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Amalgamated Society of Paper Makers

The Amalgamated Society of Paper Makers was formed in 1894 by the amalgamation of the United Brotherhood of Paper Makers and the Modern Society of Paper Makers (which had split from the United Brotherhood in 1869). From the beginning of the First World War, the Society developed an ever closer relationship firstly with the National Union of Printing and Paper Workers and then with the National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers, and on 1 January 1937 it merged with the latter.

The union had members at papermills throughout Great Britain and Ireland.

The main family history sources are the quarterly reports, 1894-1898 (MSS.39/SO/A/4/1/1) and 1914-1918 (MSS.39/SO/A/4/1/2), and all of the following information is drawn from these. Note that the Modern Records Centre does not hold the reports from 1899 to 1913.

Full membership lists

Each report lists all the members by county and mill, with name only.

New members

Each report contains lists of new members, with name, age, occupation and mill. Note that members of the two amalgamating unions in 1894 are not listed.

Deceased members

Each report lists members deceased in the quarter, with name, age, date of death and (from 1914) mill.

War service

From the third quarter of 1915 to the last quarter of 1918, a roll of honour is included in each report. This lists members who have served with HM Forces to date, by county and mill, noting whether they have been killed in action, died or been discharged.


An alphabetical index of members in the report for the third quarter of 1896 (MSS.78/SO/A/4/1/1) has been compiled by Dr Jean Stirk, a historian of paper-making. It is part of an index of paper-making craftsmen and their families and of paper manufacturers consisting of some 14,000 entries and expanding. Please contact us if you are unable to access the index in this format.