Reports and Theses
All technical reports and theses are now stored in the Warwick WRAP repository, and can be found from the WRAP web portal (search for "computer science technical report <author> <title>").
In some cases the reports have been subsequently published and the report withdrawn. In such case the link provided is to the published paper.
- CS-RR-442
- M. Hendrix, P. De Bra, M. Pechenizkiy, D. Smits and A.I. Cristea, Defining adaptation in a generic multi layer model: CAM: The GRAPPLE Conceptual Adaptation Model, June, 2008
- CS-RR-441
- J.R.C. Nurse and J.E. Sinclair, BOF4WSS: A Business-Oriented Framework for Enhancing Web Services Security for e-Business, 2008
- CS-RR-440
- G. Cosma, An Approach to Source-Code Plagiarism Detection and Investigation Using Latent Semantic Analysis (PhD thesis), September, 2008
- CS-RR-439
- S. Kalvala, R. Warburton and D. Lacey, Program transformations using temporal logic side conditions, August, 2008
- CS-RR-438
- S. Liu, M.S. Joy and N.E. Griffiths, An Exploration of Correlative Elements to Support Cognitive Advancement in the Design of Collaborative Learning Tools, August, 2008
- CS-RR-437
- H. Aziz and M.S. Paterson, Variation in Weighted Voting Games, February, 2008
- CS-RR-436
- S.N. Lim Choi Keung and N.E. Griffiths, Using Recency and Relevance to Assess Trust and Reputation, January, 2008
- CS-RR-435
- A. Dimovski, Compositional Software Verification Based on Game Semantics (PhD thesis), September, 2007
- CS-RR-434
- H. Aziz, M.S. Paterson and D. Leech, Efficient Algorithm for Designing Weighted Voting Games, July, 2007
- CS-RR-433
- R. Boyatt and J. Sinclair, Investigating post-completion errors with the Alloy Analyzer, July, 2007
- CS-RR-432
- S.J. Gay, R. Nagarajan and N. Papanikolaou, QMC: A Model Checker for Quantum Systems, April, 2007
- CS-RR-431
- C.-T. Li and R.G. Wilson, Unsupervised Learning and Clustering Using a Random Field Approach, March, 2007
- CS-RR-430
- H. Park, Affine Symmetry and Applications in Image Processings, February, 2007
- CS-RR-429
- C. Care, A Chronology of Analogue Computing, November, 2006
- CS-RR-428
- K. Masood and N.M. Rajpoot, Hyperspectral Colon Biopsy Classification into Normal and Malignant Categories, October, 2006
- CS-RR-427
- R.V. Krishna, Derivation of Process Algebraic Models of Biochemical Systems, September, 2006
- CS-RR-426
- C.-H. Wei and C.-T. Li, A Logistic Regression Approach to Content-based Mammogram Retrieval, July, 2006
- CS-RR-425
- P.Y.H.Wong, An Investigation in Energy Consumption Analyses and Application-Level Prediction Techniques (MSc thesis), July, 2006
- CS-RR-424
- C. Care, Modelling Oil Reservoirs: Analog Computing at British Petroleum, May, 2006
- CS-RR-423
- A.C. Yu Improved Schemes for Multi-mode Coding in the H.264/AVC Standard and Simplified Lagrangian Evaluation for Video Coding, March, 2006
- CS-RR-422
- G. Cosma and M.S. Joy, Source-code Plagiarism: An Academic Perspective, May, 2006
- CS-RR-421
- W.M. Beynon and S.B. Russ, Redressing the Past: Liberating Computing as an Experimental Science, January, 2006
- CS-RR-420
- C. Care, The Analogue Computer as a Scientific Instrument, January, 2006
- CS-RR-419
- H. Qu, Theoretical and Practical Tools for Validating Discrete and Real-time Systems (PhD thesis), October, 2005
- CS-RR-418
- D. Rutter, From Diversity to Convergence: British Computer Networks and the Internet, 1970-1995 (PhD Thesis), July, 2005
- CS-RR-417
- H. Park and G.R. Martin, Video Compression : Wavelet Based Coding and Texture Synthesis Based Coding, June, 2005
- CS-RR-416
- N. Papanikolaou, Reasoning Formally about Quantum Systems: An Overview, July, 2005
- CS-RR-415
- P.S. Heng, M.S. Joy, R. Boyatt and N.E. Griffiths, Evaluation of the BOSS Online Submission and Assessment System, September, 2005
- CS-RR-414
- W.-H. Lai and C.-T. Li, Detecting Faces in Color Images, July, 2005
- CS-RR-413
- N.K. Papanikolaou, Techniques for Design and Validation of Quantum Protocols (MSc thesis), May 11, 2005
- CS-RR-412
- W.M. Beynon and A. Harfield, Empirical Modelling in support of constructionism: a case study,, June, 2005
- CS-RR-411
- N. Palmer and P.W. Goldberg, PAC Classification Based on PAC Estimates of Label Class Distributions,
- CS-RR-410
- N.E. Griffiths, Task Delegation using Experience-Based Multi-Dimensional Trust, December 8, 2004.
- CS-RR-409
- N.E. Griffiths and K.-M. Chao, Experience-Based Trust: Enabling Effective Resource Selection in a Grid Environment, December 8, 2004.
- CS-RR-408
- A. Krokhin and B. Larose, Maximum Constraint Satisfaction on Diamonds, November 18, 2004.
- CS-RR-407
- A. Korhonen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third Program Visualization Workshop, November 15, 2004.
- CS-RR-406
- M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum, and R. Martin, Markov Chain Comparison, October 11, 2004.
- CS-RR-405
- P. Berenbrink, L.A. Goldberg, P. Goldberg, and R. Martin, Utilitarian Resource Assignment, October 11, 2004.
- CS-RR-404
- A.C. Yu, Efficient Intra- and Inter-mode Selection Algorithms for H.264/AVC, September 16, 2004.
- CS-RR-403
- A. Dimovski and R.S. Lazic, Software Model Checking Based on Game Semantics and CSP, August 11, 2004 (revised June 20, 2005).
- CS-RR-402
- P. Berenbrink, T. Friedetzky and R. Martin, Dynamic Diffusion Load Balancing, July 1, 2004.
- CS-RR-401
- C.-T. Li, Reversible Watermarking Scheme with Image-independent Embedding Capacity, June 10, 2004
- CS-RR-400
- A. Dimovski and R.S. Lazic, CSP Representation of Game Semantics for Second-order Idealized Algol, May 21, 2004
- CS-RR-399
- R.S. Lazic, T. Newcomb and W. Roscoe, Polymorphic Systems with Arrays: Decidability and Undecidability, April 23, 2004
- CS-RR-398
- C.C. Reyes-Aldasoro, A Guide to Co-occurrence Matrix Analysis, February 19, 2004
- CS-RR-397
- N.M. Rajpoot, Model Based Optimal Bit Allocation, January 12, 2004
- CS-RR-396
- S.A. Jarvis, L. He, D.P. Spooner and G.R. Nudd, The Impact of Predictive Inaccuracies on Execution Scheduling, 2003
- CS-RR-395
- R.S. Lazic, T. Newcomb and W. Roscoe, On Model Checking Data-independent Systems with Arrays with Whole-array Operations, October 24, 2003
- CS-RR-394
- S.A. Jarvis and G.R. Nudd, Review of the e-Science Demonstrators and their Compatibility with the Warwick Middleware Project, 2003
- CS-RR-393
- G. Cormode, Sequence Distance Embeddings (PhD thesis), January, 2003
- CS-RR-392
- R.S. Lazic and D. Nowak, On a Semantic Definition of Data Independence, December 6, 2002
- CS-RR-391
- C.U. Ng and G.R. Martin, Content-Description Interfaces for Medical Imaging, August 10, 2002
- CS-RR-390
- N. Katugampala and R.G. Wilson, Parameter Estimation of Two Dimensional Component Gaussian Mixtures, July 10, 2002
- CS-RR-389
- J.D. Turner, R. Lopez-Hernandez, D.J. Kerbyson and G.R. Nudd, Performance Optimisation of a Lossless Compression Algorithm using the PACE Toolkit, May 10, 2002
- CS-RR-388
- C.C. Reyes-Aldasoro and A.H. Bhalerao, Classification of Human Knee Data from Magnetic Resonance Images, April 10, 2002
- CS-RR-387
- S. Rawles, M.S. Joy and M. Evans, Computer-Assisted Assessment in Computer Science: Issues and Software, February 4, 2002
- CS-RR-386
- L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum and M. Paterson, The computational complexity of two-state spin systems, November 29, 2001
- CS-RR-385
- Li Wang and A.H. Bhalerao, Detecting Branching Structures using Local Gaussian Models, November 26, 2001
- CS-RR-384
- L.A. Goldberg, S. Kelk and M. Paterson, The complexity of choosing an H-colouring (nearly) uniformly at random, August 23, 2001
- CS-RR-383
- C.U. Ng and G.R. Martin, Content-Description Interfaces for Medical Imaging, August 20, 2001
- CS-RR-382
- A.H. Bhalerao and P. Summers, Angiotool: A Tool for Interactive Visualization of MRI Vector and Tensor Fields, May 30, 2001
- CS-RR-381
- P. Berenbrink, T. Friedetzky and L.A. Goldberg, The Natural Work-Stealing Algorithm is Stable, April 26, 2001
- CS-RR-380
- S.A. Jarvis, J.S. Mirsky, J.F. Peden and N.J. Saunders, Finding Secret Messages in DNA Microdots, January 15, 2001
- CS-RR-379
- S.A. Jarvis, J.S. Mirsky, J.F. Peden and N.J. Saunders, Identification of Horizontally Acquired DNA Using Genome Signature Analysis, January 15, 2001
- CS-RR-378
- S.A. Jarvis, J.M.D. Hill, C.J. Siniolakis and V.P. Vasilev, Portable and Architecture Independent Parallel Performance Tuning, January 15, 2001
- CS-RR-377
- P.W. Goldberg, When Can Two Unsupervised Learners Achieve PAC Separation?, November 1, 2000
- CS-RR-376
- M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, C. Greenhill, G. Istrate and M. Jerrum, Convergence of the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Game, October 23, 2000
- CS-RR-375
- A.H. Bhalerao and R.G. Wilson, Unsupervised Image Segmentation Combining Region and Boundary Estimation, August 24, 2000
- CS-RR-374
- G.P. Meehan, Aspects of Functional Programming, August 30, 1999
- CS-RR-373
- M. Cryan, Learning and Approximation Algorithms for problems motivated by Evolutionary Trees (PhD thesis), October 31, 1999
- CS-RR-372
- (not allocated?)
- CS-RR-371
- R.G. Wilson, Multiresolution Gaussian Mixture Models: Theory and Application, February 28, 2000
- CS-RR-370
- M. Dyer, L.A. Goldberg, C. Greenhill and M. Jerrum, On the Relative Complexity of Approximate Counting Problems, February 20, 2000
- CS-RR-369
- M.A.A. Zito, Randomised Techniques in Combinatorial Algorithmics (PhD thesis), November 20, 1999
- CS-RR-368
- R.I. Cartrwight, Geometric Aspects of Empirical Modelling: Issues of Design and Implementation, January 10, 1998
- CS-RR-367
- M. Wahab, Object Code Verification (PhD thesis), December 10, 1998
- CS-RR-366
- M. Adler, F. Fitch, L.A. Goldberg and M.S. Paterson, Tight Size Bounds for Packet Headers in Narrow Meshes, January 21, 2000
- CS-RR-365
- L.A. Goldberg, M. Jerrum, S. Kannan and M.S. Paterson, A Bound on the Capacity of Backoff and Acknowledgement-based Protocols, January 7, 2000
- CS-RR-364
- L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, Counting Unlabelled Subtrees of a Tree is #P-complete, November 26, 1999
- CS-RR-363
- S.C. Perry, J.S. Harper, D.J. Kerbyson and G.R. Nudd, Theory and Operation of the Warwick Multiprocessor Scheduling (MS) System, October 10, 1999
- CS-RR-362
- P.W. Goldberg, Learning Fixed-Dimension Linear Thresholds from Fragmented Data, September 14, 1999
- CS-RR-361
- R.G. Wilson and C.-T. Li, Multiresolution Random Fields and their Application to Image Analysis, August 1, 1999
- CS-RR-360
- G. Cormode, M.S. Paterson, S.C. Sahinalp and U. Vishkin, Communication Complexity of Document Exchange, August 2, 1999
- CS-RR-359
- H. Al-Ammal, L.A. Goldberg and P. MacKenzie, Binary Exponential Backoff is Stable for High Arrival Rates, August 3, 1999
- CS-RR-358
- H.-W.R. Hseu, A.H. Bhalerao and R.G. Wilson, Image Matching Based On The Co-occurrence Matrix, May 30, 1999
- CS-RR-357
- P.-H. Sun, S.B. Russ, Y.C. Chen and W.M. Beynon, Cultivating Requirements in a Situated Requirements Engineering Process, May 1, 1999
- CS-RR-356
- L.A. Goldberg, Randomly Sampling Unlabelled Structures, April 22, 1999
- CS-RR-355
- G.P. Meehan, The Aladin Abstract Machine, December 18, 1998
- CS-RR-354
- M. Wahab, Verification and Abstraction of Flow-Graph Programs with Pointers and Computed Jumps, November 9, 1998
- CS-RR-353
- W.M. Beynon, R. Cartwright, J. Rungrattanaubol and P.-H. Sun, Interactive Situation Models for Systems Development, March 1, 1999
- CS-RR-352
- W.M. Beynon and P.-H. Sun, Interactive Situation Models for Program Comprehension, October 22, 1998
- CS-RR-351
- G.-H. Chen and R.G. Wilson, Image Segmentation Based on the Multiresolution Fourier Transform and Markov Random Fields, October 15, 1998
- CS-RR-350
- N.M. Rajpoot, Progressive Image Coding using Augmented Zerotrees of Wavelet Coefficients, September 19, 1998
- CS-RR-349
- J.S. Harper, D.J. Kerbyson and G.R. Nudd, Analytical Modeling of Set-Associative Cache Behaviour, October 15, 1998
- CS-RR-348
- R. Klasing, Methods and Problems of Wavelength-Routing in All-Optical Networks, September 24, 1998
- CS-RR-347
- M. Cryan, L.A. Goldberg and Paul W. Goldberg, Evolutionary Trees can be Learned in Polynomial Time in the Two-State General Markov Model, July 21, 1998
- CS-RR-346
- W.M. Beynon, J. Rungrattanaubol, P.-H. Sun and A. Wright, Explanatory Models for Open-Ended Human-Computer Interaction, July 16, 1998.
- CS-RR-345
- M.S. Joy and M. Luck, Plagiarism in Programming Assignments, June 16, 1998
- CS-RR-344
- L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, The "Burnside Process" Converges Slowly, June 11, 1998
- CS-RR-343
- R. Klasing, Improved Compressions of Cube-Connected Cycles Networks, June 29, 1998
- CS-RR-342
- V. Berry, An Improved Polynomial Time Algorithm for Computing the Refined Buneman Tree, March 25, 1998
- CS-RR-341
- V. Berry and O. Gascuel, Inferring Evolutionary Trees with Strong Combinatorial Evidence, March 25, 1998
- CS-RR-340
- L.A. Goldberg, P.D. MacKenzie, M. Paterson and A. Srinavasan, Contention Resolution with Constant Expected Delay, March 25, 1998
- CS-RR-339
- S. Khanna, S. Muthukrishnan and M. Paterson, On Approximating Rectangle Tiling and Packing, March 25, 1998
- CS-RR-338
- U. Uzun, Towards Distributed Object Design, March 25, 1998
- CS-RR-337
- W.M. Beynon, Modelling State in Mind and Machine, February 25, 1998
- CS-RR-336
- J.S. Harper, D.J. Kerbyson and G.R. Nudd, Predicting the Cache Miss Ratio of Loop-Nested Array References, December 5, 1997
- CS-RR-335
- E. Papaefstathiou, D.J. Kerbyson, G.R. Nudd, T.J. Atherton and J.S. Harper, An Introduction to the Layered Characterisation for High Performance Systems, December 5, 1997
- CS-RR-334
- G.P. Meehan, Compiling Functional Programs to Java Byte-code, September 2, 1997
- CS-RR-333
- (not allocated?)
- CS-RR-332
- P. Giridhar, V. Kumar and M. Joseph, The Mine Pump Problem, August 1, 1997
- CS-RR-331
- J. Beacom and R.G. Wilson, Model Based Multiresolution Motion Analysis, July 1, 1997
- CS-RR-330
- R. Agarwala, V. Bafna, M. Farach, M.S. Paterson and M. Thorup, On the Approximability of Numerical Taxonomy (Fitting Distances by Tree Metrics), July 1, 1997
- CS-RR-329
- J. Allderidge, W.M. Beynon, R. Cartwright and Y.P. Yung, Enabling Technologies for Empirical Modelling in Graphics, July 1, 1997
- CS-RR-328
- L.A. Goldberg and P.D. MacKenzie, Contention Resolution with Guaranteed Constant Expected Delay, July 1, 1997
- CS-RR-327
- M. Cryan, L.A. Goldberg and C.A. Phillips, Approximation Algorithms for the Fixed-Topology Phylogenetic Number Problem, June 1, 1997
- CS-RR-326
- M. Marx and C. Areces, Failure of Interpolation in Combined Modal Logics, June 1, 1997
- CS-RR-325
- N. Kurtonina and M. de Rijke, Expressiveness of First-Order Description Logics, December 16, 1997
- CS-RR-324
- J. Hogan, An Analysis of OO Software Metrics, May 1, 1997
- CS-RR-323
- I.D. Craig, Programs that Model Themselves, May 1, 1997
- CS-RR-322
- G.P. Meehan, Fuzzy Functional Programming, April 1, 1997
- CS-RR-321
- C.-T. Li and R.G. Wilson, Textured Image Segmentation Using Multiresolution Markov Random Fields and a Two-component Texture Model, March 1, 1997
- CS-RR-320
- M.K. Steliaros, G.R. Martin and R.A. Packwood, Parallelisation of Block Matching Motion Estimation Algorithms, January 1, 1997
- CS-RR-319
- W.M. Beynon, R. Cartwright, A. Cartwright and Y.P. Yung, Abstract Geometry for Design in an Empirical Modelling Context, December 1, 1996
- CS-RR-318
- M. de Rijke, A Note on Graded Modal Logic, October 1, 1996
- CS-RR-317
- M. Wahab, The Semantics of TLA on the PVS Theorem Prover, October 1, 1996
- CS-RR-316
- C.T. Li and R.G. Wilson, Multiresolution Image Segmentation Using Markov Random Fields and a Two-component Texture Model, September 1, 1996
- CS-RR-315
- P. Blackburn, J. Jaspars and M. de Rijke, Reasoning about Changing Information, September 1, 1996
- CS-RR-314
- I.D. Craig, Multi-Agent Systems: A Risk to Freedom, September 1, 1996
- CS-RR-313
- I.D. Craig, A Review of "Android Epistemology", September 1, 1996
- CS-RR-312
- L.A. Goldberg, M.S. Paterson, A. Srinivasan and E. Sweedyk, Better Approximation Guarantees for Job-shop Scheduling, August 1, 1996
- CS-RR-311
- W.B. Beynon, P.E. Ness and S.B. Russ, Worlds Before and Beyond Words, August 1, 1996
- CS-RR-310
- I. Levy and R. Wilson, Advances in Predictive Wavelet Transform Image Coding, July 1, 1996
- CS-RR-309
- J. Beacom and R. Wilson, Multiresolution Motion Analysis, July 1, 1996
- CS-RR-308
- Tao-I Hsu and R. Wilson, A Two-component Model of Texture for Analysis and Synthesis, June 1, 1996
- CS-RR-307
- N. Kurtonina and M. de Rijke, Directed Simulations, June 1, 1996
- CS-RR-306
- L.A. Goldberg and M. Jerrum, Randomly Sampling Molecules, June 1, 1996
- CS-RR-305
- W. van der Hoek and M. de Rijke, Interleaved Contractions, April 1, 1996
- CS-RR-304
- N. Kurtonina and M. de Rijke, Bisimulations for Temporal Logic, April 1, 1996
- CS-RR-303
- I. Pu and A.M. Gibbons, Matricial Space-Economy with Constant Access-Time, March 1, 1996
- CS-RR-302
- Z. Liu and M. Joseph, Verification of Fault-Tolerance and Real-Time, March 1, 1996
- CS-RR-301
- T. Janowski and M. Joseph, Dynamic Scheduling in the Presence of Faults: Specification and Verification, March 1, 1996
- CS-RR-300
- T. Janowski, Bisimulation and Fault-Tolerance, February 1, 1996
- CS-RR-299
- J. Papay, T.J. Atherton, M.J. Zemerly and G.R. Nudd, Performance Prediction of Parallel Self Consistent Field Computation, February 1, 1996
- CS-RR-298
- M. Amos, A.M. Gibbons and D. Hodgson, Error-resistant Implementation of DNA Computations, January 1, 1996
- CS-RR-297
- L.A. Goldberg, P.W. Goldberg, C.A. Phillips and G.B. Sorking, Constructing Computer Virus Phylogenies, January 1, 1996
- CS-RR-296
- L.A. Goldberg, W.E. Hart and D.B. Wilson, Learning Foraging Thresholds for Lizards, January 1, 1996
- CS-RR-295
- M.J. Zemerly, J. Papay and G.R. Nudd, Optimising Overlapped and Non-Overlapped Parallel Algorithms Using Bottleneck Analysis: A Case Study, November 1, 1995
- CS-RR-294
- J. Papay, M.J. Zemerly and G.R. Nudd, Pipelining the Givens Linear Solver on Distributed Memory Machines, November 1, 1995
- CS-RR-293
- S.J. O'Neill, Partial Metrics, Valuations and Domain Theory, October 1, 1995
- CS-RR-292
- G.R. Martin, R.A. Packwood and I. Rhee, Variable Size Block Matching Motion Estimation with Minimal Error, October 1, 1995
- CS-RR-291
- N. Cross and R.G. Wilson, Neural Networks for Object Recognition, September 1, 1995
- CS-RR-290
- C.-T. Li and R.G. Wilson, Image Segmentation Using Multiresolution Fourier Transform, September 1, 1995
- CS-RR-289
- I. Levy and R.G. Wilson, A Hybrid Fractal-Wavelet Transform Image Data Compression Algorithm, September 1, 1995
- CS-RR-288
- P.R. Meulemans and R.G. Wilson, Feature Extraction for Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding, August 1, 1995
- CS-RR-287
- I. Rhee and G.R. Martin, A Scalable Real-Time Synchronization Protocol for Distributed Systems, June 1, 1995
- CS-RR-286
- M.S. Paterson and T. Przytycka, On the Complexity of String Folding, May 1, 1995
- CS-RR-285
- M.S. Paterson and A. Srinavasan, Contention Resolution with Bounded Delay, May 1, 1995
- CS-RR-284
- S. Ravindran, A.M. Gibbons and M.S. Paterson, Dense Edge-Disjoint Embedding of Complete Binary Trees in Interconnection Networks, March 1, 1995
- CS-RR-283
- S.J. O'Neill, Two Topologies are Better Than One, March 1, 1995
- CS-RR-282
- E.R.S. Pearson, The Multiresolution Fourier Transform and its application to Polyphonic Audio Analysis, January 1, 1995
- CS-RR-281
- M.J. Zemerly, J. Papay and G.R. Nudd, Characterisation Based Bottleneck Analysis of Parallel Systems, January 1, 1995
- CS-RR-280
- E. Papaefstathiou, D.J. Kerbyson, G.R. Nudd and T.J. Atherton, An Introduction to the CHIP3S Language for Characterising Parallel Systems in Performance Studies, January 1, 1995
- CS-RR-279
- E. Papaefstathiou, D.J. Kerbyson, G.R. Nudd and T.J. Atherton, An Analysis of Processor Resource Models for Use in Performance Prediction, March 1, 1994
- CS-RR-278
- W.M. Beynon, A. Cartwright and Y.P. Yung, Databases from an Agent-oriented Perspective, January 1, 1995
- CS-RR-277
- W.M. Beynon and S.B. Russ, Empirical Modelling of Requirements, January 1, 1995
- CS-RR-276
- M. Luck and M. d'Inverno, Agency and Autonomy: A Formal Framework, January 1, 1995
- CS-RR-275
- T. Janowski, Stepwise Transformations for Fault-Tolerant Design of CCS Processes, December 1, 1994
- CS-RR-274
- R.G. Wilson and H. Knutsson, Seeing Things, November 1, 1994
- CS-RR-273
- I.D. Craig, A Perspective on Multi-Agent Systems, November 1, 1994
- CS-RR-272
- X. Liu and D.J. Walker, Confluence of Processes and Systems of Objects, October 1, 1994
- CS-RR-271
- S. Clippingdale and R.G. Wilson, Self-Similar Neural Networks Based On A Kohonen Learning Rule, October 1, 1994
- CS-RR-270
- T. Janowski, Fault-Tolerant Bisimulation and Process Transformations, September 1, 1994
- CS-RR-269
- N. Cross and R.G. Wilson, Object Representation Using Circular Harmonics, June 1, 1994
- CS-RR-268
- M.S. Paterson and V. Dancik, Longest Common Subsequences, May 1, 1994
- CS-RR-267
- P.B. Miltersen, On the Cell Probe Complexity of Polynomial Evaluation, April 1, 1994
- CS-RR-266
- I.D. Craig, Agents That Model Themselves, March 1, 1994
- CS-RR-265
- C. Clarke and G.R. Nudd, Highly non-linear encoders for Current Mode Multiple-Valued Logic, March 1, 1994
- CS-RR-264
- C. Clarke and G.R. Nudd, Three Dimensional CORDIC with Reduced Iterations, March 1, 1994
- CS-RR-263
- S. Kautz and P.B. Miltersen, Relative to a Random Oracle, NP is not Small, March 1, 1994
- CS-RR-262
- E. Papaefstathiou, D.J. Kerbyson and G.R. Nudd, A Layered Approach to Parallel Software Performance Prediction: A Case Study, March 1, 1994
- CS-RR-261
- I.D. Craig, The Formal Specification of ELEKTRA, April 1, 1994
- CS-RR-260
- M. Farkas, W.M. Beynon and Y.P. Yung, Agent-oriented Modelling for a Billiards Simulation, December 1, 1993
- CS-RR-259
- Y. Naik, A Temporal Logic for the Specification and Verification of Real-Time Systems, March 1, 1994
- CS-RR-258
- P.B. Miltersen, Lower Bounds for Union-Split-Find Related Problems on Random Access Machines, December 1, 1993
- CS-RR-257
- M.J. Zemerly, E. Papaefstathiou, T.J. Atherton, D.J. Kerbyson and G.R. Nudd, Smart Integration: A Test Case Study, December 1, 1993
- CS-RR-256
- M.J. Zemerly, Hardware Characterisation of Multi-Processor Systems, December 1, 1993
- CS-RR-255
- M.J. Zemerly and E. Papaefstathiou, Characterisation Survey, December 1, 1993
- CS-RR-254
- I.D. Craig, A New Interpretation of the Blackboard Architecture, October 1, 1993
- CS-RR-253
- H. Koizumi, A. Maruoka and M.S. Paterson, Consistency of Natural Relations on Sets, October 1, 1993
- CS-RR-252
- T. Shuttleworth and R.G. Wilson, Note Recognition in Polyphonic Music using Neural Networks, October 1, 1993
- CS-RR-251
- S.G. Matthews, An Extensional Treatment of Lazy Data Flow Deadlock, October 1, 1993
- CS-RR-250
- V. Dancik and M.S. Paterson, Upper Bounds for the Expected Length of a Longest Common Subsequence of Two Binary Sequences, October 1, 1993
- CS-RR-249
- M.S. Paterson, Computer Science Seminars 1992/93, October 1, 1993
- CS-RR-248
- A.P. King and R.G. Wilson, Multiresolution Image Analysis Based on Local Symmetries, September 1, 1993
- CS-RR-247
- E. Papaefstathiou, Y. Papay, G.R. Nudd, T.J. Atherton, C. Clarke, D.J. Kerbyson, Andrew Stratton, R. Ziani and M.J. Zemerly, A Layered Approach To Modelling Parallel Systems For Performance Prediction, September 1, 1993
- CS-RR-246
- I.P. Gent, Analytic Proof Systems for Classical and Modal Logics of Restricted Quantification, July 1, 1993
- CS-RR-245
- Z. Liu, M. Joseph and T. Janowski, Specifying Schedulability for Real-Time Programs, July 1, 1993
- CS-RR-244
- M.S. Ryan and G.R. Nudd, Dynamic Character Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models, May 1, 1993
- CS-RR-243
- A.P. Hiltgen and M.S. Paterson, PIk Mass Production and an Optimal Circuit for the Nechiporuk Slice, June 1, 1993
- CS-RR-242
- D.J. Walker, Process Calculus and Parallel Object-oriented Programming Languages, April 1, 1993
- CS-RR-241
- R. Cole, R. Hariharan, M.S. Paterson and U. Zwick, Tighter Lower Bounds on The Exact Complexity of String Matching, March 1, 1993
- CS-RR-240
- A. Czumaj and A.M. Gibbons, Problems on Pairs of Trees and the Four Colour Problem of Planar Graphs, February 1, 1993
- CS-RR-239
- L.A. Novak and A.M. Gibbons, Superperfect Pairs of Trees in Graphs, February 1, 1993
- CS-RR-238
- M.S. Ryan and G.R. Nudd, The Viterbi Algorithm, February 1, 1993
- CS-RR-237
- D. Peled and M. Joseph, A Compositional Framework for Fault-Tolerance by Specification Transformation, January 1, 1993
- CS-RR-236
- A.D. Calway and R.G. Wilson, Curve Extraction in Images Using a Multiresolution Framework, January 1, 1993
- CS-RR-235
- M.S. Joy, Ginger - A Simple Functional Language, December 1, 1992
- CS-RR-234
- C. Clarke and G.R. Nudd, A Redundant Arithmetic CORDIC System with a Unit Scale Factor, December 1, 1992
- CS-RR-233
- I.D. Craig, The New Implementation of Cassandra, October 1, 1992
- CS-RR-232
- I.D. Craig, Replacing Cassandra, October 1, 1992
- CS-RR-231
- H. Scott and R.G. Wilson, A Comparison of Filters For Audio Signal Segmentation in Audio Restoration, October 1, 1992
- CS-RR-230
- W.M. Ferreira, M.R. Hill and M. Joseph, Automated Timing Analysis of Real-time Programs, December 1, 1992
- CS-RR-229
- Z. Liu, A.P. Ravn, E.V. Sorensen and C. Zhou, Towards a Calculus of Systems Dependability, September 1, 1992
- CS-RR-228
- S.G. Matthews, The Cycle Contraction Mapping Theorem, August 1, 1992
- CS-RR-227
- I.D. Craig, Where Do You Want To Go On Holiday, July 1, 1992
- CS-RR-226
- T.-I. Hsu, A.D. Calway and R.G. Wilson, Analysis of Structured Texture Using the Multiresolution Fourier Transform, June 1, 1992
- CS-RR-225
- A. Czumaj, Parallel Algorithm for the Matrix Chain Product Problem, June 1, 1992
- CS-RR-224
- A. Czumaj, An Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Computing a Near-Optimal Order of Matrix Multiplications, February 1, 1992
- CS-RR-223
- S. Ravindran and A.M. Gibbons, Dense Edge-Disjoint Embedding of Complete Binary Trees in the Hypercube, July 1, 1992
- CS-RR-222
- S.G. Matthews, The Topology of Partial Metric Spaces, June 1, 1992
- CS-RR-221
- M.J. Fischer and M.S. Paterson, Fishspear: A Priority Queue Algorithm, June 1, 1992
- CS-RR-220
- F. Baude, PRAM Implementation on Fine-Grained MIMD Multicomputers, May 1, 1992
- CS-RR-219
- T.H. Axford and M.S. Joy, List Processing in Parallel Languages, May 1, 1992
- CS-RR-218
- Z. Liu, Anders P. Ravn, E.V. Sorensen and C. Zhou, A Probabilistic Duration Calculus, May 1, 1992
- CS-RR-217
- D.J. Walker, Objects in the Pi-calculus, April 1, 1992
- CS-RR-216
- P.B. Miltersen, M.S. Paterson and J. Tarui, The Asymptotic Complexity of Merging Networks, April 1, 1992
- CS-RR-215
- J.A. Dain, A Practical Minimum Distance Method for Syntax Error Handling, April 1, 1992
- CS-RR-214
- Y. Zheng, D.J. Kerbyson and G.R. Nudd, Efficient Load Balancing Techniques for Image Analysis on an M-SIMD Machine, June 1, 1992
- CS-RR-213
- T.J. Atherton, D.J. Kerbyson and G.R. Nudd, An Heterogeneous M-SIMD Architecture for Kalman Filter Controlled Processing of Image Sequences, December 1, 1992
- CS-RR-212
- S.G. Matthews, Partial Metric Spaces, March 1, 1992
- CS-RR-211
- L.A. Novak and A.M. Gibbons, Hybrid Bases in Graphs, March 1, 1992
- CS-RR-210
- M.S. Joy and T.H. Axford, Parallel Combinator Reduction: Some Performance Bounds, March 1, 1992
- CS-RR-209
- M.S. Paterson and U. Zwick, Shallow Multiplication Circuits and Wise Financial Investments, February 1, 1992
- CS-RR-208
- A.M. Gibbons and M.S. Paterson, Dense Edge-Disjoint Embedding of Binary Trees in the Mesh, February 1, 1992
- CS-RR-207
- W.M. Beynon and S.B. Russ, The Interpretation of States: a New Foundation for Computation?, February 1, 1992
- CS-RR-206
- Z. Liu and M. Joseph, A Transformational Approach to Specifying Recovery in Asynchronous Communicating Systems, February 1, 1992
- CS-RR-205
- W.M. Beynon, Programming Principles for the Semantics of the Semantics of Programs, January 1, 1992
- CS-RR-204
- R.G. Wilson, A.D. Calway, E.R.S. Pearson and A.R. Davies, An Introduction to the Multiresolution Fourier Transform and its Applications, June 1, 1992
- CS-RR-203
- D. Peled, Sometimes 'Some' is as Good as 'All' (Preliminary Version), March 1, 1992
- CS-RR-202
- A.R. Davies and R.G. Wilson, Curve and Corner Extraction using the Multiresolution Fourier Transform, November 1, 1991
- CS-RR-201
- Y. Naik, A Temporal Approach to Requirements Specification of Real-Time Systems, November 1, 1991
- CS-RR-200
- K. Langley, D. Fleet and T.J. Atherton, An Instantaneous Frequency-Based Computation of Transparent Motion, November 1, 1991
- CS-RR-199
- I.D. Craig, Formal Techniques in the Development of Blackboard Systems, November 1, 1991
- CS-RR-198
- M. Joseph, Problems, Promises and Performance: Some Questions for Real-Time System Specification, November 1, 1991
- CS-RR-197
- A. Goswami, M. Bell and M. Joseph, ISL: An Interval Logic for the Specification of Real-time Programs, October 1, 1991
- CS-RR-196
- A.D. Calway, H. Knutsson and R.G. Wilson, Multiresolution Estimation of 2-d Disparity Using a Frequency Domain Approach, October 1, 1991
- CS-RR-195
- I.D. Craig, Logicism and Meaning: The Case Against (Draft), October 1, 1991
- CS-RR-194
- I.D. Craig, The Role of Formal Specification in Rule-Based Real-Time AI (Extended Abstract), September 1, 1991
- CS-RR-193
- I.P. Gent and A.G. Cohn, Reasoning about Hybrid Reasoning: a Discussion, September 1, 1991
- CS-RR-192
- T.H. Axford and M.S. Joy, List Processing in Parallel, August 1, 1991
- CS-RR-191
- I.D. Craig, Rule Interpreters in ELEKTRA, August 1, 1991
- CS-RR-190
- W.B. Goh and G.R. Martin, Deriving Optical flow in Noisy Image Sequences, July 1, 1991
- CS-RR-189
- S.G. Matthews, Adding Second Order Functions to Kahn Data Flow, July 1, 1991
- CS-RR-188
- J.A. Dain, Syntax Error Handling in Language Translation Systems, June 1, 1991
- CS-RR-187
- I.D. Craig, Meanings and Messages, June 1, 1991
- CS-RR-186
- U. Zwick and M.S. Paterson, The Memory Game, August 1, 1991
- CS-RR-185
- A.M. Gibbons, A Tutorial Introduction to Distributed Memory Models of Parallel Computation, November 1, 1992
- CS-RR-184
- I.D. Craig, Elektra: A Reflective Production System, March 1, 1991
- CS-RR-183
- I.D. Craig, Extending Cassandra, March 1, 1991
- CS-RR-182
- I.D. Craig, Formal Specification of AI Systems: Four Case Studies, March 1, 1991
- CS-RR-181
- I.D. Craig, The Formal Specification of a Blackboard Framework, May 1, 1991
- CS-RR-180
- I.D. Craig, Making Cassandra Parallel and Distributed, March 1, 1991
- CS-RR-179
- (not allocated?)
- CS-RR-178
- (not allocated?)
- CS-RR-177
- (not allocated?)
- CS-RR-176
- (not allocated?)
- CS-RR-175
- (not allocated?)
- CS-RR-174
- (not allocated?)
- CS-RR-173
- Ian P. Gent, Finding Problems in Knowledge Bases Using Modal Logics, February 1, 1991
- CS-RR-172
- A. Moitra and M. Joseph, Determining Timing Properties of Infinite Real-Time Programs, January 1, 1991
- CS-RR-171
- M.S. Paterson and U. Zwick, Shrinkage of de Morgan Formulae under Restriction, January 1, 1991
- CS-RR-170
- A.R. Davies and R.G. Wilson, Linear Feature Extraction using the Multiresolution Fourier Transform, November 1, 1990
- CS-RR-169
- M.S. Paterson and U. Zwick, Shallow Multiplication Circuits, December 1, 1990
- CS-RR-168
- Ian P. Gent, A Sequent System for Lewis's Counterfactual Logic VC, November 1, 1990
- CS-RR-167
- J. Wong and R.G. Wilson, Eigenvector Decomposition of a Multiresolution Operator, September 1, 1990
- CS-RR-166
- M.S. Paterson, N. Pippenger and U. Zwick, Optimal Carry Save Networks, October 1, 1990
- CS-RR-165
- Z. Liu and M. Joseph, Transformation of Programs for Fault-tolerance, October 1, 1990
- CS-RR-164
- P. Chown, D.W. Walton and G.R. Nudd, VLSI Design of a Pipelined CORDIC Processor, October 1, 1990
- CS-RR-163
- W.M. Beynon, M. Slade and Y.P. Yung, Protocol Specification in Concurrent Systems Software Development, September 1, 1990
- CS-RR-162
- P. Chown, GROVER: A Graph Plotting Program for Sun Workstations, August 1, 1990
- CS-RR-161
- P. Chown, Notes on the Design of a Barrel Shifter for the Warwick Pipelined CORDIC Processor, August 1, 1990
- CS-RR-160
- S.G. Matthews, Notes on Separability in Metric Sets, August 1, 1990
- CS-RR-159
- M.S. Joy and T.H. Axford, GCODE: A Revised Standard for a Graph Representation for Functional Programs, June 1, 1990
- CS-RR-158
- M.S. Paterson and F.F. Yao, Optimal Binary Space Partitions for Orthogonal Objects, April 1, 1990
- CS-RR-157
- A.M. Gibbons and L.A. Novak, Perfect Pairs of Trees in Graphs, May 1, 1990
- CS-RR-156
- A.M. Gibbons and R. Ziani, The Balanced Binary Tree Technique on Mesh Connected Computers, May 1, 1990
- CS-RR-155
- M.S. Paterson and U. Zwick, Improved Circuits and Formulae for Multiple Addition, Multiplication and Symmetric Boolean Functions, March 1, 1990
- CS-RR-154
- A. Bhalerao and R.G. Wilson, Multiresolution Image Segmentation Combining Region and Boundary Information, April 1, 1990
- CS-RR-153
- M. Campbell-Kelly, The Airy Tape An Early Chapter in the History of Debugging, February 1, 1990
- CS-RR-152
- L.A. Novak and A.M. Gibbons, Double Independent Subsets of a Graph, October 1, 1989
- CS-RR-151
- L.A. Novak and A.M. Gibbons, On Perfect Pairs of Trees in a Graph, October 1, 1989
- CS-RR-150
- J.R. Thomas and A.G. Cohn, An Expert System for Hollow Extrusion Die Design, October 1, 1989
- CS-RR-149
- A. Bhalerao and R.G. Wilson, Multiresolution Image Segmentation, September 1, 1989
- CS-RR-148
- Simon L. Peyton Jones and M.S. Joy, FLIC - a Functional Language Intermediate Code, June 1, 1990
- CS-RR-147
- W.M. Beynon, M.T. Norris, S.B. Russ, M.D. Slade, Y.P. Yung and Y.W. Yung, Software Construction Using Definitions: an Illustrative Example, September 1, 1989
- CS-RR-146
- W.M. Beynon, S.B. Russ, M. Slade, Y.P. Yung and Y.W. Yung, Definitive Principles and the Specification of Software, September 1, 1989
- CS-RR-145
- Z. Liu, Modelling Checkpointing and Recovery within UNITY, August 1, 1989
- CS-RR-144
- Z. Liu, A Semantic Model for UNITY, August 1, 1989
- CS-RR-143
- J.A. Dain, Women and Computing: Some Responses to Falling Numbers in Higher Education, June 1, 1989
- CS-RR-142
- M.S. Joy, The Translation of High-Level Functional Languages to FLIC, May 1, 1989
- CS-RR-141
- W.M. Beynon and S.B. Russ, Variables in Mathematics and Computer Science, May 1, 1989
- CS-RR-140
- A. Lord, Computer System Dependability: An Introduction, April 1, 1989
- CS-RR-139
- M.S. Paterson and F.F. Yao, Binary Partitions with Applications to Hidden-Surface Removal and Solid Modelling, March 1, 1989
- CS-RR-138
- M. Joseph and A. Goswami, Relating Computation and Time, February 1, 1989
- CS-RR-137
- D.M.R. Park, Essential and Ephemeral Knowledge: the Culture and Education of Computer Specialists, February 1, 1983
- CS-RR-136
- R.W. McColl and G.R. Martin, Texture Analysis and Synthesis, January 1, 1989
- CS-RR-135
- A.M. Gibbons, Optimally Edge-Colouring Outerplanar Graphs is in NC, January 1, 1989
- CS-RR-134
- J.A. Dain, Recruitment and Performance of Female and Male Students in Science, December 1, 1988
- CS-RR-133
- W.M. Beynon, Evaluating Definitive Principles for Interaction in Graphics, November 1, 1988
- CS-RR-132
- W.M. Beynon, Definitive Programming for Parallelism, October 1, 1988
- CS-RR-131
- A.M. Gibbons, Dynamic Expression Evaluation in One of a Class of Problems which are Efficiently Solvable on Mesh-connected Computers, September 1, 1988
- CS-RR-130
- M.S. Paterson and A.A. Razborov, The Set of Minimal Braids is co-NP-complete, July 1, 1988
- CS-RR-129
- M. Joseph and A. Goswami, Formal Description of Real-Time Systems: A Review, August 1, 1988
- CS-RR-128
- M. Todd and R.G. Wilson, Image Data Compression, July 1, 1988
- CS-RR-127
- W.M. Beynon, M. Norris and M. Slade, Parallel Computation in Definitive Models, May 1, 1988
- CS-RR-126
- Y.Q. Gu, A Brief Summary of Digital Image Enhancement, May 1, 1988
- CS-RR-125
- R.M. Howarth, Cluster Programming Language Definition and User Manual, April 1, 1988
- CS-RR-124
- W.M. Beynon, M. Norris and M. Slade, Definitions for Modelling and Simulating Concurrent Systems, May 1, 1988
- CS-RR-123
- M. Joseph and A. Goswami, What's 'Real' about Real-time Systems?, May 1, 1988
- CS-RR-122
- W.F. McColl, M.S. Paterson and B.H. Bowditch, Planar Acyclic Computation, May 1, 1988
- CS-RR-121
- A. Goswami and M. Joseph, A Semantic Model for the Specification of Real-Time Processes, April 1, 1988
- CS-RR-120
- I.D. Craig, WINNSOME: A Neural Network Simulation Package, March 1, 1988
- CS-RR-119
- K. Langley, Phase Shifts from Gabor Filters, May 1, 1988
- CS-RR-118
- F.F. Yao, D. Dobkin, H. Edelsbrunner and M.S. Paterson, Partitioning Space for Range Queries, January 1, 1988
- CS-RR-117
- M. Joseph, Software Engineering: Theory, Experiment, Practice or Performance, February 1, 1988
- CS-RR-116
- J.A. Dain, Getting Women into Computing, February 1, 1988
- CS-RR-115
- R.M. Howarth, A Heterogeneous Pyramid Array Architecture for Image Understanding, December 1, 1987
- CS-RR-114
- R.F. Thomas, ITS Methodology for Problem Solving and Programming, December 1, 1987
- CS-RR-113
- I.D. Craig and R.F. Thomas, Learning to Program: A Cognitive Model for an ITS, December 1, 1987
- CS-RR-112
- R.W. McColl and G.R. Martin, Quantisation of Digitised Colour Images, November 1, 1987
- CS-RR-111
- W.M. Beynon and Y.W. Yung, Implementing a Definitive Notation for Interactive Graphics, November 1, 1987
- CS-RR-110
- I.D. Craig, Blackboard Systems, November 1, 1987
- CS-RR-109
- W.M. Beynon, Monotone Boolean Functions as Combinatorially Piecewise Linear Maps (preliminary version), November 1, 1987
- CS-RR-108
- A.D. Calway and R.G. Wilson, Hierarchical Descriptors for Nonstationary 1 and 2 Dimensional Signal Processing, October 1, 1987
- CS-RR-107
- M.F. Rafter, FORMATTED STREAMS: Extensible Formatted I/O for C++ Using Object-Oriented Programming, October 1, 1987
- CS-RR-106
- M. Campbell-Kelly, Charles Babbage's Table of Logarithms (1827), September 1, 1987
- CS-RR-105
- A.M. Gibbons, A. Israeli and W. Rytter, Parallel O(log(n)) Time Edge-Colouring of Trees and Halin Graphs, June 1, 1987
- CS-RR-104
- W. Rytter, On Efficient Parallel Computations for Some Dynamic Programming Problems, June 1, 1987
- CS-RR-103
- I.D. Craig and D.H. Wilson, CONFER: A Knowledge System for Bio-process Control, June 1, 1987
- CS-RR-102
- J.A. Dain, Minimum Distance Error Correction, June 1, 1987
- CS-RR-101
- I.D. Craig, The Blackboard Architecture: Example Systems, May 1, 1987
- CS-RR-100
- A.M. Gibbons and W. Rytter, Observations on the Disjointness Problem for Rational Subsets of Free Partially Commutative Monoids, May 1, 1987
- CS-RR-099
- W. Rytter, 100 Exercises in the Theory of Automata and Formal Languages, April 1, 1987
- CS-RR-098
- I.D. Craig, The Blackboard Architecture: A Definition and its Implications, March 1, 1987
- CS-RR-097
- I.D. Craig, SeRPenS - A Production Rule Interpreter, March 1, 1987
- CS-RR-096
- M. Joseph and P. Pandya, Specification and Verification of Total Correctness of Distributed Programs, February 1, 1987
- CS-RR-095
- M.S. Joy and T.H. Axford, A Standard for a Graph Representation for Functional Programs, February 1, 1987
- CS-RR-094
- I.D. Craig, The BB-SR System, January 1, 1987
- CS-RR-093
- W.M. Beynon, Definitive Principles for Interactive Graphics, February 1, 1987
- CS-RR-092
- I.D. Craig, An Overview of CASSANDRA-II, January 1, 1987
- CS-RR-091
- I.D. Craig, A Distributed Blackboard Architecture, January 1, 1987
- CS-RR-090
- I.D. Craig, CASSANDRA-II: A Distributed Blackboard System, January 1, 1987
- CS-RR-089
- M.S. Paterson, Improved Sorting Networks with O(log n) Depth, January 1, 1987
- CS-RR-088
- M.S. Joy and V.J. Rayward-Smith, NP-Completeness of a Combinator Optimisation Problem, January 1, 1987
- CS-RR-087
- W.M. Beynon, The LSD Notation for Communicating Systems, November 1, 1986
- CS-RR-086
- W.M. Beynon, D. Angier, T. Bissell and S. Hunt, DoNaLD: A Line-drawing System Based on Definitive Principles, October 1, 1986
- CS-RR-085
- W. Rytter and R. Giancarlo, Optimal Parallel Parsing of Bracket Languages, October 1, 1986
- CS-RR-084
- W. Rytter, A Note on Optimal Parallel Transformations of Regular Expressions to Nondeterministic Finite Automata, October 1, 1986
- CS-RR-083
- A.M. Gibbons and W. Rytter, Fast Parallel Algorithms for Vertex and Edge Colouring of Halin Graphs, October 1, 1986
- CS-RR-082
- M. Campbell-Kelly, Data Communications at the National Physical Laboratory (1965-1975), August 1, 1986
- CS-RR-081
- A.M. Gibbons, Two Equivalences for the Four Colours Problem of Planar Maps, October 1, 1986
- CS-RR-080
- A.M. Gibbons and W. Rytter, A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Optimal Edge-Colouring of Outerplanar Graphs, August 1, 1986
- CS-RR-079
- A.M. Gibbons and W. Rytter, On the Decidability of some Problems about Rational Subsets of Free Partially Commutative Monoids, August 1, 1986
- CS-RR-078
- W.M. Beynon, ARCA - A Notation for Displaying and Manipulating Combinatorial Diagrams, June 1, 1986
- CS-RR-077
- A.M. Gibbons and W. Rytter, An Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Dynamic Expression Evaluation and its Applications, April 1, 1986
- CS-RR-076
- S.G. Matthews, Metric Domains for Completeness, April 1, 1986
- CS-RR-075
- W. Rytter, On the Complexity of Parallel Parsing of General Context-free Languages, April 1, 1986
- CS-RR-074
- M.S. Paterson, Universal Chains and Wiring Layouts, April 1, 1986
- CS-RR-073
- J.A. Dain, Error Recovery for YACC Parsers, October 1, 1985
- CS-RR-072
- W.M. Beynon and J.F. Buckle, Computation Equivalence and Replaceability in Finite Algebras, August 1, 1985
- CS-RR-071
- J.A. Dain, Error Recovery Schemes in LR Parsers, December 1, 1984
- CS-RR-070
- (not allocated?)
- CS-RR-069
- P.E. Dunne, Techniques for the Analysis of Monotone Boolean Networks, September 1, 1984
- CS-RR-068
- A.M. Gibbons and O.A. Ogunyode, A Polynomial-time Algorithm to Edge-Colour Almost All Graphs Using Y Colours, September 1, 1984
- CS-RR-067
- W.M. Beynon, Monotone Boolean Functions Computable by Planar Circuits, September 1, 1984
- CS-RR-066
- P.E. Dunne, Lower Bounds on the Complexity of 1-time only Branching Programs, August 1, 1984
- CS-RR-065
- J.W. Daykin, Inequalities for the Number of Monotonic Functions of Partial Orders, March 1, 1984
- CS-RR-064
- P.E. Dunne, Some Results on Replacement Rules in Monotone Boolean Networks, January 1, 1984
- CS-RR-063
- (not allocated?)
- CS-RR-062
- P.E. Dunne, A 2.5n Lower Bound on the Monotone Network Complexity of T3n, March 1, 1984
- CS-RR-061
- W.M. Beynon, Replaceability and Computational Equivalence in Finite Distributive Lattices, March 1, 1984
- CS-RR-060
- W.F. McColl and M.S. Paterson, The Planar Realization of Boolean Functions, March 1, 1984
- CS-RR-059
- W.F. McColl, Planar Circuits Have Short Specifications, March 1, 1984
- CS-RR-058
- I. Parberry, On the Power of Parallel Machines with High-Arity Instruction Sets, February 1, 1984
- CS-RR-057
- I. Parberry, Some Practical Simulations of Impractical Parallel Computers, December 1, 1983
- CS-RR-056
- A.A. Yaghi, The Compilation of Functional Language into Intensional Logic, December 1, 1983
- CS-RR-055
- P.E. Dunne, Improved Upper Bounds on the Area Required to Embed Arbitrary Graphs, December 1, 1983
- CS-RR-054
- W.M. Beynon, A Definition of the ARCA Notation, September 1, 1983
- CS-RR-053
- I. Parberry, Some Process-saving Theorems for Synchronous Parallel Computers, October, 1983
- CS-RR-052
- (not allocated?)
- CS-RR-051
- D.E. Daykin, J.W. Daykin and M.S. Paterson, On Log Concavity for Order-Preserving and Order-non-Reversing Maps of Partial Orders, May 1, 1983
- CS-RR-050
- C.S. Iliopoulos, Worst-Case Complexity Bounds on Algorithms for Computing the Canonical Structure of Infinite Abelian Groups and Solving Systems of Linear Diophantine Equations, April 1, 1983
- CS-RR-049
- C.S. Iliopoulos, Worst-case Complexity Bounds on Algorithms for Computing the Canonical Structure of Finite Abelian Groups and the Hermite and Smith Normal Forms of an Integer Matrix, April 1, 1983
- CS-RR-048
- I. Parberry and L.M. Goldschlager, On the Construction of Parallel Computers from Various Bases of Boolean Functions, March 1, 1983
- CS-RR-047
- C.S. Iliopoulos, Algorithms in the Theory of Integral Binary Quadratic Forms, September 1, 1981
- CS-RR-046
- W.W. Wadge, Classified Algebras, October 1, 1982
- CS-RR-045
- W.W. Wadge, Introduction to the Baire Space, October 1, 1982
- CS-RR-044
- W.W. Wadge, Reducibility and Determinateness on the Baire Space, October 1, 1982
- CS-RR-043
- F. Golshani, Varqa - A Functional Query Language Based on an Algebraic Approach and Conventional Mathematical Notation (PhD thesis), August 1, 1982
- CS-RR-042
- W.M. Beynon, Coset Enumeration as Closure Computation, September 1, 1982
- CS-RR-041
- A.A. Faustini, The Equivalence of an Operational and a Denotational Semantics for Pure Dataflow (PhD thesis), June 1, 1982
- CS-RR-040
- C.S. Iliopoulos, On the Computation of the Structure of an Abelian Group Represented by a Set of Defining Relations, May 1, 1982
- CS-RR-039
- C.S. Iliopoulos, Composition and Characters of Binary Quadratic Forms, January 1, 1982
- CS-RR-038
- A.A. Faustini, An Operations Semantics for Pure Dataflow, June 1, 1981
- CS-RR-037
- W.M. Beynon and C.S. Iliopoulos, Gauss' Algorithm for the Solution of Quadratic Diophantine Equations, May 1, 1981
- CS-RR-036
- D.M.R. Park, A Predicate Transformer for Weak Fair Iteration, May 1, 1981
- CS-RR-035
- D.M.R. Park, Concurrency and Automata on Infinite Sequences, May 1, 1981
- CS-RR-034
- W.M. Beynon, On Raney's Binary Encoding for Continued Fractions, Generalisations of Pell's Equation, and the Theory of Factorisation, January 1, 1981
- CS-RR-033
- E.A. Ashcroft and W.W. Wadge, Structured Lucid, March 1, 1980
- CS-RR-031
- M.B. Smyth, Computability in Categories, February 1, 1980
- CS-RR-032
- E.A. Ashcroft and W.W. Wadge, Some Common Misconceptions about Lucid, December 1, 1979
- CS-RR-030
- E.A. Ashcroft and W.W. Wadge, R for Semantics, December 1, 1979
- CS-RR-029
- A. Kanda and D.M.R. Park, When are Two Effectively Given Domains Identical?, April 1, 1979
- CS-RR-028
- W.W. Wadge, An Extensional Treatment of Dataflow Deadlock, April 1, 1979
- CS-RR-027
- G.N.N. Martin, Spiral Storage: Incrementally Augmentable Hash Addressed Storage, March 1, 1979
- CS-RR-026
- W.W. Wadge, Away from the Operations View of Computer Science, November 1, 1978
- CS-RR-025
- W.M. Beynon, On the Structure of Free Finite State Machines, September 1, 1978
- CS-RR-024
- J.I. Munro and M.S. Paterson, Selection and Sorting with Limited Storage, July 1, 1978
- CS-RR-023
- W.W. Wadge, Programming Constructs for Nonprocedural Languages, March 1, 1978
- CS-RR-022
- A. Kanda, Data Types as Effective Objects, December 1, 1977
- CS-RR-021
- E.A. Ashcroft and W.W. Wadge, Scope Structures and Defined Functions in Lucid, October 1, 1977
- CS-RR-020
- A. Shamir and W.W. Wadge, Data types as objects, June 1, 1977
- CS-RR-019
- D.J. Lehmann and M.B. Smyth, Data Types, May 1, 1977
- CS-RR-018
- W.F. McColl, Some Results on Circuit Depth (PhD thesis), March 1, 1977
- CS-RR-017
- D.J. Lehmann, Modes in Algol Y, February 1, 1977
- CS-RR-016
- M.S. Paterson, New Bounds for Formula Size, December 1, 1976
- CS-RR-015
- D.J. Lehmann, Categories for Fixpoint Semantics (PhD thesis), June 1, 1976
- CS-RR-014
- M.B. Smyth, Category-Theoretic Solution of Recursive Domain Equations, July 1, 1976
- CS-RR-013
- D.M.R. Park, The Y-combinator in Scott's Lambda-calculus Models, June 1, 1976
- CS-RR-012
- M.B. Smyth, Powerdomains, May 1, 1976
- CS-RR-011
- E.A. Ashcroft and W.W. Wadge, Lucid, a Nonprocedural Language with Iteration, April 1, 1976
- CS-RR-010
- D.J. Lehmann, Algebraic Structures for Transitive Closure, February 1, 1976
- CS-RR-009
- M.B. Smyth, Effectively Giving Domains, June 1, 1975
- CS-RR-008
- L.G. Valiant and M.S. Paterson, Circuit Size is Nonlinear in Depth, September 1, 1975
- CS-RR-007
- W.F. McColl and M.S. Paterson, The Depth of All Boolean Functions, August 1, 1975
- CS-RR-006
- A. Schonhage, M.S. Paterson and N. Pippenger, Finding the Median, April 1, 1975
- CS-RR-005
- W.W. Wadge, A Complete Natural Deduction System for the Relational Calculus, March 1, 1975
- CS-RR-004
- E.A. Ashcroft and W.W. Wadge, Program Proving Without Tears, January 1, 1975
- CS-RR-003
- D.M.R. Park, Finiteness is Mu-ineffable, July 1, 1974
- CS-RR-002
- M.S. Paterson, Complexity of Monotone Networks for Boolean Matrix Product, July 1, 1974
- CS-RR-001
- L.G. Valiant, Decision Procedures for Families of Deterministic Pushdown Automata (PhD thesis), August 1, 1973