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Publication List


  • X. Xu and W. Yu. I-CoSim: Efficient Dynamic CoSimRank Retrieval on Evolving Networks. WWW, 2024, Singapore.
  • M. Zhang, and W. Yu. P-Rank+: A Scalable Efficient P-Rank Search Algorithm. ACM CIKM, 2024, Boise, Idaho, USA.
  • L. Yan, and W. Yu. Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Link Prediction: Preserving Row and Column Spaces. IEEE ICDM, 2024.
  • X. Liu, and W. Yu. MREGDN: Multi-Relation Enhanced Graph Disentangled Network for Semi-supervised Node Classification. Expert Systems with Applications. 251 (2024): 123973.
  • M. Zhang, and W. Yu. CSR+: A Scalable Efficient CoSimRank Search Algorithm with Multi-Source Queries on Massive Graphs. ACM EDBT, 2024. Paestum, Italy
  • R. Zhang, and W. Yu. GSim+: Efficient Retrieval of Node-to-Node Similarity Across Two Graphs at Billion Scale. ACM EDBT, 2024. Paestum, Italy


  • J. Ouyang, M. Yu, W. Yu, Z. Qin, A. Regan, D. Wu, TPGraph: A Spatial-Temporal Graph Learning Framework for Accurate Traffic Prediction on Arterial Roads, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023.
  • X Li, H Deng, J Ouyang, H Wan, W Yu, D Wu. Act as What You Think: Towards Personalized EEG Interaction through Attentional and Embedded LSTM Learning. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 2023
  • X. Liu, and W. Yu. Individuality-Enhanced and Multi-Granularity Consistency-Preserving Graph Neural Network for Semi-Supervised Node Classification. Applied Intelligence (APIN, Impact 5.3). 2023
  • L. Yan, and W. Yu. SimSky: An Accuracy-Aware Algorithm for Single-Source SimRank Search. ECML PKDD, 2023. Turin, Italy.
  • D. Hua, Y. Ren, X. Wang, Q. Li, and W. Yu. Event-triggered H∞ asynchronous control for 2-D switched system in FMLSS model. Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing (CSSP). 2024


  • X. Ren, L. Shi, W. Yu, S. Yang, C. Zhao, and Z. Xu. LDP-IDS: Local Differential Privacy for Infinite Data Stream. In Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Management of Data (ACM SIGMOD '22), Philadelphia, PA, USA, pp.1064-1077, 2022.
  • W. Yu, J. McCann, C. Zhang, and H. Ferhatosmanoglu. Scaling High-Quality Pairwise Link-Based Similarity Retrieval on Billion-Edge Graphs. ACM Transactions on Information System (ACM TOIS). 40(4): 1–45, 2022
  • W. Yu, J. Yang, M. Zhang, and D. Wu. CoSimHeat: An Effective Heat Kernel Similarity Measure Based on Billion-Scale Network Topology. The Web Conference (WWW '22). pp.234-245, 2022.
  • D. Wu, Z. Zeng, F. Shi, W. Yu, T. Wu, Q. Liu, Human as a Service: Towards Resilient Parking Search System with SensorlessSensing, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE TITS), 23(8): 13863-13877, 2022
  • W. Yu, S. Iranmanesh, X. Hong, J. Xu. RoleSim+: A Fast Algorithm for RoleSim Similarity Search. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (ACM EDBT’22). Edinburgh, UK, pp.398-402, 2022
  • W. Yu, S. Iranmanesh, A. Haldar, M. Zhang, and H. Ferhatosmanoglu. RoleSim*: Scaling Axiomatic Role-Based Similarity Ranking on Large Graphs. World Wide Web (WWWJ) 25(2): 785-829 (2022)
  • R. Xue, W. Yu, and H. Wang. An Indexable Time Series Dimensionality Reduction Method for Maximum Deviation Reduction and Similarity Search. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (ACM EDBT’22). Edinburgh, UK, pp. 183–195, 2022
  • P. Bezerra, P. Chen, J. McCann, and W. Yu. Adaptive Monitor Placement for Near Real-time Node Failure Localisation in Wireless Sensor Networks. ACM Trans. Sens. Networks, (ACM TOSN), 18(1): 2:1-2:41 (2022)
  • L. Zhu, J. Song, Z. Yang, W. Huang, C. Zhang, and W. Yu. DAP2CMH: Deep Adversarial Privacy-Preserving Cross-Modal Hashing. Neural Process. Lett. 54(4): 2549-2569 (2022)


  • D. Wu, H. Xu, Z. Jiang, W. Yu, X. Wei, J. Lu. EdgeLSTM: Towards Deep and Sequential Edge Computing for IoT Applications. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (IEEE/ACM TON). 29(4): 1895-1908 (2021)
  • J. Song, Y. Lin, J. Song, W. Yu, L. Zhang, TDCMR: Triplet-based deep cross-modal retrieval for geo-multimedia data. Applied Sciences, 11(22), 10803, 2021


  • D. Wu, Z. Jiang, X. Xie, X. Wei, W. Yu, R. Li. LSTM Learning With Bayesian and Gaussian Processing for Anomaly Detection in Industrial IoT. IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics (IEEE. TII) 16(8): 5244-5253 (2020)
  • L. Zhu, J. Song, W. Yu, C. Zhang, H. Yu, Z. Zhang. Reverse Spatial Visual Top-k Query. IEEE Access, 8: 21770-21787 (2020)
  • D. Hua, W. Wang, W. Yu, and J. Yao. Dissipative Control of 2-D Switched Discrete System Via Dwell-Time-Dependent Approach. Circuits Syst. Signal Process. 39(11): 5475-5500 (2020)
  • W. Yu, S. Iranmanesh, A. Haldar, M. Zhang, and H. Ferhatosmanoglu. An Axiomatic Role Similarity Measure Based on Graph Topology. LSGDA @ VLDB 2020: 33-48 (2020)
  • C. Zhang, L. Zhu, S. Shang, and W. Yu. PAC-GAN: An effective pose augmentation scheme for unsupervised cross-view person re-identification. Neurocomputing 387: 22-39 (2020)
  • C. Zhang, L. Zhu, S. Zhang, and W. Yu. TDHPPIR: An Efficient Deep Hashing Based Privacy-Preserving Image Retrieval Method. Neurocomputing 406: 386-398 (2020)


  • W. Yu, X. Lin, W. Zhang, J. Pei, J. McCann. SimRank*: Effective and scalable pairwise similarity search based on graph topology. The VLDB Journal, 28(3), pp. 401-426, 2019
  • W. Yu, J. McCann, C. Zhang. Efficient Pairwise Penetrating-rank Similarity Retrieval. ACM Transactions on Web (ACM TWEB). 13(4): 21:1-21:52 (2019)
  • L. Zhu, W. Yu, C. Zhang, Z. Zhang, F. Huang, and H. Yu. SVS-JOIN: Efficient Spatial Visual Similarity Join for Geo-Multimedia. IEEE Access 7: 158389-158408 (2019)
  • L. Zhu, J. Long, C. Zhang, W. Yu, X. Yuan, L. Sun. An Efficient Approach for Geo-Multimedia Cross-Modal Retrieval. IEEE Access 7: 180571-180589 (2019)
  • D. Hua, W. Wang, W. Yu, and Y. Wang. Finite-region boundedness and stabilization for 2D continuous-discrete systems in Roesser model. IMA J. Math. Control. Inf. 36(3): 1033-1057 (2019)


  • W. Yu, X. Lin, W. Zhang, and J. McCann. Dynamical SimRank Assessment on Time-Varying Networks. The VLDB Journal. 79-104. 2018.
  • W. Yu, and F. Wang. Fast Exact CoSimRank Search on Evolving and Static Graphs. The 27th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW '18). Lyon, France, pp. 599-608, 2018.
  • X. Ren, C. Yu, W. Yu, S. Yang, X. Yang, J. McCann, and P. S. Yu. LoPub: High-Dimensional Crowdsourced Data Publication with Local Differential Privacy. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security (IEEE TIFS), pp. 2151-2166, 2018.
  • C. Zhang, L. Zhu, W. Yu, J. Long, F. Huang, and H. Zhao. Efficient Top K Temporal Spatial Keyword Search. PAKDD'18, 2018: 80-92


  • W. Yu, and J. McCann. Random Walk with Restart over Dynamic Graphs. The 15th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (IEEE ICDM '16). Barcelona, Spain, pp.589-598, 2016.
  • X. Ren, C. Yu, W. Yu, S. Yang, X. Yang, J. McCann. High-Dimensional Crowdsourced Data Distribution Estimation with Local Privacy. CIT 2016: 226-233
  • S. Kartakis, W. Yu, R. Akhavan, J. McCann. Adaptive Edge Analytics for Distributed Networked Control of Water Systems. IoTDI 2016: 72-82


  • W. Yu, and J. McCann. Efficient Partial-Pairs SimRank Search on Large Graphs. The 41st International Conference on Very Large Data Base (VLDB '15). Hawaii, USA, pp. 569-580, 2015.
  • W. Yu, X. Lin, W. Zhang, and J. McCann. Fast All-Pairs SimRank Assessment on Large Graphs and Bipartite Domains. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE), 27(7): 1810-1823, 2014.
  • W. Yu, and J. McCann. Co-Simmate: Quick Retrieving All Pairwise Co-Simrank Scores. The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. (ACL '15). Beijing, China, pp. 327-334, 2015.
  • W. Yu, and J. McCann. High-Quality Graph-Based Similarity Search. The 38th ACM SIGIR International Conference (ACM SIGIR '15). Santiago, Chile, pp. 83-93, 2015.
  • W. Yu, and J. McCann. Gauging Correct Relative Rankings For Similarity Search. ACM CIKM 2015: 1791-1794


  • W. Yu, X. Lin, and W. Zhang. Fast Incremental SimRank on Link-Evolving Graphs. The 30th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (IEEE ICDE '14), Chicago, USA, pp. 304-315, 2014.
  • W. Yu, and J. McCann. Sig-SR: SimRank Search over Singular Graphs.The 37th ACM SIGIR International Conference (ACM SIGIR '14), Brisbane, Australia, 2014
  • B. Lv, W. Yu, L. Wang, J. McCann. Efficient Processing Node Proximity via Random Walk with Restart. APWeb 2014: 542-549


  • W. Yu, X. Lin, and W. Zhang. Towards Efficient SimRank Computation on Large Networks. The 29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (IEEE ICDE '13), Brisbane, Australia, pp. 601-612, 2013.
  • W. Yu, X. Lin, W. Zhang, L. Chang, and J Pei. More is Simpler: Effectively and Efficiently Assessing Node-Pair Similarities Based on Hyperlinks. The 40th International Conference on Very Large Data Base (VLDB '13), Hangzhou, China, pp. 13-24, 2013.
  • W. Yu, and X. Lin. IRWR: Incremental Random Walk with Restart. The 36th ACM SIGIR International Conference (ACM SIGIR '13), Dublin, Ireland, 2013.

Before 2013

  • W. Yu, X. Lin, W. Zhang, Y. Zhang, and J. Le. SimFusion+: Extending SimFusion Towards Efficient Estimation on Large and Dynamic Networks. The 35th ACM SIGIR International Conference (ACM SIGIR '12), Portland, USA, pp. 365-374, 2012
  • W. Yu, W. Zhang, X. Lin, Q. Zhang, and J. Le. A space and time-efficient algorithm for SimRank computation. World Wide Web (WWW) 15(3): 327-353 (2012)
  • W. Yu, J. Le, X. Lin, W. Zhang. On the Efficiency of Estimating Penetrating Rank on Large Graphs. SSDBM 2012: 231-249.
  • X. Li, W. Yu, B. Yang, and J. Le. ASAP: Towards Accurate, Stable and Accelerative Penetrating-Rank Estimation on Large Graphs. WAIM 2011: 415-429, 2010
  • W. Yu, X. Lin, and J. Le. A Space and Time Efficient Algorithm for SimRank Computation. APWeb 2010: 164-170
  • W. Yu, X. Lin, and J. Le. Taming Computational Complexity: Efficient and Parallel SimRank Optimizations on Undirected Graphs. WAIM 2010: 280-296