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FoCS Archive News - Before Sept 20

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Daniel Kral joins the Department of Computer Science as a new Professor

Daniel Kral

Daniel Kral joins the Department of Computer Science and the Warwick Mathematics Institute as a new Professor in October 2012. He is affiliated with the DIMAP Centre and with the FoCS Research group.

Daniel obtained his PhD in Computer Science in 2004 from Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. Then he spent time as a postdoc at the Technical University Berlin, visiting assistant professor and Fulbright scholar at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, researcher at the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Charles University, Prague, and finally a tenured associate professor post at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Institute, Charles University, Prague.

Daniel's primary research interest lies on the boundary of discrete mathematics, combinatorics, and algorithms design. More detailed list of his interest includes extremal combinatorics and dense combinatorial objects, use of combinatorial optimization techniques in graph theory, structural graph theory, in particular, graph coloring, graph and matroid decompositions and their algorithmic applications. He published around 100 journal papers in leading international journals, including publications in Advances in Mathematics, Combinatorica, Computational Complexity, Israel Journal of Mathematics, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A and B, Journal of Graph Theory and SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. Conference publication include those at FOCS, ICALP, SODA and STACS conferences. Daniel's research has been highly recognised by the number of invited plenary talks at international conferences, he has been awarded the prestigious European Prize in Combinatorics in 2011, and he is the recipient of ERC Starting Grant 2010 »Classes of Combinatorial Objects - from Structure to Algorithms«.

For more information about Daniel's research please visit his homepage.

Sun 14 Oct 2012, 13:08