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Week 7 - Global Inequality

For this week, we're starting to move beyond the Atlantic view of history. The issues of what the Enlightenment means and how it has affected political, social, and enconomic devleopment have a global life and dimension. This is particularly true in regard to the distribution of wealth, opportunity, and equality around the world. We will be spending some time discussing this and it's a nest of inter-related and complex topics. So, don't be put off it this all seems very complicated.


To help us gain a starting point in our understanding of this, please read:

  • the Parthasarathi article (you will need to access it through the Library website -- please get in touch if you're having difficulty doing this);
  • the introduction to the Ferguson book;
  • and one of the three reviews of Ferguson.

The details for all of these cand be found on the main module page for this week.

This week's associated skill is documentary film. To this end, please watch a selection of of the clips from the 'Visions of Development' resource. Try and watch at least one from each of the chapters and we'll discuss the emerging themes on Thursday.

Essay follow up

Your essays are now marked and will be released to you by the Department at some point in the near future. I have tried to provide clear commentary as mark ups on your essay files and an overall summary through Tabula. These are not one-way, however. I am more than happy to sit down with anyone who is interested in going through their papers in detail. w dot h dot rupp at warwick dot ac dot uk">Please just get in touch. I have also pulled together some more general observations on the essays, which I have emailed you, but is available here as well.

Music By Which to Read

This week's playlist explores some of the musical traditions which met the increasing European presence in what is now Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Whilst this list is not representative, it does offer examples drawn from a range of 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th century styles (albeit interpreted by 20th and 21st century performers). Text list here.