What's in IT for You?
What's in IT for You?
is an event primarily aimed at Year 12 students who are (or might become!) interested in studying Computing at University and after that (possibly) a career in some computing or IT related field.
It's an informal conference for sixth-formers which we hope will be lively, interesting and informative. There will be representatives from top IT companies showing what jobs there are in computing, and some Warwick students and staff showing what degrees in computing are like. There will be lots of opportunity to ask questions (and even win prizes by good answers to our Quiz questions and entering our Challenge Competition).
Here is the main programme, more detail is being added regularly.
The event is free of charge to students at invited schools/colleges, but registration is essential. (Unfortunately, we will not be able to admit you unless you are registered and have a teacher accompanying you.)
To register, obtain permission to attend from your school/college, and ask your teacher (the 'Contact Teacher' as described below) to register you in the group attending from your school/college.
Each school or college invited needs to nominate a 'Contact Teacher' (who is attending the event and will be our main contact).
Teachers need to register themselves first on the registration form (which is password protected).
If you are not sure who is the Contact Teacher at your school/college, send email to whatsIT@dcs.warwick.ac.uk.
Wednesday 19th November 2008
NOTE: Change of venue (not by far!) It's now beginning in the Department of Computer Science.
Registration is now closed.
For the current (estimated) total see here.
How to get to Warwick University.
(Go for the Campus Map. Try the Interactive Campus Map too - Bird's Eye and Aerial view!)
Parking details will be available soon.
Win £500 pounds in the Competition! (Shared by Team and school.)
pdf version of the leaflet