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Celebrating the Life and Work of Alan Turing - 20th June 2012

Alan Turing

The Department of Computer Science is proud to present a day of talks celebrating the life and work of Alan Turing, a pioneer in mathematics and the founding father of Computer Science. The day, which marks the centenary of Turing’s birth, will feature lectures from leading academics on Turing’s contributions and their enduring relevance to a broad range of scientific disciplines.

The event is open to all, and attendance from undergraduate and postgraduate students is warmly welcomed. There will be a series of talks on the life and work of Turning, the chance to chat over coffee and buffet lunch.

For more information on the celebration go to

Thu 07 Jun 2012, 09:45 | Tags: Seminars Conferences Undergraduate Highlight Research

Warwick Named Europe's Best University Under 50 Years Old

The University of Warwick has been named the best university in Europe and number three in the world in The QS Top 50 under 50 league table.

The University, which will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2015, was featured on the QS Top 50 under 50 rankings of the new generation of elite young global institutions.

The top two global institutions were both in Hong Kong - the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Full results of QS Top 50 under 50 are available here.

Thu 31 May 2012, 23:14 | Tags: Undergraduate Highlight Research

Local Industry to be Boosted by £3.5m Supercomputing Hub

A £3.5 million supercomputing hub is set to power growth and innovation in the Midlands and London by opening up its vast number-crunching power to local firms.

The University of Warwick is leading a group of four top universities to launch MidPlus, a state-of-the–art high-performance computing centre, to help SMEs and larger firms with the modelling, simulation and analysis needed to design world-leading products and services.

MidPlus will provide extra computing capacity to sectors such as aerospace, automotive, biomedical and advanced materials as well as delivering supercomputing skills to the local workforce.

The investment consists of £2 million from the research funding agency EPSRC and £1.5 million from the four partners – University of Warwick, University of Birmingham, University of Nottingham and Queen Mary, University of London.

The move is linked to a Government drive to increase the UK’s capacity to exploit high-performance computing in optimising process design – a key requirement to boost industries such as advanced manufacturing, scientific research and financial services.

You can get more information, inclduing commentary from its director, on the initiative here.

Thu 31 May 2012, 23:12 | Tags: Highlight Research

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