Project Introduction
Mathematical logic develops the kind of thinking that is needed by the future planners of technical devices in order to have end-user friendly, logical technical applications. The skills developed by learning and understanding mathematical logic are a foundation to support both specific skills such as computer programming and more general planning and development skills. These are needed in several disciplines, including engineering, physics and medical science. The skills developed are important for creative and innovative problem solving, and helps create a skilled future work force for a competitive and economically expanding Europe. We therefore need to be able to educate students and workers across Europe in mathematical logic skills.
The project hopes to engage with both educational institutions and enterprises in the Finland, Romania and the United Kingdom. We want to engage with business enterprises who perceive that there is a mathematical logic "skills shortage" with their own employees. We want to discover how this manifests itself in the workplace, and investigate how we can design and deploy educational materials that best address these problems.
All learning materials produced will be available English, Finnish, French, German and Romanian.
Project aims
The main aim of the project is to produce sixty pedagogically high quality learning material units to help students and employees develop their knowledge and skills in mathematical logic. The learning material will be targeted at the needs of both the educational and industrial learning environments. This learning material will include ontology data, learning goals, prerequisites and the different scenarios with the learning materials for each. The content will include theory, examples, exercises and exam questions. Once completed, the learning materials will be tested in real learning situations and we hope that both educational institutions and enterprises will participate in these trials.
All the material produced in the project will be placed on-line and be made freely available to all interested European educational institutions and enterprises.
Involvement – what we need from you
To produce the learning material we first need to gather information about mathematical logic in schools, universities and workplaces. We are conducting surveys and interviews to discover what is already taught, how the material is delivered, and the types of problems encountered. An analysis of the results will help us establish what kinds of material we should produce and how effective they will be.
Therefore we would be grateful if you could spend a few minutes completing the attached questionnaire. Some of the questions are multiple choice, while others will ask you to include more detail. Your contribution to the project will help make it a success.