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Combating oral cancer in Pakistan

Oral cancer is Pakistan’s most prevalent cancer, likely caused by the widespread use of smokeless tobacco, and poor oral hygiene. Researchers at the University of Warwick, led by Professor Nasir Rajpoot, in collaboration with University Hospitals Coventry, Warwickshire NHS Trust and a cancer hospital in Pakistan, are using EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account funding to develop a new and revolutionary digital pathology system to analyse image data for cancerous samples, leading to better diagnosis and treatment.

This news item first appeared in EPSRC Pioneer:

Tue 15 Aug 2017, 13:22 | Tags: People Research

BBSRC funding success for Till Bretschneider

Prof Till Bretschneider has been successful with a £0.5M BBSRC grant application ‘Reconstructing cell surface dynamics from lightsheet microscopy data’ and will work with a team at MRC LMB Cambridge (Dr Rob Kay) and the Warwick Medical School (Prof Andrew McAinsh and Dr Karuna Sampath) on this research from October 2017. They will develop new image-based computational modelling tools to investigate the biochemical regulation and physical forces that shape the cell membrane during cell motility and uptake of fluid. Both are important processes in embryonic development, tumour metastasis, and the immune response. The work will benefit from state of the art microscopy in Warwick’s Advanced Bioimaging Research Technology Platform that allows to acquire time series of 3D scans of single cells at high spatial and temporal resolution.

Tue 11 Jul 2017, 13:37 | Tags: People Grants Research Faculty of Science

Ranko Lazic appointed Leverhulme Research Fellow

The Leverhulme TrustDr Ranko Lazic has been awarded a Leverhulme Research Fellowship for the 2017/18 academic year, to work on the Petri nets reachability conjecture.

Petri nets, also known as vector addition systems, are one of the most prominent models of concurrency, and their study is a vibrant research area. They have been used to discover bugs and eliminate vulnerabilities in network protocols, concurrent software, business processes, hardware circuits, and control systems.

Professor Artur Czumaj, head of the Foundations of Computer Science research group, has commented:

This prestigious fellowship will further strengthen the internationally leading research in theoretical computer science at Warwick, which recently has been also greatly boosted by the new permanent appointments of Dr Sayan Bhattacharya and Dr Dmitry Chistikov.

Tue 28 Mar 2017, 17:19 | Tags: People Grants Highlight Research Faculty of Science

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