Contact Details
General EnquiriesDepartment of Computer Science |
Undergraduate Enquiries
Please consult our web pages on the courses we offer and admissions information. For a copy of our printed brochure, please email brochure-request at dcs dot warwick dot ac dot uk stating which of our course/s you are interested in. If you have further questions, email ugadmissions at dcs dot warwick dot ac dot uk
Postgraduate Enquiries
For general PhD or MSc by Research admissions enquiries, email cs-pg-res at dcs dot warwick dot ac dot uk. For enquiries regarding our MSc programmes, email msc-admissions at dcs dot warwick dot ac dot uk.
Student Placements
To publicise an employment opportunity to our students, please send the details to job-ads at dcs dot warwick dot ac dot uk.
Jobs and Studentships
Our jobs are advertised at the central University of Warwick jobs webpage.
Please read our notice relating to information held on the Department's computer systems.