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Visiting Students

Welcome to the School of Modern Languages and Cultures (SMLC)

These pages are designed to provide you with the information you need to ensure a smooth integration into the activities of the School.

Induction (September/October arrival students)

There will be a meeting for all Visiting students based in SMLC on Tuesday 24 September 2024 at 09:30 in OC1.01.

 Please set up your Warwick email address as soon as possible to ensure that you receive any updates that may be sent about this event.

Welcome Meeting for Visiting Students presentation

Induction (January arrival students only)

You should meet your personal tutor, who will help you with essential information.

Module registration and learning agreements

Learning agreements which have been signed over the summer are provisional, because some students needed them for their home university co-ordinators; modules have to be re-confirmed once you arrive in Warwick.

Please come into the School office, FAB4.05 to have your learning agreement signed. Alternatively, upload your Learning Agreement to be electronically signed and stamped here. 

The standard workload for a full-year student at Warwick is 60 ECTS (120 Warwick credits/CATS). Inbound Visiting students should meet this expectation.

Part-year students (one-term) may do 45-60 Warwick credits (24-30 ECTS).

Part-year students (two-term Oct - March) may do 90-120 Warwick credits (48-60 ECTS).

Registering a module on the university system (eVision/Student Records online) in Warwick is NOT the way to secure a place on the module. EVision/Student Records online is only used for confirmation (and exam information etc) after you have all your modules arranged in Warwick.

If you have to change even just one module on eVision/Student Records online, you have to start inputting all modules again. So it is best to wait until the end of week 1 at the earliest before inputting anything into eVision.

Module choices

You may already have consulted the university module catalogue and made some initial provisional module choices. However, this catalogue includes many modules which are not running in 2023-24 academic year and some new modules do not yet appear on this catalogue. This page is therefore designed to provide more up-to-date information.

You are expected to take most of your modules from the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, as this is your base department. If you wish to take a module from French, German, Hispanic Studies, Italian, Language Centre or SMLC, please look at the following list of modules (which is updated regularly).

Available Modules in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures

For SMLC-based modules, please fill the module preference form here before arriving. Module allocation is done on a first come, first served basis, so please complete the form as soon as possible. Completing the form does not guarantee you a place on a module; you will be contacted nearer the start of term to advise of your module allocation.

Once you have been advised of your module allocation, you can register your choices through e:Vision.

Other departments have their own systems.

Guidance for part-year (one-term or two-term) students is on the web pages to follow; please note that the modules listed may already be full or unavailable (available modules are listed on the link above).

If you wish to take a language module, this should be taken from the Language Centre (i.e. a module code beginning LL; not FR, GE, HP, IT).

Translation modules are an exception to this: Italian-speaking students staying for the full year or for both autumn and spring term, can select either IT301 or IT401 depending on their level. Students who are at Warwick for only one term (or for Spring and Summer) should select the 15-CAT version IT338-15 or IT414-15. If you to wish to take English-Italian/Italian-English translation modules please contact Cecilia Piantanida ( for more information and guidance. French or Spanish-speaking visiting students who are required by their home university to take a French-English/English-French or Spanish-English/English-Spanish translation module should contact for advice.

See here for Language Centre modules and here for information about Language Centre enrolment 

If you have any questions, please contact 

Modules in English and Comparative Literary Studies

Students who are not based in English department have to wait until week 2, and choose English modules on Monday 10th October. The list of modules here is indicative; they may not all be available.

The English department asks that you note the following infiormation:

If your base department is not in English (the situation of many Erasmus students coming through the Departments of Modern Languages), then you are limited to 30 CATS in this department – in most cases this will be a first-year module (Epic; Medieval to Renaissance English Literature; Modes of Reading; and Modern World Literatures), subject to availability. Additional Honours modules may become available and the department will advise you individually on the status of each module on your option request form. Note that placement on these modules cannot be guaranteed in advance; please check with the English office at the beginning of term.

Reading assignments may be much longer and come at a faster pace than you have been used to at your home institution. Many modules routinely assign 9 books to be read in 9 weeks. We don’t want you to be overwhelmed during your time here, so we suggest that one module with a slightly lower reading load may be beneficial.

Modules in Linguistics

It is useful if you indicate before your arrival if you wish to study a Linguistics module, although confirmation cannot take place before the second week of term. Students interested in second year Linguistics modules should contact the team (ugcal at warwick dot ac dot uk) and provide some details of relevant training/ Linguistics modules in their home institution.

Modules in History

The list of modules here is indicative; they may not all be available. In order to enquire about module availability you should contact

Modules in other departments

If you wish to take a module from a department outside the Faculty of Arts, (e.g. Economics, PAIS, Warwick Business School, Law, IATL) you will have to contact the other department yourself to ascertain module availability.

Study skills

SMLC provides training and support to help you make the most of studying at the University of Warwick.

Visiting Students should follow the first-year Study Skills course; there is a separate section for Visiting Students on Moodle with an introductory video on it.

Asynchronous recordings will be available online that offer guidance on a range of study topics, and particularly on how to prepare the assignments you will need to write for your modules.

Full details of the programme can be found on SMLC’s Study Skills Moodle where you will also find further advice on studying and on writing essays.

English language support

See: English Language Support

If you have any questions you can contact the In-Sessional Team via opens in a new window

Who to contact:

Director of Incoming Visiting students
Dr. Philippe Le Goff
p dot le-goff at warwick dot ac dot uk
Module Availability for Incoming Visiting Students
smlcoffice at warwick dot ac dot uk
Incoming Visiting Students Programme Coordinator
smlcoffice at warwick dot ac dot uk

Monitoring points

Available Modules in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures

Modules in English and Comparative Literary Studies

Modules in the Department of History

Language Centre Modules

Modules in Applied Linguistics