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Applied Computing News

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Open Days Autumn Term 2011

We welcomed over 200 visitors to the Department at the Open Day at Warwick on 24th September. There was a full programme of talks, demonstrations and displays with staff, students and alumni also participating. The next University Open Day is on Saturday 12th May 2012. For further details of that, and of Warwick Visits and Campus Tours this term, see

There is also a Virtual Tour linked from that page. If you are making a Warwick Visit, or an independent visit, and give us advance notice, we shall try and arrange for someone to show you around the Department and have a chat. We can usually do this on a Wednesday or a Friday in the afternoon, but also other times are possible. Please contact Gillian Reeves-Brown on 02476 523193 to make arrangements.

Fri 09 Sep 2011, 14:45 | Tags: Undergraduate

Summer Degree Ceremony

Summer Degree Ceremony 2011

Computer Science students were presented with their degrees today in Butterworth Hall in the Arts Centre which was preceded by a graduate reception within the department.

Summer Degree Ceremony 2011 Summer Degree Ceremony 2011 Summer Degree Ceremony 2011 Summer Degree Ceremony 2011 Summer Degree Ceremony 2011

Wed 20 Jul 2011, 18:29 | Tags: People Undergraduate

Congratulations to our Graduates

Graduation June 2011

Last Tuesday, students studying Computer Science received their results. The Head of Department, Prof. Artur Czumaj, congratulated all CS students on their achievements and handed out departmental prizes. Dr. Irene Glendinning handed out BCS prizes for best projects.

The BCS prizes were given to:

Nicolas Townsend - Best Third year BSc Project
James Michael - Best Third year MEng project

The Department prizes were:

David Beckingsale - Best overall graduating BSc student in Computer Science
Stephen Roberts - Best overall graduating MEng student in Computer Science
Christopher Ball - Third-year Project Prize

Graduation June 2011 Graduation June 2011 Graduation June 2011 Graduation June 2011 Graduation June 2011 Graduation June 2011 Graduation June 2011

Tue 28 Jun 2011, 17:31 | Tags: People Undergraduate

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