Computer Science News
5+ papers accepted to STOC 2023
Several papers from the Theory and Foundations (FoCS) Research Group and the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP) have been accepted to the 55th ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2023), the ACM flagship conference in theoretical computer science that will be held on June 20-23, 2023 in Orlando, Florida, USA:
- "Kneser graphs are Hamiltonian" by Arturo Merino, Torsten Mütze, and Namrata.
- "A duality between one-way functions and average-case symmetry of information" by Shuichi Hirahara, Rahul Ilango, Zhenjian Lu, Mikito Nanashima, and Igor C. Oliveira.
- "Unprovability of strong complexity lower bounds in bounded arithmetic" by Jiatu Li and Igor C. Oliveira.
- "Sublinear algorithms for (1.5+ϵ)-approximate matching" by Sayan Bhattacharya, Peter Kiss, and Thatchaphol Saranurak.
- "Towards the Erdős-Gallai cycle decomposition conjecture" by Matija Bucic and Richard Montgomery.
Further, there are two more accepted papers autored by Shuichi Hirahara, who was affiliated with the department and the FoCS group during the submission time, in Autumn 2022:
- "Capturing one-way functions via NP-hardness of meta-complexity" by Shuichi Hirahara.
- "Hardness self-amplification: Simplified, optimized, and unified" by Shuichi Hirahara and Nobutaka Shimizu.