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Applying to study medicine can be a daunting experience. Therefore, we want to make the process as easy as possible, and having all the right information available is the best place to start. These pages provide you with all the information you need about applying, from academic entry requirements and work experience to your UCAS application and selection centres.

UCAT Cut Off

For entry to WMS, you need to achieve at least the overall mean score on the Verbal Reasoning sub-test across ALL test-takers in the cycle you are applying in. The verbal reasoning (VR) cut-off for 2025 entry is 600. Therefore anyone with a score below 600 will not be considered.

We do not have an absolute minimum total UCAT score; scores are combined with previous academic achievements in our shortlisting process. On our UCAT section of the admissions webpages we have published the minimum score required to be shortlisted in previous admissions cycles.

We do not consider your score on the Situational Judgement Test.

If after reading all of these pages, you still have queries about our admissions process, please direct your enquiry to mbchb dot admissions at warwick dot ac dot uk and we will make every effort to respond as quickly as possible.
Alternatively the PG Admissions Service are operating a calendar of live chats giving you the chance to ask questions and engage with Warwick.


Duration: 4 years

Places available: 203 Home/Overseas (up to 13 international places)

Applications received for 2024 entry: 1258

Minimum entry requirements: 2:1 honours degree (or overseas equivalent) in any subject

Contact for enquiries: +44 (0)24 7652 4585

Email: mbchb dot admissions at warwick dot ac dot uk

Dates to remember (2026 entry)

WMS Open Days: Dates for our MB ChB open days will be confirmed soon

UCAT Booking opens: 17 June 2025

UCAT Access Arrangements application deadline: 16 September 2025

UCAT Booking deadline: 19 September 2025 (12 noon)

UCAT Testing begins: 7 July 2025

UCAT Last Testing date: 26 September 2025

Warwick Multiple Mini Interviews will be held in person on: 15th-18th December 2025

MMI for International applicants (unable to attend in person): date TBC (online).

We will only offer an online option to those who meet the Online interview criteria.

UCAS details

UCAS code: A101

UCAS institution code: W20

UCAS Applications Open:

2 September 2025

UCAS Application Deadline:

15 October 2025 (18.00hrs)

Applications will not be accepted outside of these deadlines.*

*If you made your UCAS application within the required timeframe but to another University and then switched to Warwick within the 14 day change period permitted by UCAS please contact us directly so that we can ensure your application is accepted.

Frequently asked questions:

Here are answers to some common questions asked by prospective students:

What are the course fees?

If you are a Home student enrolling in 2024/25, your annual tuition fees will be £9,250. In the future, these fees might change for new and continuing students.

The UK has now formally left the EU. Students from the EU, EEA and Switzerland who start their programme of study in 2021 or later will no longer be eligible for the UK (Home) fee status and will pay fees at the Overseas rate.

Fees for Overseas Students for 2024/25 are £28,930 for year 1 and £50,430 for each of years 2, 3 and 4.

The University may increase fees in line with any inflationary uplift as determined by the UK Government, if permitted by law or government policy, in subsequent years of your course.

Important: UK Government response to the consultation "Expansion of Undergraduate Medical Education 2017"

The UK Government originally indicated that, “from 2018/19 new international students studying at English universities will be expected to fund their own placements” pg 12Link opens in a new window  ; this was later clarified as "following feedback the Government will continue to fund clinical placements for international students commencing study at English universities whilst it undertakes further cross-government work on implementation" pg 7Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window 

We continue to monitor the situation and will update this information as we receive updates from the UK Government.

Is there a maximum age limit for applicants to the course?

We do not discriminate on age. We are keen to attract applicants from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Our selectors will be looking for evidence of your motivation and preparedness to study.

I have a disability - will I be at a disadvantage?

We do not discriminate against candidates with a disability. Please ask us if you would like to request adaptations to the Selection Centre process. It is important that you get the support you need so we ask you to declare your disability on your UCAS application form.

I'm a current Warwick student. Are there any special arrangements for entry to MB ChB?

All applicants are considered equally, although there are sometimes workshops arranged for Warwick students on applying to graduate entry to medicine. Please contact wmscareers at warwick dot ac dot uk for further details.

Do you offer any places through clearing?

As the MB ChB is a highly popular course and we have a rigorous selection process, we do not offer places through clearing.

Is it feasible to work part-time during term time?

The MB ChB is an intensive course. In year one students have approximately 35 hours timetabled time per week for 30 weeks. From year two onwards students will be required to attend their clinical placement at our partnership trusts which replicates the working week of a medical professional.

What if I have previously been enrolled on a medical degree that I did not complete?

Having previously studied part of a medical degree is not an instant barrier to applying to Warwick Medical School. You must tell us before applying if you fall into this category and any such applicants will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. We will have to carry out background checks to verify the reasons for your previous non-completion and will most likely want to meet with you to further discuss the matter.

We will not consider applications from students who have previously studied medicine and have had to leave the programme of study due to academic failure without successful mitigation (in one or more subjects/modules/blocks), or due the findings of a Fitness to Practice hearing.

Which hospitals do students train at?

Our partner hospitals are University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UCHW), Warwick, George Eliot, Rugby St Cross and Redditch. Primary Care and Community placements are approximately within a 40 mile radius of Warwick Medical School. Students are responsible for their own travel arrangements between placements.

Do you have a period of elective study and when?

In your fourth year, you will have a period of elective study for a minimum of five weeks and up to six.

What support services are available for students?

The University of Warwick's Student Support Services offers advice on disability services, careers advice, counselling support and also deals with student funding.

Do you monitor attendance?

Yes, The University operates a scheme for monitoring the attendance and progress of all students. The GMC requires students to maintain a minimum of 80% attendance.

How are students assessed?

Students are required to complete a formative assessment at the end of each block. Students are given the right to sit summative assessments based on completion of formative assessments, engagement with the programme and attendance. Summative assessments are at the end of year one, end of year two and in the final year.

I'm not sure if my work experience meets your requirements, how can I check?

Our webpages on 'Work Experience’ will give you all the information you need to help you decide if your experience/s will be acceptable. Briefly, you can have a variety of different experiences; including at least two different health or social care organisations and at least two role/professions that meet the expected outcomes. Due to the number of enquiries we receive, we are unable to provide a comprehensive review service on whether your work experience would be acceptable to us.

Can I park my car at the Medical School?

Due to the pressures on car parking capacity on campus it is not possible to provide dedicated parking for students. Further information about parking on campus .

Can first year students apply for campus accommodation?

Yes, first year students are normally placed in Tocil with other postgraduate students. There is also off campus Warwick Accommodation available.