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Dr John Gough's involvement in a project on the role of parents in providing careers guidance

The Gatsby Foundation and the JP Morgan Chase Foundation are supporting the Institute for Employment Research at the University of Warwick to undertake research to understand how parents and carers can be better supported by schools and colleges to feel more informed and confident with the advice they give to their children. Dr John Gough from our Careers team has been involved in the research project on 'The role of parents in providing careers guidance and how they can be better supported.'

You can read the report findings along with the recording of a live webinar explaining more about the project here.

CLL staff celebrate women's achievements on International Women's Day

Staff in CLL celebrated International Women's Day by sharing which woman inspires each of them. Staff from various teams including marketing and admissions along with teaching staff got involved.

You can see the photos and a short description explaining each person was chosen as an inspiration on our Instagram account.

IWD 2020

Staff in CLL secure internal University of Warwick funding to explore the experience of their students from BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) backgrounds.

Staff in our Career Studies and Coaching course team have secured internal University of Warwick funding to explore the experience of their students from BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) backgrounds.

Gill Frigerio, Associate professor and project lead explains: Recent data from across UK HE has shown that the gap between rates of attainment of a good degree (a 2.1 or a first) is running at about 13% lower for BAME graduates compared with their white counterparts. There is a lot of work across the sector on this and it is quite a big focus at Warwick too. A first stage to understanding the gap is to hear from BAME students about their experiences rather than imposing potential solutions from above.

Early Childhood Student Clare's paper was accepted for publication by The Early Childhood Studies Degree Network

Clare's paper was recently accepted for publication by The Early Childhood Studies Degree Network (ECSDN). Clare was nevous to submit the paper but said she received a lot of support from Warwick. You can read our interview with her here.

Huge congratulations to Clare from all of the team at Centre for Lifelong Learning!

CLL Director Dr Anne Hollinshead returns to Myanmar for 20th time!

In October, Dr Anne Hollinshead returned to Myanmar for the 20th time in 8 years. This is part of on-going knowledge transfer and consultancy work focusing on promoting inclusive practice with focus on disability and special needs. Anne works in partnership with a National Association of Myanmar experts ( MSEA) to collaborate with the Myanmar government, Myanmar Universities, NGO’s such as Unesco, Unicef and the British Council.


Wed 06 Nov 2019, 15:02 | Tags: Conference talk Warwick University Engagement Events

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