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Public and Community Engagement Staff Awards 2022: Celebrate the work from Mark Hinton

Our Community Engagement Development Manager Mark has won the Staff Awards for Warwick Awards for Public and Community Engagement 2022 for his great contribution towards engaging with local communities next door. Mark plays a key role in transforming the relationship between Warwick and our neighbours in Canley through a long targeted intervention he committed to in the past seven years.

Mon 04 Jul 2022, 11:39 | Tags: Award CLL Coventry Engagement Events Warwick

What leads to change in Psychotherapy? Richard Davis wins Inspirational award and publishes two chapters in book.

Richard Davis, Senior Teaching Fellow Counselling/Psychotherapy, has been credited for his inspirational and generous attitude by receiving the Inspirational award in our Transforming Education Awards 2021.

Winter Graduation 2021

A huge congratulations to students from Early Childhood, Social Studies, Career Development and Coaching Studies and Career Education, Information and Guidance in HE, on completing their studies!

While we were sad that we were unable to physically celebrate Winter Graduation this year, it was lovely to celebrate online with a few of our students.

Here, Gill Frigerio, Associate Professor, Career Studies and Coaching Programmes, congratulates our students on their achievements.

"Congratulations to all the students who were given awards at our November exam boards, whether it be a Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring, a Postgrad Award in Careers Leadership or a Masters in Career Development and Coaching Studies! We were delighted to be able to mark the occasion with some students on Monday, in lieu of the actual graduation ceremonies for MA graduates that would have taken place this week. We heard from students who have been awarded PG Certificates, Diplomas and MAs about their learning from the course and how they are taking creative and innovative steps in their practice as a result. We have all been working in challenging circumstances over the last year and for these students to have concluded their studies in this period is an even bigger achievement. Well done everyone!"

Our new Head of Department, Professor Ruth Hewston, would like to welcome all students – new and returning – to CLL.

Welcome to the Centre for Lifelong Learning at The University of Warwick. We are delighted that you are joining us this year. I know, for many of you, this is the next step to achieving your personal and professional goals and we are looking forward to taking that journey with you.

It has been an unusual few months for us all, across the university we have been making changes to ensure campus is healthy and safe for staff and students. My colleagues within the Centre and your course teams have been working very hard to ensure we are able to welcome you to Warwick safely and that there is support in place to help you succeed. I know they have some very exciting and engaging teaching and learning opportunities awaiting you. The course teams have been working very closely to create a blended learning environment which ensures you have opportunities to develop your knowledge and learning skills. Your Course Directors and tutors will explain these to you in more detail.

Due to current restrictions, there will be times where staff are working away from their offices, so it may take slightly longer than usual for you to meet us all. However, there will be staff available on campus and we are here to support you throughout your time with us.

I look forward to meeting you online and face to face in the coming weeks.

Welcome to CLL!

A big warm WELCOME to our new students. After a summer of hard work and planning, we get to introduce a new group of adult learners who are ready to take on the challenge of university study to the Centre – and this year is (hardly!) any different. We hope they become a community of adult learners and can’t wait to see them graduate with their families by their sides in a few years’ time.

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