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  • Zubiaga A., Liakata M., Procter R., Bontcheva K. and Tolmie P. (2015). Towards detecting rumours in social media. To appear in Proceedings of AI in cities, Workshop of AAAI-2015.


  • Richard Townsend, Aaron Kalair, Ojas Kulkarni, Rob Procter and Maria Liakata. (2014). SENTIADAPTRON - A Domain Adaptable Sentiment Analyser for Tweets - Meets SemEval. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2014). Dublin, Ireland.
  • Gkotsis George, Stepanyan Karen, Carlos Pedrinaci, John Domingue and Maria Liakata. (2014). It’s all in the content: State of the art Best Answer Prediction based on Discretisation of Shallow Linguistic Features. Proceedings of the ACM Web Science 2014 Conference.


  • Ravenscroft J., Liakata M., Clare A. (2013). Partridge: An effective system for the automatic classification
    of the types of academic papers. In the Proceedings of AI-2013 conference, Cambridge, UK. (Runner-up best
  • Liakata M., Dobnik S., Saha S., Batchelor Colin and Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann. (2013). A discourse driven
    content model for summarising scientific articles evaluated in a complex question answering task. In
    the Proceedings of EMNLP 2013 conference. Seattle, USA.
  • Richard D Boyce, John R Horn, Oktie Hassanzadeh, Anita de Waard, Jodi Schneider, Joanne S Luciano, Majid Rastegar-Mojarad, Maria Liakata. (2013). Dynamic enhancement of drug product labels to support drug safety, efficacy, and effectiveness. Journal of Biomedical Semantics 4:1.
  • Chen Li, Maria Liakata, Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann. (2013). Biological network extraction from scientific literature: state of the art and challenges. Briefings in Bioinformatics.


  • Liakata Maria, Saha Shyamasree, Dobnik Simon and Batchelor Colin and Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann. (2012). Automatic recognition of conceptualization zones in scientific articles and two life science applications. Bioinformatics 2012 28: 991-1000
  • Liakata Maria, Jee-Hyub Kim, Shyamasree Saha, Janna Hastings, and Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann.(2012). Three Hybrid Classifiers for the Detection of Emotions in Suicide Notes. Biomedical Informatics Insights 2012:5 (Suppl. 1) 175-184
  • Maria Liakata, Paul Thompson, Anita de Waard, Raheel Nawaz and Sophia Ananiadou. (2012). Comparing three models of scientific discourse annotation for enhanced knowledge extraction.
    (Accepted at ACL Workshop on Detecting Structure in Scholarly Discourse -DSSD 2012)


  • Guo Y., Korhonen A., Liakata M., Silins I., Hogberg J. and Stenius U. (2011). A comparison and
    user-based evaluation of models of textual information structure in the context of cancer risk assessment.
    In BMC Bioinformatics 2011 12:69
  • King RD, Liakata M, Lu C, Oliver SG, Soldatova LN. 2011. On the formalization and reuse of scientific
    research. J R Soc Interface.
  • Amanda Clare, Samuel Croset, Christoph Grabmueller, Senay Kafkas, Maria Liakata, Anika Oellrich,
    Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann. Exploring the Generation and Integration of Publishable Scientic
    Facts Using the Concept of Nano-publications. 1st International Workshop on Semantic Publication
    (SePublica 2011).


  • Scott IM, Vermeer CP, Liakata M, Corol DI, Ward JL, Lin W, Johnson HE, Whitehead L, Kular B,
    Baker JM, Walsh S, Dave A, Larson TR, Graham IA, Wang TL, King RD, Draper J, Beale MH. Enhancement
    of plant metabolite fingerprinting by machine learning. (2010). Plant Physiol. 2010
    Aug;153(4):1506-20. Epub 2010 Jun 21.
  • Liakata M. Zones of conceptualisation in scientific papers: a window to negative and speculative
    statements. (2010). Workshop in Negation and Speculation in Natural language Processing (NeSp-NLP
    2010). July 2010.
  • Liakata M., Teufel S., Siddharthan A., Batchelor C.. Corpora for conceptualisation and zoning of
    scientific papers. 2010. In Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources
    and Evaluation (LREC10), May 2010.
  • Yufan Guo, Anna Korhonen, Maria Liakata, Ilona Silins, Lin Sun and Ulla Stenius. (2010). Identifying the Information Structure of Scientific Abstracts: An Investigation of Three Different Schemes. In Proceedings of Bio-NLP 2010. Uppsala, Sweden
  • Sparkes, A., Aubrey, W., Byrne, E., Clare, A., Khan, M. N., Liakata, M., Markham, M., Rowland, J.,
    Soldatova, L. N., Whelan, K. E., Young, M. and King, R. D. (2010) Towards Robot Scientists for
    autonomous scientific discovery. Automated Experimentation 2010, 2:1 doi:10.1186/1759-4499-2-1
  • Sparkes, A., King, R. D., Aubrey, W., Benway, M., Byrne, E., Clare, A., Liakata, M., Markham, M.,
    Whelan, K. E., Young, M., Rowland, J. (2010) An Integrated Laboratory Robotic System for
    Autonomous Discovery of Gene Function, JALA 15(1) pages 33-40.


  • King, R. D., Rowland, J., Aubrey, W., Liakata, M., Markham, M., Soldatova, L. N., Whelan, K. E.,
    Clare, A., Young, M., Sparkes, A., Oliver, S. G., Pir, P. (2009) The Robot Scientist Adam, IEEE
    Computer, vol. 42, no. 8, pp. 46-54, August, doi:10.1109/MC.2009.270
  • King, R. D., Rowland, J., Oliver, S. G., Young, M., Aubrey, W., Byrne, E., Liakata, M., Markham,
    M., Pir, P., Soldatova, L. N., Sparkes, A., Whelan, K. E., Clare, A. (2009) The Automation of Science.
    Science 324(5923):85-89, 3rd April 2009.
  • Liakata M., Claire Q and Soldatova L. N. (2009) Semantic Annotation of Papers: Interface and Enrichment
    Tool (SAPIENT). Proceedings of BioNLP 2009, Boulder, Colorado, 193—200
  • Liakata Maria and Soldatova L. (2009). The ART corpus.


  • Liakata M., Pulman S. (2008). Automatic fine grained semantic classification for domain adaptation.
    Semantics in Text Processing. STEP 2008 Conference Proceedings, eds Bos, J. and Delmonte,
    R. College Publications, Research in Computational Semantics
  • Liakata Maria (2008). Inducing Domain Theories. VDM Verlag, Saarbruecken, Germany, ISBN
    978-3639 01412. 283 pages.
  • Liakata M. and Soldatova, L. (2008) Guidelines for the annotation of General Scientific Concepts.
    JISC Project Report.


  • Soldatova L. and Liakata M. (2007). An ontology methodology and CISP - the proposed Core Information
    about Scientific Papers. JISC Project Report. http://ie-repositor, 2007.
  • Soldatova L., Batchelor C., Liakata M., Fielding H., Lewis S. and King R. (2007). ART: An ontology
    based tool for the translation of papers into Semantic Web format. Proceedings of the
    SIG/ISMB07 ontology workshop.


  • Dalrymple M., Liakata M. and Mackie L. (2006). Tokenization and Morphological Analysis for
    Malagasy. International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing


  • Dalrymple M., Liakata M. and Mackie L. (2005). A two level morphology of Malagasy. In the proceedings
    of the 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation.
    (PACLIC). Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Liakata Maria and Pulman Stephen (2005). Using ILP to learn a domain theory in the form of a
    FSA. Learning Language in Logic 2005, Workshop of the International Conference on Machine
    Learning (ICML), Bonn, Germany.


  • Liakata Maria and Pulman Stephen (2004). Learning theories from text. In the Proceedings for the
    20th International Conference for Computational Linguistics (COLING). Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Liakata Maria (2004). Inducing Domain Theories. D.Phil. thesis, University of Oxford.


  • Pulman Stephen and Liakata Maria (2003). Learning Domain Theories. Chapter in RANLP 2003
    volume in CILT series (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory). John Benjamins Publishers, Amsterdam.
  • Deriving a domain theory for disambiguation purposes. In the Oxford University Working Papers in
    Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics. Vol 8.


  • Liakata Maria and Pulman Stephen (2002). From Trees to Predicate-Argument Structures. In the
    proceedings for the International Conference for Computational Linguistics (COLING). Taipei,


  • Liakata Maria. (2001). Pronoun Resolution using syntactic information and an induced inference
    mechanism. In the Proceedings of the 4th Annual Computational Linguistics U.K. (CLUK) Colloquium.
    Sheffield. 9-17.


  • Boutsis S., Demiros I., Giouli V., Liakata M., Papageorgiou H. and Piperidis S. 2000. Named Entity
    Recognition in Greek Texts. In the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference in Language Resources
    and Evaluation (LREC 2000). Athens, Greece.
  • Boutsis S., Demiros I., Giouli V., Liakata M., Papageorgiou H. and Piperidis S. (2000). A System
    for Recognition of Named Entities in Greek. In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings
    of the 2nd International Conference in Natural Language Processing-NLP 2000, D.N. Christodoulakis
    (Ed.). Patras Greece. Springer. 424-436.