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CS911 Operational Research and Optimisation (not running 22/23, 23/24)

Academic Aims

The main focus of this module is to show how one can apply the techniques developed in the area of Operations Research for modelling optimisation problems arising in data intensive environments. This module will provide a context for modern modelling and solution techniques, illustrating them with real-world applications.


The syllabus will include:

  • Mathematical and computational modeling;
  • Optimization;
  • Linear, nonlinear, and integer programming;
  • Dynamic programming;
  • Queuing Theory;
  • Scheduling Theory;
  • Applications in engineering, science, economics and management with an urban focus.

By the end of the module, students should be able to model real-life optimisation problems in a rigorous mathematical language and know main methods to solve such optimisation models both by using the standard software packages like CPLEX and developing new heuristic solutions.

Further Information

Not Running 24/25


Online Material