For some time as part of the Loddon Parish Study I have been working through and transcribing the Churchwarden's Accounts books starting with the earliest . This has provided hours of fascinating work. The first book (PD 595/19)containing accounts for 1554-1739 has been completed and we hope to get into the NRO soon to do some checking and editing. We hope to publish the annotated transcripts next year.
The quality of the preserved pages is variable. It seems that each pair of churchwardens presented their accounts in their own way, usually on sheets of paper or parchment which in the early 19th century were ordered and bound by one of the then Churchwardens James Copeman. This procedure has ensured their preservation, but at times means that the text at the edges of pages are lost in the binding.- usually dates or payments.
The first surviving entry is for 1554 When Queen Mary & her Husband Philip are on the throne, the parish is busy reinstating the features of the Roman tradition to the church. Most of the entries are easily understood, there are references to vestments, the Trinity, timber for the rood, the sepulchre, as well as payment for the clerk, cleaning, work on the bells and beer; but two of the larger payments 13/4 and 20/- were to the "orkle maker" have left us bemused
I would be interested to hear from anyone undertaking a similar task and more especially of any suggestions for the "orkle maker"
The text is quite clear in my photograph, but I do not understand the method for inserting an image apologies
I would be happy to share the image if anyone is interested.
My transcription is below
Elvie Herd of Loddon & District Local History Group & Loddon Parish study
1554-5 Churchwardens Account
hereafter followethe all suche Somes of mony as John Gopyng & John Fielld the church wardens have payed & have due synce the last acownte being this xth day of marche in the ano Regnoru Philippi et Maria Reg & Regine primo & secundus - 1554-5
To wyllm abbottes for washyng of xiij surplus and two towells
Payd to the widow dawson for hyr husbands wages & for washyng & scoryng
Whereof remain In hyr hands for j cowe
Payd to the orkle maker the xi daye of marche
Xiijs iiijd
For ij gyrdyll for the vestments
Payd to te goodwife gorbolld for the vysyters costes
Payd to the clarke for hys wagys
? iiijs
Payd for vli waxe
Iiijs ijd
Payd to wyllm abbott for wayshyng & skoryng
Paid to William Abbott for washing & scouring
Rec of Robt gryme for the boukes
Received of Robert Gryme for the books
Payd to the myller for gryndyng of corne against the drynkyng
Paid to the Miller for grinding of corn for the drinking
Payd to torner for making of the roode
Vjs viijd
To hym for iij dayes worke for the belle whelle
To wyllm abbott for iij dayes worke with hym
Payd for naylls
Ijd ob
Payd for tymber for the roode
Payd to the orkle maker
Payd to plafords wyffe for bere
Payd to the goodwyffe dallys for bordyng
Iis iiijd
Payd to john felld for washyng of the surplus