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WP2: General Practices

General practice analysis of institutional, organisational, and professional factors that influence the implementation and sustainability of decarbonisation actions.

This is comprised of two elements: an online survey for general practice teams, and longitudinal case studies with a sub-sample of 12 practices. The research shall be conducted in three ICB areas: Coventry and Warwickshire ICB, Birmingham and Solihull ICB, and South Yorkshire ICB.

WP2.1: General practice survey

A brief, 5-minute online survey was distributed to general practice staff in the three selected ICB areas.

This survey aimed to:

  • Establish current levels of interest in decarbonisation in general practice.
  • Understand the type and extent of specific decarbonisation actions that are being undertaken.
  • Gauge the awareness of decarbonisation resources currently available to general practice.
  • Understand the intentions, actions, and plans surrounding decarbonisation currently present in practices.

The GPNET-0 Study general practice survey has now closed. The study team would like to thank anyone who took part.

In the first instance, survey results were used to identify 12 diverse practices, which were then selected as case study sites to participate in a 12-month longitudinal study. Data analysis is currently underway, and we are looking to submit a paper to publication later in the summer. Check back here for further updates.

WP2.2: 12-month longitudinal study

Join our study! Regardless of how much your practice is or isn’t actively trying to support decarbonisation (i.e. reducing the greenhouse gas emissions), here’s an opportunity to take part in an important study. We're investigating how general practice teams engage with and implement decarbonisation activities over time.

Recruitment: We're selecting 12 diverse practices from Birmingham and Solihull, Coventry and Warwickshire, and South Yorkshire ICBs from the practices that complete the GPNET-0 Survey. The practices will vary according to practice size, deprivation index, ethnic diversity, location, practices' current engagement levels with decarbonisation activities, and varied geographical areas.

Costs Covered: Participating practices receive £2500 to cover study-related expenses: £1000 after setup, £500 at 6 months, and £1000 post-follow-up workshop.

What will each participating practice be expected to do?

  • Site Initiation Visit (SIV): A 30-45 minute online session to establish the working relationship with the research team, explaining participation, data collection and timelines.
  • Baseline Workshop and Interviews: Practices dive into decarbonisation resources at a kick-off workshop, followed by focus group discussion with 4 to 6 members of the practice team. We will explore drivers, barriers, costs, and benefits.
  • Two Weeks Post-Workshop: Practices confirm plans and actions, completing the baseline non-clinical carbon calculator for decarbonisation planning.
  • Three-Monthly Check-ins: Regular, brief online meetings with the research team to monitor progress, focusing on organizational and individual challenges.
  • 12 Months Post-Baseline: Repeat the non-clinical carbon calculator for a measure of change. Follow-up online focus group and interviews delve into practice experiences, actions, teamwork dynamics, and future plans.

Be part of the change! Join us in reshaping the future of healthcare sustainability.

The GPNET-0 Study logo, displaying the word GPNET-0 in blue and green text.


Dr Ana Raquel Nunes

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