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Applied Computing News

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Dr Mike Joy given award for best personal tutor

Dr Mike Joy has been awarded 'Best Personal Tutor' in the STARS of Warwick awards. The student-led teaching awards recognise and celebrate staff members who have gone the extra mile for the benefit of students.

The Awards were launched in 2012 and are run by students, nominated by students and judged by students. From choosing categories to nominating and presenting awards, STARS is a completely student-led scheme giving students the chance to reward staff they feel have gone above and beyond for the sake of their students.

Full list of winners.

Tue 19 Mar 2013, 11:11 | Tags: People Undergraduate

Warwick Computer Science Graduates Enjoy Top Employment Prospects


Recent results on the official Unistats website show that of those Computer Science graduates from Warwick who have gained employment within 6 months following graduation, 100% are employed in professional or mangerial roles.

The Department of Computer Science at Warwick is in the top tier of computer science departments with respect to graduate employability. Known for its strong links with industry leaders in the technology, finance and consultancy sectors, the department is actively targeted by a range of top graduate employers, many of whom are involved with ongoing teaching and research activites at Warwick.

Sat 16 Mar 2013, 23:45 | Tags: Undergraduate

Students learning about Algorithmic Trading

Algorithmic Trading winners

Barclays Capital has sponsored a programming competition amongst our students, to help them learn about the intricacies of investment banking and the complexities of the software behind large, fast, and highly critical transactions underlying currency trading. The remit was to develop programs that emulated the real processing behind quantitative analytics, and create optimal trades by processing large, complex data.

Four students (Ruth, Kim, David and Donatas, pictured above) were awarded prizes both in cash as well an opportunity to attend the next Grace Hopper Conference for Women in Computing. Moreover, participants in the competition reported that they appreciated the chance to get a detailed look at the complex computing behind investment banking.

The Department is grateful to Barclays Capital for providing this opportunity.

Tue 12 Feb 2013, 18:05 | Tags: Undergraduate

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