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Andrzej Murawski joins the Department as a new Associate Professor

Andrzej Murawski

Andrzej Murawski joined the Department in January 2013 as an Associate Professor. His doctoral degree is from the University of Oxford, where he was also a Junior Research Fellow (St John's College) and subsequently an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow. Before coming to Warwick he held a Lectureship at the University of Leicester.

Andrzej's research concerns the semantics of programming languages and its applications to program verification. In particular, he has extensive expertise in modelling logical systems and programming languages using games, an area known as game semantics.

Andrzej has served on program committees of international conferences such as FOSSACS, ICALP, LICS and POPL. He is a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College and Publicity Chair of LICS. His research has been supported by EPSRC, LMS and the Royal Society.

Andrzej teaches CS245 Automata and Formal Languages and CS246 Further Automata and Formal Languages in Term II.

For more information about Andrzej’s research please see his web page at

Thu 07 Feb 2013, 15:03 | Tags: People

DCS Alumni in JavaOne prize-winning team

James Gough (L) and Richard Warburton (R) at JavaOne

Two alumni form Warwick -James Gough (MEng) and Richard Warburton (MEng, PhD) were part of the London Java Community (LJC) team at the prestigious JavaOne 2012 Conference in San Fransisco. The LJC won two awards, the JCP Award and the Duke's Choice award. Both were given in recognition of the work of LJC on two projects: Adopt-a-JSR and Adopt-OpenJDK. Both projects are concerned with increasing the input of User Communities in the development of the Java language, and the prizes are a recognition of the increasing role of well-organized communities such as LJC in driving forward developments in the language.

James's blog entry provides more information on the event. Both James and Richard have taken advantage of their experience as students at Warwick and are actively involved in building a software develoment community in London. Congratulations to the LJC team!


Tue 27 Nov 2012, 15:54 | Tags: People

New scientists appointed for cities research using New York as ‘living lab’

Dr Liakata and Dr Guo

Two researchers have joined the University of Warwick to tackle the challenges faced by cities in the 21st century as part of the New York-based Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP).

The University of Warwick is a member of a consortium, led by New York University, which is building a new applied science research institute in New York in response to a call issued by the city’s mayor Michael Bloomberg.

The University has now welcomed the first of a number of new academic staff to be appointed to work at CUSP, Dr Maria Liakata and Dr Weisi Guo.

More information is available in the press release

Tue 13 Nov 2012, 17:24 | Tags: People Research

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