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Secure Mobile Learning

My name is Adekunle Shonola. I am a PhD student at The University of Warwick, UK and I am researching on security issues in mobile learning. The purpose of this questionnaire is to explore students’ awareness of secure mobile learning and to get information on it. Please be aware that your participation is voluntary and the data collected will be totally confidential and will be stored in an anonymous manner. Also note that the Department’s ethical rules and procedures have been followed, and ethical consent has been granted for this questionnaire.

Section 1: Personal Information & Demographics

Please complete this questionnaire carefully and for any clarification contact me at

Section 2: Mobile Devices

NOTE: For the purpose of this research work, mobile device includes any of the following; Mobile Phone, Smart Phone, Tablet, eReader and MP3 Player.
Q1: What kind of mobile devices (s) do you have?
Select all that apply
Q2: Which activities do you use your mobile device for?
Select all that apply
Q3: Do you use your mobile device when you are at this place(s)?
Select all that apply
Q4: How often do you download or install apps on your mobile device?
Select one box only

Section 3: Mobile Learning

NOTE: Mobile Learning is the use of mobile devices (e.g. mobile phones, smartphones and tablets) for learning purposes.
Q5: Are you aware that mobile devices are widely used in Colleges/Universities for learning purposes?
Select one box only (required)
Q6: Have you used your mobile device for any of these learning activities?
Select all that apply
Q7: Does having course materials such as slides and lecture notes on your mobile will improve your learning skills?
Select one box only (required)
Q8: On a scale of 1-5 (1=extremely important, 2=moderately important, 3=somewhat important, 4=Slightly important, 5=not at all important), rate how important each of the following activities is to you when using your mobile device for educational purposes ( Please tick one circle on each row)
Q9: Does using your mobile device for learning will improve your performance in your courses?
Select one box only (required)
Q10: Do you want to use or continue to use mobile device for learning on a regular basis?
Select one box only (required)

Section 4: Mobile Learning Security

NOTE:: For the purpose of this research work, Mobile security is safeguarding of mobile device from theft and protection of its contents and data from unauthorised access and manipulation.
Q11: How important is the security of your mobile device to you?
Select one box only (required)
Q12: Has the security of your mobile device been breached before?
Select one box only (required)
If no, go to question 14.
Q13: How was the security of your mobile device breached?
Select all that apply
Q14: What are the security concerns students may have when using mobile devices for learning?
Select all that apply (required)
Q15: What are the security concerns lecturers may have when using mobile devices for teaching?
Select all that apply (required)
Q16: What do you think are the damaging effect(s) of mobile learning security threats to the students?
Select all that apply (required)
Q17: What do you think are the damaging effect(s) of mobile learning security threats to the lecturers?
Select all that apply (required)
Q18: What do you think are the damaging effect(s) of mobile learning security threats to the Higher Education Institution?
Select all that apply (required)
Q19: How do you think the mobile learning security threats or issues are assessed?
Select all that apply (required)
Q20: How do you think the mobile learning security threats can be minimised?
Select all that apply (required)
Q21: Apart from security issues mentioned earlier, are you aware of any other security concerns that are peculiar to Nigeria Higher Education system in relation to mobile learning?
Select one box only (required)

Thank you for participating in this survey. Please click on the Send form button below. The result of this research will be available around 31st December 2013. If you are interested in the result, please contact me using the email above.
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This form is anonymous. No data which personally identifies you is collected on the form, and the data you provide is used solely to help us improve the delivery of our courses.

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