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Graduate Research Forum

For 2023/2024

Thursdays 17:00-18:30 pm, FAB2.43

The Graduate Research Forum meets weekly during the Autumn and Spring Terms.

Attendance is REQUIRED for all research students in their first year of study. Students in other years of study may also attend the Graduate Research Forum, and many do so – especially when the topic to be considered relates directly to their own field of interest, or offers advice on skills and training that may be relevant.

Please contact if you are a student in another Department, or from another University with a Warwick based supervisor, and are interested in joining the GRF sessions

Term 1 Programme 2024/5
Week 1 InductionLink opens in a new window
Week 2

The Upgrade Process, Project Design and EthicsLink opens in a new window

NB Tuesday 10th October 2023 11-1: CADRE Arts Faculty PGR Welcome and Induction FAB2.25 - 'a chance for new PGRs to meet one-another and hear from staff from across the university about services for PGRs'

Week 3

Navigating the Library. Andy Calvert (History subject librarian) and colleagues from the Library will help guide you through inter-library loans, the repository of published work, the research exchange, and what support the library offer pgrs.

PhD Survival Guide (CADRE event) tba Wolfson Research Exchange (Library) -This session 'will give you the inside track on getting through the next 3.5 years!'

Week 4

Bibliographies, library resources and Warwick’s Modern Records Centre

The session, held in the MRC, will cover what the MRC holds but also, more broadly, how to find and use materials in archives.

slidesLink opens in a new window

Week 5

Internationalization & Interdisciplinarity

This session focuses on navigating / combining different academic disciplines & cultures. Some staff and students will talk about their experiences, with advice and tips.

Week 6 Reading Week - No GRF session
Week 7

Public Engagement

With Angela McShane (formerly of V&A and Head of Research Development, Wellcome Trust)

Week 8

Research Journeys

Claudia Stein. 'Research Journeys' are open sessions in which a colleague talks about the genesis of their projects, their intellectual journey, and also the practicalities of doing the work, their career, its challenges at various stages, as well as answering questions from you too.

Week 9

Digital Humanities

With Rob O'Toole (Arts Facuty DH).

Slides are hereLink opens in a new window

Week 10

Postdoctoral Projects and Applications

A joint session with existing postdocs, facilitated by Anne Gerritsen

Term 2 Programme 2022/2023
Week 1 Wellbeing - a session led by Janet Winter from Wellbeing Services. Open to all.
Week 2

student presentation:

Week 3

student presentation:

Week 4

student presentation:

Week 5

student presentation:

Week 6 Reading Week - No GRF session
Week 7

student presentation:

Week 8

student presentation:

Week 9

student presentation:

Week 10

SOCIAL event 6.30 - details to follow

Term 3 Programme 2022/2023 - DRAFT
Week 1

Presenting your work in seminars / conferences / social media

Week 2 Getting Your Research Published - led by Mark Knights who sits on the editorial boards of a journal and a books seires. The session will cover article, book and review publication.