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Abdullah Al Hajri

About Me

I'm a PhD graduate from the Department of Computer Science, the University of Warwick. I obtained my PhD degree in Computer science in 2023 from University of Warwick. My research interests reside on Concurrency Control Algorithms and Database Security.

Research Topic

Security of Database Systems

With the rise of IoT and 5G networks, the occurrence of simultaneous transactions that target the same data object is high, and so the possibility of anomalies. This requires action to ensure that using different isolation modes by concurrent transactions should not affect the database consistency. Therefore, we try to propose an extension of the Mixed Systems Theory, which deals with concurrent transactions that use different isolation modes (levels). The extension covers most possible scenarios where any anomaly caused by using different isolation levels may affect database consistency.

We are also interested in the issue that could occur when an attacker gains high privileges over a database, giving them the ability to observe the interactions of concurrent transactions to sabotage the database consistency and reliability.

The research is supervised by Prof. Arshad Jhumka.


  • Abdullah AlHajri, Arshad Jhumka and Richard Kirk. OCC2T: An Early-Read Dual-Track OCC Algorithm For Mixed Mode Systems. ACM SAC 2023 (Track DBDM - Databases and Big Data Management, with Information Systems).
  • Abdullah AlHajri and Arshad Jhumka. Addressing a Malicious Tampering Attack on the Default Isolation Level in DBMS. In 2023 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom) (pp. 2660-2667).
  • A. Abdullah, A. Zuhoor, N. Kraiem and Y. A. Jamoussi, "Enhanced eGovernment integration framework for higher interoperability in eGovernment initiatives," 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), Kannur, 2017, pp. 1322-1329, doi: 10.1109/ICICICT1.2017.8342761.


BEST PAPER AWARD: OCC2T: An Early-Read Dual-Track OCC Algorithm For Mixed Mode Systems. ACM SAC 2023 (Track DBDM - Databases and Big Data Management, with Information Systems).


Sports (football and swimming), Reading & Widening my friendship network.

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Abdullah AlHajri
