Xiaoman Lu
About Me
I am a first-year PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick, under the supervision of Dr. Yu GuanLink opens in a new window. I am a member of Ubiquitous & Visual Computing Lab (UVLab)Link opens in a new window.
You can also find my personal webpage hereLink opens in a new window.
Research Interest
My research area is DeepFake Detection, the aim is to tackle the growing challenges posed by DeepFakes by developing innovative detection methods that emphasize robustness, generalization, and fairness of detection.
Link to Google scholarLink opens in a new window page.
- The University of Warwick ( 2024.10 - present )
- Ph.D. student in Computer Science
Northeastern University, China ( 2020.09 - 2024.06 )
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, graduated with distinction (first-class honors)
For academic year 2024/2025, I worked as a teaching assistant for the following modules:
Xiaoman Lu
Room: MB4.20