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Warwick Computer Science tops Russell Group institutions in 2017 National Student Survey

NSS Logo

In the recently released 2017 National Student Survey results, Warwick Computer Science ranked 2nd of the 104 computing departments in the UK, with an overall student satisfaction rate of 96%. Among Russell Group competitor institutions (an elite group of teaching and research universities in the UK), Computer Science at Warwick is ranked 1st for overall student satisfaction.

The National Student Survey (NSS) canvasses student satisfaction across all departments at all UK universities and remains the biggest survey of student satisfaction in the UK. Students are asked to respond on topics including teaching quality, learning opportunities, academic support, and organisation and management.

Among Russell Group institutions, Computer Science at Warwick ranked top in almost all major categories*:

  • 1st for overall student satisfaction
  • 1st for teaching quality
  • 1st for learning opportunities
  • 1st for assessment and feedback
  • 1st for academic support
  • 1st for learning resources
  • 1st for learning community
  • 1st for organisation and management

Throughout this summer investment continues in new teaching and laboratory facilities, with Warwick’s new interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences building (for the Departments of Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics) opening in 2018.


*These figures are based on the Russell Group institutions for which there is publishable data for the subject of Computer Science in 2017.

Tue 15 Aug 2017, 14:49 | Tags: Undergraduate Highlight

Ranko Lazic appointed Leverhulme Research Fellow

The Leverhulme TrustDr Ranko Lazic has been awarded a Leverhulme Research Fellowship for the 2017/18 academic year, to work on the Petri nets reachability conjecture.

Petri nets, also known as vector addition systems, are one of the most prominent models of concurrency, and their study is a vibrant research area. They have been used to discover bugs and eliminate vulnerabilities in network protocols, concurrent software, business processes, hardware circuits, and control systems.

Professor Artur Czumaj, head of the Foundations of Computer Science research group, has commented:

This prestigious fellowship will further strengthen the internationally leading research in theoretical computer science at Warwick, which recently has been also greatly boosted by the new permanent appointments of Dr Sayan Bhattacharya and Dr Dmitry Chistikov.

Tue 28 Mar 2017, 17:19 | Tags: People Grants Highlight Research Faculty of Science

Graham Cormode awarded 2017 Adams Prize

Professor Graham Cormode has been awarded the 2017 Adams Prize by the Cambridge Faculty of Mathematics. The award recognizes his work on "Statistical Analysis of Big Data", and is awarded jointly with Professor Richard Samworth of Cambridge. Professor Cormode says,

My work, in common with Prof Samworth's, is about finding mathematical representations of data that allow useful information to be extracted effectively and accurately. These techniques allow ever larger quantities of data to be handled on ordinary computers.

Professor Cormode's work on "data sketches" has been used in companies such as Netflix, Yahoo, Twitter, Google, AT&T and Sprint. He is currently leading Warwick's involvement in the Alan Turing Institute at London, and working on questions to do with verification of machine learning, and privacy.

Sun 26 Mar 2017, 22:41 | Tags: People Highlight Research

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