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Computer Science News

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DCS Holds Alumni Reunion Event

The DCS hosted CS-ARC on the 22nd of March, with over 70 alumni coming to campus to reminisce and share their stories.

Tue 09 Apr 2024, 09:27 | Tags: People Highlight Outreach Alumni

Digitally Empowering Young People: The Podcast

“Digitally Empowering Young People: The Podcast” is a ground-breaking podcast series hosted by Dr. Roxanne BibizadehLink opens in a new window.

In this inaugural series, we delve into the pressing issue of technology-assisted child sexual abuse material, focusing particularly on the misleading term “self-generated”, which problematically places the blame on the victim. Through this series, we aim to raise awareness and spark vital conversations among educators, parents/carers, law enforcement agencies and professionals working with young people.

Each episode features a distinguished expert voice, offering invaluable insights and perspectives on this critical issue. Contributors include esteemed organisations such as the Internet Watch Foundation, Marie Collins Foundation, National Policing Vulnerable Knowledge and Practice Programme, Parent Zone, Kent County Council, and Voice Box.

Our final episode is created especially for young people, providing them with essential information and resources to navigate the digital landscape safely and responsibly.

To listen to our podcast series, visit us on Spotify: opens in a new window

For more information about this project and to stay updated on our latest initiatives, please visit our website: www.deyp.orgLink opens in a new window

We’re proud to announce that this project is funded by the ESRC IAA.

Dr. Fanghui Liu on AAAI-24 New Faculty Highlights

Dr Fanghui Liu was selected as a speaker in AAAI 2024 New Faculty Highlights Program to present his research on machine learning theory as well as theoretical-oriented applications.

Mon 04 Mar 2024, 09:00 | Tags: People Highlight

Latest academic promotions

We are happy to announce four promotions in the department:

Many congratulations to our colleagues for all their achievements!

An Easy-Sounding Problem Yields Numbers Too Big for Our Universe

On this recent article in the Quanta magazine, Alex Dixon, who wrote in Haskell the first solver for the problem, commented:

For the past 50 years, Vector Addition Systems—a simple but powerful computational model—have been a topic of great interest in theoretical CS. The reachability problem in that model asks whether we can get from some configuration to another.

The problem sounds relatively easy on a first glance, and an exponential lower bound held firm for over 40 years. Work by excellent theoreticians, including familiar names from Warwick DCS, finally closed the difficulty of the problem in 2021, concluding that it is very, very difficult indeed.

Wed 06 Dec 2023, 16:35 | Tags: People Research Outreach Theory and Foundations

Paris Giampouras joins the department as an Assistant Professor

We are happy to announce that Dr Paris Giampouras has joined the Department of Computer Science as an Assistant Professor. Originally from Greece, he has relocated to Warwick from Baltimore, where he spent four years working as a Postdoctoral Fellow and later as a Research Faculty member at the Mathematical Institute for Data Science at Johns Hopkins University. His expertise lies in machine learning theory and its applications in image processing and computer vision. More specifically, his research has focused on exploring parsimonious representations to address various inverse problems and adversarial robustness.

Currently, he is focusing on two main areas: a) leveraging structured representation in Generative AI applications, and b) developing algorithms that enable continual learning of various tasks for deep learning systems. His goal is to contribute to the foundational understanding of AI algorithms, with a focus on robustness, applications of AI in medicine, and climate change.

We welcome him to the department!

Two New Assistant Professors

We are happy to announce that Dr Fanghui Liu and Dr Debmalya Mandal have joined the Department of Computer Science as Assistant Professors.

Fanghui finished his PhD degree at Institute of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2019. Then he gained the research experience in Europe as a postdoc researcher, at ESAT-STADIUS, KU Leuven from 2019 to 2021 and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland from 2021 to 2023, respectively. His research interests include machine learning, statistical learning theory as well as applications in trustworthy machine learning systems.

Debmalya completed his Master’s degree in Computer Science and Automation from Indian Institute of Science, and his PhD in Computer Science from Harvard University, where he was also part of the EconCS group. He then gained experience as a postdoctoral researcher at the Data Science Institute of Columbia University, and at the Max Planck Institute of Software Systems. He is broadly interested in the theoretical foundations of AI/ML systems and often incorporate tools from computational social choice, game theory, and machine learning theory in his research. He is currently working on fairness in machine learning, reinforcement learning, and the exciting problem of AI alignment.

We welcome them both to the department!

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