrewsbury 24 and the Campaign for Justice (Verso Books)
Richard Wallace and Jon Burrows:
Reel Change: A History of British Cinema from the Projection Box (John Libbey & Co. Ltd.)
Charters Wynn, University of Texas at Austin:
The Moderate Bolshevik: Mikhail Tomsky from The Factory to The Kremlin, 1880-1936 (Brill)
Hakim Adi, University of Chichester, and Mario Soares Neto, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador:
Pan-Africanism and Internationalism in 1945: “Labour cannot emancipate itself in the white skin where in the black it is branded” (Revista Direito e Praxis)
Trevor Boyns, Cardiff University:
Organizational change, budgetary control and success and failure in Formula 1: Rubery Owen and British Racing Motors, 1947–1977 (Management & Organizational History)
Scott Burnett, University of Gothenburg, and John E. Richardson, Keele University:
‘Breeders for race and nation’: gender, sexuality and fecundity in post-war British fascist discourse (Patterns of Prejudice)
Marc Collinson, Bangor University:
The Loughborough ‘Mansfield Hosiery’ Strike, 1972: Deindustrialisation, Post-war Migration, and Press Interpretation (Midland History)
Matthew Cooper, University of York:
The return of forced labour in the workfare state: enforced work for benefits in the UK in the 1930s and since 2010 (Journal of Poverty and Social Justice)
Jennifer Crane, University of Bristol:
The NHS’s forgotten workforce - a historical essay (British Medical Journal)
Jamie M. Emerson, Purdue University, West Lafayette:
Organized Savagery: Legitimization of British Occupation in the Post-Ottoman State (The Purdue Historian, vol.10)
Paul Griffin, Northumbria University:
Unemployed Workers’ Centres (1978–): Spatial Politics, “Non-Movement”, and the Making of Centres (Antipode)
Charlotte Heath-Kelly and Šádí Shanaáh, University of Warwick:
The long history of prevention: Social Defence, security and anticipating future crimes in the era of ‘penal welfarism’ (Theoretical Criminology)
Max Hodgson, University of Warwick:
Pathologising ‘Refusal’: Prison, Health and Conscientious Objectors during the First World War (Social History of Medicine)
John Hudson and Neil Lunt, University of York:
The contested jurisdiction of Social Policy in UK universities since 1972 (Journal of Social Policy)
Kat Jungnickel, Goldsmiths’ College:
Speculative sewing: Researching, reconstructing, and re-imagining wearable technoscience (Social Studies of Science)
Laura López Martin, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos:
Redes transnacionales de propaganda a favor de la Republica: Guillermo Fernández Zuñiga y la producción cinematográfica Spain in exile (Historia y comunicación social)
Alan McNee, Institute of English Studies:
“Scorchers”, “wheelmen”, and “road lice”: visitors’ books and cycling culture in late-Victorian Britain (Studies in Travel Writing)
Ian F. Mcneely, University of Oregon:
Research excellence and the origins of the managerial university in Thatcher's Britain (Contemporary British History)
Maja Pandžić, University of Zadar, Croatia:
Major Pronin Stories by L. Ovalov – The Beginning of a Mythological Hero (Journal of Literature, Culture and Literary Translation)
Carol Propper, Imperial College Business School; Institute for Fiscal Studies:
Socio-economic inequality in the distribution of healthcare in the UK (IFS Deaton Review of Inequalities)
Felix Römer, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin:
Poverty, Inequality Statistics and Knowledge Politics Under Thatcher (English Historical Review)
Louise Settle, Tampere University, Finland:
Rehabilitating homes and humans: probation, gender and domesticity in Britain, 1907–1960 (Women's History Review)
Ihab Shabana, Hellenic Open University:
From an Understanding to a Securitizing Discourse: The British Left’s Encounter with the Emergence of Political Islam, 1978–2001 (Religions)
Joseph Sharples, University of Glasgow:
The Workers Who Built the University of Glasgow, 1867–71 (Architectural History)
Peter Sloman, University of Cambridge:
‘Better off with Labour’? Fiscal policy, electoral strategy and the road to John Smith’s shadow budget, 1979–92 (Historical Research)
Carolyn Steedman, University of Warwick:
About a Play: Stanley Middleton’s Pentrich Revolution (History Workshop Journal)
Greig Taylor, University of New South Wales, Sydney; Matthew McDonald, Fulbright University, Ho Chi Minh City:
"Selling their jobs?": Thatcherism, voluntary redundancy and worker resocialisation (Labour History)
Valerio Torreggiani, University of Lisbon:
Corporatism in Early Twentieth-Century Britain: Three Alternatives for a Post-Liberal Order (Contemporary European History)
Valeria Zanier, University of Bologna:
Forging new meanings of Europe. The cross-ideological logic of Western Business Interest Associations (BIAs) promoting trade with Mao’s China (Business History)
Breaking the News, British Library, Apr-Aug 2022
The Persistence of the Victorian Prison, Lincoln Central Library, Nov 2022