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Warwick Crop Centre Research Highlights - Webinar on Carrots

Carrots - diseases, pests and genetic resources

Webinar to be held on Monday, 14th March 10-11 am - in Microsoft Teams.

Carrot growers face a number of challenges in producing quality product. This webinar will cover our current research on cavity spot, aphids and virus before going on to consider how genetic diversity in carrots might be exploited.

Webinar Agenda
  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Cavity spot of carrot: developing techniques for research and disease management - John Clarkson

  • Pests of carrot with a focus on aphids and virus - Rosemary Collier
  • Valuing variety – understanding and using crop diversity in carrots - Charlotte Allender (UK Vegetable Gene Bank and VeGIN project)

  • Questions and discussion

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