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Current Research

Research activities at CHEW

The Centre for Health Economics at Warwick (CHEW) forms a vital part of many research teams within Warwick Medical School. We work closely with the Warwick Clinical Trials Unit, collaborating on a substantial portfolio of NIHR funded research, particularly clinical trials. Health economic data collected within trials is crucial in enabling policy-makers to make decisions on the cost-effectiveness of treatments.

We undertake a variety of economic evaluations, econometric analyses, systematic reviews of health economic evidence and aim to improve and develop new methodological approaches in collaboration with research teams consisting of clinical triallists, statisticians, clinicians, social scientists, systematic reviewers and health economists across the University of Warwick, other parts of the United Kingdom, and overseas.

Within the Clinical Trials Unit, CHEW works on a host of trials, with key themes comprising:

The health economists at CHEW produce high quality research outputs and develop new methodologies. We specialise in a number of methodological approaches, including:

  • Bayesian methods
  • Decision-analytic modelling
  • Economic analyses based on observational studies
  • Economic evaluations alongside clinical trials
  • Outcome measurement and valuation

The team at CHEW collaborate extensively with Warwick EvidenceLink opens in a new window, which undertakes reviews and synthesises evidence for the NIHR Evidence Synthesis Programme on behalf of a range of policy makers, including the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). It is one of nine Technology Assessment Report Teams in the UK.

We also have an active teaching and training programme, including lectures delivered across a number of Masters programmes, and teaching and supervision of MSc and PhD students.

Research Highlights

Confederation of Respiratory Critical Care Trials (CoReCCT)

Six members of CHEW along with Lily Huajie Jin and a research associate from King’s Health Economics, have joined forces to work on a new Confederation of Respiratory Critical Care Trials (CoReCCT) coordinated by WCTU. The Confederation health economics team are working to plan the delivery of 4 NIHR HTA funded trials (NAVA, PROTECT Airways, Awake Prone and RELEASE) presently within the confederation. Current work is considering the harmonisation of methods especially with respect to data collection approaches. It is anticipated that this work will inform the landscape around the confederation approach going forward.

NAVA Health economics lead: Huajie Jin, CI: Daniel Hadfield, Co-CI: Phil Hopkins (King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London)

RELEASE Health economics co-leads: Rebecca KandiyaliLink opens in a new window, Mandana ZanganehLink opens in a new window, CI: Luigi Camporota (Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London), Co-CI: Danny McAuley (Queens University Belfast)

PROTECT Airways Health economics lead: Lazaros AndronisLink opens in a new window, CI: Gareth Kitchen, Co-CI: Paul Dark (University of Manchester and Manchester University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)

Awake Prone Health economics lead: Jason MadanLink opens in a new window, CI: Keith CouperLink opens in a new window (University of Warwick)

Confederation Health Economists (RELEASE, PROTECT and Awake Prone): Kamran KhanLink opens in a new window, Vivan PatelLink opens in a new window

Identifying the value of children and young people’s time for use in economic evaluationsLink opens in a new window

In studies that adopt a wide, societal perspective, it is important that all salient inputs and costs are accounted for, including 'opportunity costs' incurred by individuals due to displaced (work or leisure) time. However, there are few insights into how to estimate the opportunity cost of displaced time in children and young people (CYP). Through 6 interrelated work packages, this project aims to produce knowledge and methods that will help researchers to value and include CYP’s time-related costs in economic evaluations.

Principal Investigator: Lazaros AndronisLink opens in a new window, Collaborating Investigator: Cameron MorganLink opens in a new window

Big BabyLink opens in a new window

A NIHR HTA funded prospective, multi-centre RCT investigating whether earlier induction of labour (38+0 to 38+4 weeks) in pregnant women with suspected large for gestational age foetuses (defined as an estimated foetal weight >90th customised centile, using the Perinatal Institute’s GROW software) reduces the incidence of shoulder dystocia was compared with standard care in 2,892 women. Results are coming soon!

Health economics: Seyran NaghdiLink opens in a new window, Hema MistryLink opens in a new window, Stavros Petrou; PI: Siobhan Quenby (Warwick CTU & UHCW)


Fostering efforts to deliver a Net Zero NHSLink opens in a new window, this is a multidisciplinary programme of work aiming to draw up a framework for incorporating broader environmental aims into health care decision making. The programme has 5 work packages, undertaken collaboratively between researchers at University Hospital Coventry and WarwickshireLink opens in a new window, Warwick Manufacturing GroupLink opens in a new window, and the Divisions of Health SciencesLink opens in a new window and Clinical TrialsLink opens in a new window at the University of Warwick. Using a de novo economic analysis of the costs and consequences of using single-use endoscopes (as opposed to multiple-use devices) as a case study, Work Package 2 sets out to identify ways of accounting for broader 'costs' and wider outcomes of interest to decision makers, beyond health and wellbeing.

Health economics analyst: Yufei Jiang, Health economics co-leads: Mandana ZanganehLink opens in a new window, Lazaros AndronisLink opens in a new window, PI: Ramesh Arasaradnam (Warwick CTU & UHCW)