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Arts Faculty News

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Digital Arts Lab Showcase 2022: Competition Results

The Faculty of Arts promotes digital learning and teaching innovation through the Digital Arts Lab (DAL). The Digital Arts Lab Showcase is an annual event where students are invited to submit their best piece of academic work or personal artefacts created through or about digital tools. This can be an academic assessment which utlises a digital tool (for example a video, podcast or website), a personal endeavour that uses or showcases a digital tool, or a short piece of writing that comments on the digital world (both fiction and non-fiction welcome). Each submission has to be accompanied by a reflective piece, which captures the learners' journey in producing the digital piece. Individual and group submissions are accepted and this year for the first time the DAL Showcase had separate undergraduate and postgraduate categories.

As in previous years, the panel judging the Showcase had the enjoyable task of listening and watching all the entries. Topics covered ranged from a podcast looking at how the legacy of slavery leading to institutionalised racism impacted 1950s rock and roll and still influences the modern music industry to a digital game focusing on women's experiences in early modern Britain.

Advanced HE Collaborative Awards for Teaching Excellence (CATE) 2022

Congratulations to Warwick's Learning Design Consultancy Unit on being one of the winners of Advance HE's 2022 Collaborative Awards for Teaching Excellence (CATE). The LDCU team is led by Jess Humphreys and includes contributions from the Faculty of Arts' Director of Student Experience, Dr Rob O'Toole. Since moving to a Faculty role in April 2021, Rob has been working on digital pedagogic interventions with staff and students and more recently on designing a new UG course on Innovation by Design, which it is planned to launch for 23 entry in the School for Cross-Faculty Studies.

Congratulations to all Faculty of Arts WATE Award Winners 2022

The Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence (WATE) celebrate and recognise the most successful educators in our our community.

Social Inclusion Staff Award 2022 - Easter Residential School for Autistic Students

Congratulations to Damien Homer (Faculty of Arts Widening Participation Coordinator) and Claire Eddon (Faculty of Social Sciences Widening Participation Coordinator) for their work to create the Easter residential school.

Professor Tim Lockley Collects his MBE

Professor Tim Lockley from the Department of History is one of a trio of University of Warwick academics recognised in the 2021 Queens Birthday Honours List. The award was in recognition of his services to his local community in Harbury, where he serves as a Parish councillor, and with particular recognition of his work in his area during the COVID-19 pandemic. The image is of Tim with his MBE at the Queens garden party that was held on Tuesday 24 May 2022.

Coventry Community Languages Project Wins Parliament UK Award

A Coventry community language project involving the city’s schools, universities, local council, businesses and MPs has been named Parliament UK Community Campaign of the Year in the Your UK Parliament Awards 2022.

Social Mobility Student Research Award

The Widening Participation team and the Faculty of Arts have been awarded over £26,000 by the Research England Enhancing Research Culture Fund to create a Social Mobility Student Research Hub over the next six months. The principal aim of the project is to create a Hub to improve access to, and participation in, research, for students from currently underrepresented groups, including those from low socioeconomic backgrounds, care leavers, and refugees.

To achieve this aim, the project will fund up to twenty students from underrepresented backgrounds to design research projects exploring issues around social mobility, Widening Participation (WP), diversity and inclusion. Undergraduate and postgraduate taught students will be given the opportunity to design these research projects in groups or as individuals, supported by postgraduate research students who will be recruited to act as mentors.

Further details will be available towards the end of the month from Damien Homer.

Digital Arts Lab Showcase 2021 Student Competition Winners

Click on the link to see the winning entries for this year's Digital Arts Lab Showcase competition on the theme of "storytelling". Congratulations to all of our entrants who produced a wonderful and very diverse set of digital submissions and reflective pieces that truly demonstrate the creative and technical talent and in-depth knowledge and expertise of our Arts undergraduates.

Unfolding vision: Cezanne’s personal way of seeing - Major Leverhulme Research Fellowship

Congratulations to Professor Paul Smith from History of Art who has been awarded a Major Research Fellowship by the Leverhulme Trust for his interdisciplinary project entitled, Unfolding vision: Cezanne’s personal way of seeing.

Advanced HE Collaborative Awards for Teaching Excellence (CATE) 2022

Congratulations to Warwick's Learning Design Consultancy Unit on being one of the winners of Advance HE's 2022 Collaborative Awards for Teaching Excellence (CATE). The LDCU team is led by Jess Humphreys and includes contributions from the Faculty of Arts' Director of Student Experience, Dr Rob O'Toole. Since moving to a Faculty role in April 2021, Rob has been working on digital pedagogic interventions with staff and students and more recently on designing a new UG course on Innovation by Design, which it is planned to launch for 23 entry in the School for Cross-Faculty Studies.

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