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SMLC - News and events

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Jim Shields discusses the death and legacy of former French President Jacques Chirac

Professor Jim Shields appeared on France 24, Radio France Internationale and LBC radio to discuss Chirac’s death, his legacy, defining moments of his presidency, and his place in modern French history. He also gave an interview on Brexit to the Colombian daily Portafolio.

Mon 07 Oct 2019, 10:48 | Tags: SMLC News, Arts Faculty

Salvador Ortiz-Carboneres: 15th December 1942 - 23rd July 2019

It is with great sadness that we have to report that our colleague and friend Salvador Ortiz-Carboneres has passed away. Please click on the headline to read some dear memories from some of the people who knew him best.

Tue 30 Jul 2019, 17:01 | Tags: Modern Languages - News SMLC News Arts Faculty

SMLC students selected to join Brazilian summer school

At the start of 2019 Warwick was invited to nominate two students to attend the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)'s Summer School on Brazilian Studies. After a competitive selection process, Lucia Evans and Will Gennings from Warwick's School of Modern Languages and Cultures were awarded scholarships co-funded by UFMG and Warwick.

Professor Ingrid De Smet has been admitted as a member of the Academia Europaea

Professor Ingrid De Smet has been admitted as a member of the Academia Europaea (Section of Literary and Theatrical Studies). The Academia Europaea (formed in 1988) is the pan-European academy of science, humanities and letters, with a membership of over 3800 eminent scholars, drawn from all countries of Europe, and all disciplines, nationalities and geographical locations.

Multiple awards success for SMLC students and staff

Students and staff from across Warwick SMLC completed a clean sweep of Warwick awards.

Jim Shields discusses political developments in France

Jim Shields discusses political developments in France

Professor Jim Shields published a comment article on the LSE’s EUROPP site and was interviewed by France 24 and Bloomberg News on recent elections and political developments in France.

Mon 10 Jun 2019, 10:37 | Tags: French - News SMLC News Arts Faculty

Jim Shields discusses the political crisis in France

Professor Jim Shields appeared twice on France 24 and on Radio France Internationale to discuss Macron’s response to the Gilets Jaunes protests, May Day demonstrations and the current crisis in France.

Fri 03 May 2019, 14:15 | Tags: French - News Modern Languages - News SMLC News

Jim Shields discusses the EU, Brexit and political events in France

Professor Jim Shields has had analysis columns on France and Brexit published in the Spanish national daily La Razón. He also appeared in the Colombian financial newspaper Portafolio, Mexican daily El Universal, Slovenian daily Večer and Sunday Express.

Fri 29 Mar 2019, 10:14 | Tags: French - News SMLC News Arts Faculty

Professor Kate Astbury will be on the BBC World Service Thursday 28th March at 9.06am

Professor Kate Astbury will be on the BBC World Service programme The Forum talking about Napoleon Bonaparte this Thursday 28th March at 9.06am UK time. Hosted by Bridget Kendall, the programme also includes contributions from Annie Jourdan (University of Amsterdam) and Rafe Blaufarb (Florida State University).

Further tribute to Keren Brody

A further tribute to our recent graduate, Keren Brody, who tragically passed away in December 2018.

Thu 10 Jan 2019, 22:30 | Tags: French - News Modern Languages - News SMLC News

Tribute to recent graduate

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures is shocked and saddened to hear of the tragic death of one of our recent graduates, Keren Brody. Keren graduated with a degree in French Studies in 2018. Keren was tragically killed in a car accident in Spain last week. The School sends its heartfelt condolences to the family at this very difficult time. Students and colleagues affected by this sad news can contact Wellbeing Support Services ( A book of condolences will be opened in the School in January 2019. A full tribute to Keren will also be posted in January.

Sat 22 Dec 2018, 13:28 | Tags: French - News Modern Languages - News SMLC News

Jim Shields discusses political events in France

Professor Jim Shields appeared on France 24 News, the France 24 Debate, BBC Radio Wales, Talk Radio, Radio Sputnik and British Muslim TV to discuss the Yellow Vest protests and Macron presidency. He was also quoted by Bloomberg, ABC News, World Finance and the Mexican daily El Universal

Mon 17 Dec 2018, 10:21 | Tags: French - News Modern Languages - News SMLC News

Oliver Davis comments on the gilets jaunes protests

Dr Oliver Davis appeared on France24, China Global TV and Russia Today to offer expert comment on the protests gripping France. This follows on from his recent article about the protests.

Thu 06 Dec 2018, 10:08 | Tags: French - News SMLC News

Inspiring Women Student Series

Come along and be inspired. One hour talks, 1-2pm Wednesdays followed by informal networking over refreshments 24th October 2018, MS.03 Maths and Statistics (Zeeman Building)

Emma Kennedy, Actress, Writer, TV and Radio presenter

Can't Help Thinking of Her: Presented by The School of Modern Languages and Cultures

Violin Performance: Prof. Yuxi Liu, Central Conservatory of Music in China
Piano Accompany & Performance: Mr Yuanfan Yang, Pianist & Composer, the Royal Academy of Music, London

Thu 24 May 2018, 09:29 | Tags: SMLC News, Arts Faculty

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