Graduate Research Forum
Thursdays 17:00-18:30 pm, FAB2.43
The Graduate Research Forum, run by the department's Director of PGR Study, meets weekly during the Autumn / Spring Terms and a couple of times in early Summer.
Attendance is REQUIRED for all research students in their first year of study. More advanced students may also attend the Graduate Research Forum, and many do so – especially when the topic to be considered relates directly to their own field of interest, or offers advice on skills and training that may be relevant.
Please contact if you are a student in another Department, or from another University with a Warwick based supervisor, and are interested in joining the GRF sessions.
Term 1 Programme 2024/2025
Week 1 | Welcome, Introductions & Induction [presentation slides], Followed by PGR Social in the Dirty Duck |
Week 2 |
Project Design, Upgrade Process and Ethical Considerations [presentation slides] |
Week 3 NB: Class takes place in the UL |
Navigating the Library. Andy Calvert (History subject librarian) from the Library will help guide you through their spaces (research exchange) and services (inter-library loans, the WRAP repository of published work, PGR support / training). !! Meet outside the barriers at the entrance to the University Library !! Presentation slides:
NB Tuesday 15th October 2024 10:00-14:00: CADRE Arts Faculty PGR Welcome and Induction in the Wolfson Research Exchange (Library) - a chance for new PGRs to meet one-another and hear from staff from different departments about services for PGRs |
Week 4 NB: Class takes place in the MRC |
Working with archival resources - an introduction to archival research and the collections of our on-campus institution !! Meet at the entrance of the Modern Records Centre !! NB: Tuesday 22nd October 2024 11:00-13:00 - CADRE PhD Survival Guide - Wolfson Research Exchange (sign up) - This session 'will give you the inside track on getting through the next 3.5 years!' |
Week 5 |
Internationalization & Interdisciplinarity This session focuses on navigating / combining different academic disciplines & cultures (Anne Gerritsen and Beat Kümin will talk about the Dutch / Germanic system, with students invited to share any experience they have had outside the UK) and the opportunities / challenges of engaging with disciplines beyond History. |
Week 6 | Reading Week - No GRF session |
Week 7 |
Public Engagement and Impact With Angela McShane (formerly of V&A and Head of Research Development, Wellcome Trust), Tom Simpson (departmental Impact Director) and Angus Crawford (Year 2 PGR holding a CDA with the Lord Leycester Hospital in Warwick). |
Week 8 |
Research Journeys With Claudia Stein. 'Research Journeys' are open sessions in which colleagues talk about the genesis of projects, their intellectual journeys, the practicalities of doing the work, career paths and challenges encountered at various stages, as well as answering questions from you. |
Week 9 |
Digital Humanities With Rob O'Toole (Arts Faculty Director of Student Experience and Progression, Digital Arts and Humanities). Please note that we meet in the Media Symposium Space (the open space with a big screen near to the main staircase) on floor 1 of FAB at 5 pm. Rob told us that anyone can obtain a Digital Arts and Humanities Lab Certificate by attending or watching 6 of the DAHL Shorts sessions (30 minutes each), filling in a short form for each one, and then offering a longer reflection on their current or future use of technology (which could focus on a specific project, or could be more general). The progress dashboard contains full instructions, links to our recorded sessions, and the forms. You can complete the DAHL Introduction page on the dashboard, claim a free point for having attended our session on 28 November and the programme of sessions for next term features our own Rebecca Capel as a co-presenter in week 4. |
Week 10 |
Postdoctoral Projects and Applications A session on academic opportunities after the doctorate, facilitated by Anne Gerritsen and with the participation of current postdoc Thomas Pert (Renaissance Centre) !! Followed by PGR + PGT social !! |
For our Term 2 presentations, please prepare for a talk of between 20-30 mins (this could be a general project presentation or a more focused paper on a specific topic / source genre / methodological concern / conceptual approach / current challenge etc, perhaps with a view to a forthcoming conference or your PG Conference presentation; you can use a powerpoint if you wish), leaving at least 15 mins for Q+A / general discussion. Your moderator will be the other PGR presenting that day (this is meant to provide you all with some experience of chairing a panel session). The programme appears below:
Term 2 Draft Programme Spring 2025
Week 1 |
Wellbeing - a session led by Janet Winter from Wellbeing Services. Open to all. |
Week 2 |
Student presentation 1: Anna, moderated by: Alfisha |
Week 3 |
Student presentation 3: Mianji, moderated by: Beat |
Week 4 |
[no GRF] |
Week 5 |
Student presentation 5: Joseph, moderated by: Rebecca |
Week 6 | Reading Week - No GRF session |
Week 7 |
Student presentation 7: Jade, moderated by: Shreya |
Week 8 |
Student presentation 9: Gabriele (joining in January), moderated by: Nicole |
Week 9 |
Student presentation 11: Mark, moderated by: Shankara |
Week 10 |
Student presentation 13: Evie, moderated by: Lucy SOCIAL event 6.30 - details to follow |
Term 3 Programme 2024/2025
Week 1 |
Presenting your work in seminars / conferences / social media |
Week 2 | Getting Your Research Published (in 2 parts, exceptionally in Oculus Oc1.08): 1. 4-5 (led by John Gallagher / Leeds and Guido van Meersbergen, who are associated with prominent journals): article / review publications; 2. 5-6.30 (led by Mark Knights, who sits on the editorial boards of a journal and a book series): book / monograph proposals and blog posts. |
Week 3 | Student presentation 15: Aidan, moderated by: Mackenzie Student presentation 16: Mackenzie, moderated by: Aidan |
For further information please contact History's Director of PGR Studies: