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Arts Faculty News

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Unfolding vision: Cezanne’s personal way of seeing - Major Leverhulme Research Fellowship

Congratulations to Professor Paul Smith from History of Art who has been awarded a Major Research Fellowship by the Leverhulme Trust for his interdisciplinary project entitled, Unfolding vision: Cezanne’s personal way of seeing.

Faculty of Arts at Home 17 - Ethics, Politics and Social Justice: The Author Dies Hard

Explore with Professor Silvija Jestrovic (Theatre and Performance Studies) some ideas from her recent work about the presence and absence of the author, in ‘The Author Dies Hard’. Siilvija challenges us to think about the questions ‘Who is the author?’ and ‘Where is the author?’. Her wider work looks at how the author is constructed through cultural and political imaginaries and erasures, intertextual and intertheatrical references, re-performances and self-referentiality, and what the politics and ethics of these constructions are.

Faculty of Arts at Home 6 - Re-thinking the Creative Industries Post-Covid-19: Consuming Culture Under/After Lockdown

Dr David Wright (Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies) examines the social divisions in the consumption of culture at home, and looks at the extent to which the digital cultural offerings of lockdown are available to all. David also asks what the risks are of privately owned platforms controlling our access to culture.

Faculty of Arts at Home 5 - Re-thinking the creative industries post-Covid-19: Undigital - Content Creators after Corona

Today, explore with Dr Chris Bilton (Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies) a view of the ‘undigital’ creative economy and the impact that COVID-19 has had on it. Chris asks us to consider what performances, publications, and works of art and culture we value, and encourages us to try to support artists and creators directly.

Faculty of Arts at Home 4 - Staying in: Victorian Theatre at Home

Associate Professor Michael Meeuwis (English and Comparative Literary Studies) explores the history of Victorian theatre and, particularly, the Victorians’ love for amateur theatricals at home. Michael makes the link between these performances and how we’re keeping ourselves entertained during lockdown.

Artwork - New Faculty of Arts Building - Faith in the Miraculous

New Faculty of Arts building artwork commission. Can you spare 10 minutes to talk to artist Matthew Raw and to express your feelings and plans about the move of the Arts and Humanities departments into the new building? He is interested in talking to anyone who will live with the building (and mural!) every day. If you would like to be involved, please contact Sarah Shalgosky asap at

School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures (SCAPVC)

Nurturing creative practice alongside academic knowledge

A new creative venture from the Faculty of Arts will help develop the University as a powerhouse for the artistic, cultural, creative and media industries in the region and beyond. The new School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures will redefine Warwick’s teaching and research in the arts, cultural and creative industries – offering great opportunities for students, graduates, external partners, academics and for public engagement.

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