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Academic and Research Staff

James Atkinson (Dr)Assistant Professor (Teaching Focussed)
Jake Brooks (Dr)Research Fellow
Joanna Collingwood (Professor)Professor
James Covington (Professor)Professor in Electronic Engineering
Jose Rodolpho de Oliveira Leo (Dr)Assistant Professor (Teaching Focussed)
Julian Gardner (Professor)Professor of Electronic Engineering
Jisun Im (Dr)Assistant Professor
James Kermode (Professor)Professor
Javier Munguia (Dr)Associate Professor (Teaching focussed)
John Murphy (Professor)Professor and Head of Department
Jose Ortiz-Gonzalez (Dr)Assistant Professor
Jose Luis Osorio-Tejada (Dr)Research Fellow
Jonathan Pearson (Dr)Associate Professor
Justin Russell (Dr)Associate Professor (Teaching Focussed)
Jihong Wang (Professor)Professor of Electrical Power Engineering
Jun Wu (Dr)Marie Curie Research Fellow
Jincheng Zhang (Mr)Research Fellow


Professional Services Staff