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Application Form

Section 1: Applicant Details

Researcher’s title


Researcher’s forename


Researcher’s surname


Researcher’s Faculty/School and Department

Computer Science

Researcher’s status

Research postgraduate student
Name of course / qualification PhD Computer Science

Warwick e-mail address

Daytime telephone number

07999 999999
Supervisor's title Dr
Supervisor's forename Charlie
Supervisor's surname Clever
Supervisor's post Associate Professor

Supervisor’s Faculty/School and Department

Computer Science

Supervisor’s Warwick e-mail address

Supervisor’s daytime telephone number

024 7652 9999

Section 2: Project Details

Project title Widget Usability

Estimated start date of project

1 March 2015

Estimated completion date of project

31 July 2015

Sponsoring organisation

University of Warwick


Unfunded student project
Type of project Primary research

Is the project linked to any other BSREC application?


Will any part of the project be undertaken overseas?


State all of the locations at which the project will be undertaken

Warwick lecture theatre, researcher's office

State the total number of planned participants


State the breakdown of participants by type and number

Undergraduate students: 100

Section 3: Risk and Ethical Considerations Checklist

Respond No to all questions.

Section 4

Email form to and send hard-copy with signature of student and supervisor to BSREC office.