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Lesley Ward

What is your current role and what does a typical week look like?

My job title is Senior Research Technology Support Technician. Much, but not all of the role involves supporting the Genomics Facility. I deal with the lab work and field queries as they arise. I am also involved with administrating the lab efficiency tool, LEAF (Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework). Post covid, my work is currently more compartmentalised; we plan lab work to maximise what can be done with the lab time we have; in some ways this way of working is more efficient. Like most of us, I’m looking forward to having face to face interactions again, when this becomes safe.

Which part of your role do you enjoy the most, and what are the biggest challenges?
In any aspect of my job, I enjoy seeing work that I have generated, and seeing that it is good quality.

A challenge we face in Genomics particularly, is that people rarely have money to optimise their sequencing runs, as they are expensive; this can put us under pressure somewhat.

Which skills help you most in being able to perform your role? 
I think patience is an underrated skill, and necessary when offering a service. Also accuracy and mental flexibility.

How has your education or roles previous to joining Life Sciences, informed your interests, and why did you choose this career direction? 
I liked science at school, although it wasn’t my strongest subject. I liked that it was challenging, practical and I could see it being very useful. I had a summer job as school lab technician at my high school, then I just followed my nose after graduating; I got a job in an administration role at MAFF Woodthorne in Wolverhampton, where they quickly moved me in to the labs. I realised that although it was a nice environment, I wasn’t using what I’d learned during my degree, so I kept applying for jobs elsewhere, and got a job at Warwick, where I have been ever since.

What is your favourite place on campus and why?
Warwick Arts centre is a massive asset; I like that you get a different (younger) audience there, compared to many culture venues, and there’s a good variety of things to see.

What are your main interests or passions, outside of work?
I love dancing; pre covid I trained three times a week and competed in Ballroom and Latin. My dance partner and I were quite good at the Ballroom, but the Latin was more a triumph of enthusiasm over technique! I enjoy going to the theatre; a few years ago, there was an open studies course run by Warwick University, called Plays and Performance; this was great, and I learned a lot, and met like-minded people. I’m also a keen reader.

Interview date February 2021