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Meet our new WIE Fellows

The Warwick Institute of Engagement (WIE) is delighted to announce the appointment of 38 Foundation Fellows, 27 Honorary Fellows and 32 Associate Fellows.

Undergraduate Jerry Yu explains how he got involved:
'Hi, my name is Jerry Yu, I’m currently a second year Biochemistry student and I’m also a fellow of WIE. Engagement is all about sharing your passion with others. As a life sciences student, my passion lies in bioscience. However, I first discovered my eagerness for sharing as an Outreach Officer for Warwick BioSoc.The goal of this position was to spread enthusiasm towards life sciences around the local community and that is what I did I organised talks and even designed and taught life sciences lessons to primary school children. As a result of my work, I was recommended by a professor to apply to be a WIE fellow. I applied and here I am now. Engagement is important as it inspires and allows others to make informed decisions about what they enjoy. As a WIE fellow, I will be working to improve how engagement is done in the university and create more engagement opportunities which are welcoming and interesting especially in the current pandemic. More importantly, I would like to inspire you to share your passions with others. Afterall, what is life without a little bit of spice.'

Eight other members of SLS have also secured fellowships:
Honorary Fellows - Kevin Moffat, Rebecca Freeman
Foundation Fellows - Cansu Kuey, Ian Hands-Portman, Rachael Kirwan
Associate Fellows - Ellie Jameson, Eric Holub and Freya Harrison

Wed 17 Mar 2021, 10:21 | Tags: engagement, staff, student