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Focus Group Survey of Warwick MyPortfolio and Gamification Approach

I am a PhD student and I am interested in user engagement issues in e-learning applications specifically e-portfolios. The purpose of this activity is to get students’ opinion about the existing e-portfolio application and their perceptions of gamification approach (if it is applied) to that e-portfolio application to increase user motivation and engagement. The data I received will be kept confidential and will be stored anonymised. The data will only be seen by myself and my supervisor, Dr. Mike Joy. The Department’s ethical procedure has been followed, and ethical consent has been granted for this questionnaire.

Section 1: Background Information

Degree (required)
Gender (required)

Section 2: Internet Access Evaluation

1. Do you have an Internet access at your accommodation? (required)
2. Do you have an Internet access at your institution? (required)
3. Do you have problem accessing the Internet? (required)
4. Is your Internet connection reliable? (Tick one only) (required)
5. How often do you use the Internet? (Tick one only) (required)
6. How satisfied are you with your current skills using the Internet? (Tick one only) (required)

Section 3: Computer Skills Evaluation

1. What devices do you have?
Tick all that apply
2. How confident do you feel when using a desktop or a laptop? (Tick one only) (required)
3. What devices do you usually use to update your Warwick MyPortfolio?
Tick one only

Section 4: e-Portfolio Experiences

1. Do you know about Warwick MyPortfolio before this? (required)
2. Have you attended any course (module)/ training/ seminar/ workshop about Warwick MyPortfolio before? (required)
3. How long have you been using Warwick MyPortfolio? (Tick one only) (required)
For those who answer "I don't use MyPortfolio" in question number 3, please go to question number 6 in this section onwards

4. How often do you update your Warwick MyPortfolio?
Tick one only
5. Which part of Warwick MyPortfolio do you use most?
Tick one only (required)
6. Why you are not using Warwick MyPortfolio?
Tick all that apply
7. After watching the demo, do you think that Warwick MyPortfolio can help you do your personal development plan (PDP)? (required)
8. What is your level of understanding of Warwick MyPortfolio?
Tick one only (required)
9. From the demo, how easy was Warwick MyPortfolio to you?
Tick one only (required)
10. After watching the demo, what is your level of understanding of the gamified e-portfolio?
Tick one only (required)

Section 5: Student Perceptions of Games Element in Warwick MyPortfolio (if applied in MyPortfolio)

1. In your opinion, which of the following that you would like to be included in MyPortfolio?
Tick all that apply (required)
For the following questions, rate how you think of the games element if it is included in Warwick MyPortfolio by choosing the most suitable the answer
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By clicking the 'Send Form', you agree that the data you provided to be used by the researcher for research purposes activities. The data you provide is used solely to help us understand user perceptions of the e-portfolio applications.

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