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Warwick Crop Centre Open Day Registration

Celebrating 75 years of horticultural research

Warwick Crop Centre Open Day, Wednesday 10 July 2024.
University of Warwick Innovation Campus Stratford-upon-Avon at Wellesbourne.

Join us for a celebration of the 75th anniversary of vegetable and crop research at our Innovation Campus near Wellesbourne, and find out how our research will support the farming of the future.

Our open day offers a chance to find out about our vision for the future of horticulture.

We are hosting guided farm walks where you can:

  • Visit field trials and specialist outdoor research facilities
  • Learn about the globally significant seed collections of the UK Vegetable Genebank
  • Find out about our innovative programmes with industry
  • Visit areas of interest for biodiversity (e.g. wildflower strips, tree sparrow boxes, hedge planting, bees, low maintenance areas)

Each guided walk will take up to 2 hours, followed by simple refreshments.

Please register below so that we can plan appropriately.

Preferred tour time (required)

Coach transport is available from the Bluebell car park on the University of Warwick main campus for the first tour. The coach will be available from 12.30pm, leaving at 1pm to arrive in time for the 2pm tour and will then leave the Innovation campus at 4.10pm to return to Gibbet Hill.

I would like to reserve a place on the coach

Please wear comfortable outdoor walking shoes and be prepared for inclement weather.
If you have any queries or accessibility requirements please contact

Photography and filming notice
A professional photographer will be capturing images at the event. If you don't want us to capture your image please tell our photographer on the day.
The photos and film footage will be used by the University of Warwick. Your image might appear on social media, website, or print in stories about the event, and other future University materials.
If you have any questions please talk to us at the event or email us via

Please let us know if you would like to join our mailing list for future events

Privacy notice

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