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Student support for adult learners

There is no right way to approach study as a mature learner each path is filled with individual experiences, challenges and rewards this is why the Centre has us a dedicated Student Support Team offering guidance and direction throughout your learning. 

The purpose of our team is to be there when you need it making the support unique to you, your needs and your experiences. The intention is to focus on listening, understanding and helping to solve whatever the presenting challenge may be for you at the time.

How to access our support

The best place to start is to pop to the Student Support Hub located in the Centre for Lifelong Learning building on Westwood Campus, we are on the ground floor in room WCE0.11 and offer a drop-in service Monday to Thursday between 12pm and 2pm. We are here to support with many things including.

· Applying for course work extensions or mitigating circumstances.

· Welfare queries

· Initial point of contact for IT troubleshooting

· First point of contact for study skills

· And any other queries!

We may not be able to help with every query, but we will do our best to or refer you to another service within the University or in your course area.

You can find our contact details here: Student Support Team (

How to access wider University wellbeing support

In addition to the Centre’s Student Support Team the University also has a wider wellbeing support that includes mental health and disability advisers, counsellors as well as numerous helpful wellbeing online workshops. This is based on main campus in Senate House, opposite the Roots supermarket, their opening hours are Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm (Friday until 4pm). For further details their website address is Wellbeing Support Services (

You can access the Wellbeing Portal where you can join a queue for a brief consultation (online or face to face in Senate House) with an adviser, Monday to Friday from 10am to 3pm.  

If you’d prefer to access support independently then you can access online support and advice available to all Warwick students 24/7 from Togetherall. There is also a range of self-help resources on the University wellbeing support website. 


Hints and tips on being an adult learner

Though it’s exciting, transitioning to university or to the next level of your course can bring mixed emotions. A change in routine, alongside new places and new people can sometimes feel overwhelming. Prioritise time to look after yourself. Find some helpful routines and make sure you sleep well, eat properly and keep active. Whilst it may seem obvious ‘Ask for help’ in our experience adult learners are often used to being independent and so asking for help can seem unfamiliar, but all our staff are understanding of the challenges of being an adult learner so we’re here to help. 

And finally, you may be an adult learner, but you are still a Warwick University student and can access many of the facilities at Warwick. Remember it takes time to form new connections as part of your study but going to social events and being open to new experiences can help. Joining Warwick Sports or joining a society will help you to meet new people. Find out what’s on at the Students' Union and find lots of events happening in the first couple of weeks and beyond.

A final note for student parents

UCAS have recently published a 'Student-Parents Guide to Navigating University'. There is also an accompanying video explaining the guide to students.

Good luck all from The Student Support Team!