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New EPSRC award to support combating caller ID spoofing

Demo of caller ID spoofing

Professor Feng Hao (PI) from the Department of Computer Science and Dr Adrian von Mühlenen (co-I) from the Department of Psychology have been awarded an EPSRC grant on “End to End Authentication of Caller ID in Heterogeneous Telephony Systems”. This project will support a research fellow and a senior research fellow in computer science, each for four years, to explore new ways to stop caller ID spoofing without requiring globally trusted authorities, in collaboration with researchers from the Department of Psychology. This project will also aim to develop impacts by engaging with the telecommunication industry via the project partners: Huawei, Truecall, and RedTone.

The award of this project coincided with the announcement in March 2020 by the Federal Communications Commission (FFC), who proposed mandating the adoption of STIR/SHAKEN for all telecom providers in the US in order to stop the caller ID spoofing scams. However, STIR/SHAKEN requires globally trusted authorities, which have been known to be difficult to manage. As opposed to the top-down approach by the FCC, this EPSRC project aims to take a bottom-up approach to develop more effective and more deployable solutions without relying on any globally trusted third parties.

A University press release on this project can be found here.

Wed 22 Apr 2020, 10:52 | Tags: Grants Research Data Science Systems and Security