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Mobile Learning Security

Please complete this questionnaire carefully and for any clarification contact me at

Section 1: Mobile Device Security

Q1: Which mobile device do you use as a learning tool? (Tick all that apply)
Q2: Do you have notes, tips or information on how to keep your mobile device safe?
Q3: If yes, where/how do you get the tips or information from? (Tick all that apply)
Q4: Have you had any security awareness tutorial or seminar on keeping mobile device safe before?
Q5: Do you have any security app such as anti-virus installed on your mobile device?
Q6: Due to increasing usefulness of mobile device for learning, do you think it is important to have extra lecture or seminar on mobile device security?

Section 2: M-learning Security App

Q7: Do you understand the use or purpose of the m-learning security enhancement app?
If your answer is no, please contact the undersigned.
Q8: How do you think the enhancement app is useful to you? (Tick all that apply)
Q9: On a scale of 1-5 (1=lowest and 5=highest), rate the m-learning security enhancement app in terms of:
Q10: On a scale of 1-5 (1=lowest and 5=highest), rate each section of m-learning security enhancement app in terms of effectiveness:
Q11: Have you perceived or experienced any security issue on your m-learning device before?
Q12: Does the app addresses the security issue?
Q16: Has your security awareness on m-learning improved due to the use of the app?
Q17: Does this security enhancement app meets your expectation ?
Q18: Do you want to continue using the security enhancement app in future?
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