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BA (Hons) Early Childhood (progression from Foundation Degree)

Our early childhood programme offers you the chance to combine your study with work and family commitments. Students can progress from the Foundation Degree in Early Childhood to achieve a BA (Hons) Early Childhood..

The course offers you an opportunity to gain a BA Early Childhood in just over a year, from the summer term in the first academic year to the end of the summer term the following academic year. You will be able to study for the award while you work full time. You learn how to carry out research in early childhood and are supported to do a piece of research on a topic that interests you. You present your findings to different audiences, including your peers. You have the option to specialise in a particular area to gain a named award, i.e. a BA Early Childhood Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and Disability, or Leadership. You also explore a range of international perspectives on early childhood, which you can apply to your own research area. You are encouraged to make links between your study at university, your personal experience and your professional practice in the field of early childhood.

This video was filmed in March 2018

This video was filmed in March 2016

Applications will open soon

Key Facts

Starts: May 2019

Level: Undergraduate

Length: Usually one year, can be studied part-time

Venue: University of Warwick

Student Timetables


Our experts

Dr Sarah Cousins
Dr Charlotte Jones
Emma Langley
Nikita Hayden
Rebecca Suart

Success Stories

"The positives of joining as an adult learner are, you really know what you want. I really didn't know this is what I wanted to do when I was leaving school. But now this is definitely the field I need to be in.."

Clare, Current Student