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Physics A to Z

NB - information on many University procedures can be found by typing a key word into the search box in the top right-hand corner of any Warwick page.

K (no definitions)
X (no definitions) Y (no definitions) Z (no definitions)


Academic promotions

Promotion guidelines and criteria

Useful links and information for academic staff


Link to Estates accessibility webpages

Accident/incident/near miss reporting

Form for reporting accidents, incidents, or near misses


Useful links to departmental administration

Alumni and Careers

Alumni case studies

Annual leave

Annual Leave provision, including statutory and customary holiday dates

Annual Review (now known as Personal Development Review)

Information on Personal Development Review process and forms

Approved Suppliers

List of all university approved suppliers



Bullying, harrassment and dignity at work

Bullying, harrassment and dignity at work policy and procedures



Career development for support staff

Career development for administrative and technical staff

Careers in Physics

Career Opportunities and Case Studies in Physics

Car hire

Details of current approved supplier for car hire

Car parking

Car parking


Menus for refreshments available to be delivered to University meetings.
Catering requests can be sent to along with a cost code.

Central Timetabling team (CTT)

Link to central timetabling and room bookings

Chemical Categorisation Tool

This tool assists the process of ordering chemicals by identifying the correct hazard category to be used on OPeRA.


Instructions on how to order chemicals in Opera

Christmas Dinner

Information regarding the departmental Christmas dinner.

Code of conduct for meetings and events

Code of conduct for meetings and events hosted in Physics


Physics department colloquium

Committee Structure

Information on the various Departmental Committees

Community Safety

Link to Community Safety- for security matters

Computers and Email support

IT support

Concur Guidance

Advice & guidance on how to use Concur. To go directly to Concur visit, or type "Concur" in the search box at the top of the page.

Conferences: How to register and pay

How to register and pay for conferences

Conference support fund

Conference care fund available to staff via the central policy, and to Physics postgraduate students by emailing

Contract Research Staff

The Physics Contract Research Staff representatives are Antoine Allard and Reza Jalilikashtiban.

Contracts - non-research

Link to finance office guidance

Credit card use and orders

Guidelines for departmental credit card use and orders



Declaration of interests (FP1)

Conflicts of Interest Policy & Procedure form

Dignity at Work

Dignity and Work Policy and contacts


Maps and directions to the Department of Physics.



Education Committee

Education committee membership, agendas, minutes, new modules log

Equality, diversity and inclusion in Physics

Equality, diversity and inclusion in Physics

Estates office

Report a fault or maintenance request

Events calendar

Departmental events calendar, including seminars and meetings

Exam information for staff

Guidelines from the Staff Handbook

Expense claim

Making an expense claim via Concur

Expense claim forms

The most recent versions of the various expense claim forms for those who are not able to use Concur

Export control

University pages on export control



Family friendly policy hub

Access to all family friendly policies via the HR website

Feeding/baby change facilities

List of feeding/baby change facilities on campus.

Finance Office forms and guides

Finance office resources

Financial regulations and procedures

Link to university's Financial regulations and procedures

Financial Regulations (FinRegs) exceptions

Instructions for permissions needed for any expenditure that falls outside of the University's Financial Regulations

Fire procedures

Fire procedure for Physics, Physical Sciences, MAS, and Millburn House.

First aiders

List of first aiders for Physics, Physical Science, MAS and Millburn House. See M for mental health first aiders.



Gender equality in Physics

Gender equality and diversity policies, procedures and projects.

Grant application procedures

How to submit a grant application




Departmental bullying and harassment policy and procedures

Health and Safety

Health and Safety for Physics

H&S Mandatory Training Record

Training record for the three mandatory H&S trainings as specified in the Leadership and Management document

Human Resources

Link to HR homepage

Hybrid working

Link to Hybrid Working policy



Ideate - Electronic Research Administration

Ideate system


Impact pages of the Physics Department

Inclusive Language Guidance

Guidance on using inclusive language

Induction for Staff

Contains the induction procedures for new members of staff


Information on the University's insurance policies, including travel, motor, employers' liability, and public liability.

Intention to submit a research application

Form to indicate to R&IS your intention to submit a research application

Internal examiners - Physics staff experience

For use when completing the Nomination of Examiners form

IT policy

University policy on use of IT and computing facilities.

ITS helpdesk

Contact details for IT Services helpdesk



JUNO European and American Collaboration Meeting Spring 2025

The JUNO European and American Collaboration Meeting, Spring 2025




LabCup is a user-friendly inventory system that provides consistent tracking and storage for chemicals within the University.

Late working rules

Departmental policy on lone/out of hours working

Letterhead templates

University letterhead templates - Physics headed paper and a Physics Department stamp are available in P5.66.

Library liaison

Information on departmental liaison with the Library



Management Committee

Link to the Physics Management Committee webpages

Maternity Leave - Staff

Information on maternity leave for staff

Maternity Leave - Students

Information on maternity leave and support for students

Mechanical workshop

Guidance to work in the mechanical workshop

Mental health first aid

List of mental health first aiders for the Physics department.

Merit Pay

Guidance from central HR

MPAGS timetable

Timetable for the Midlands Physics Alliance Graduate School (MPAGS).




The Pendulum, our Departmental newsletter - issued quarterly.

New vendors

How to set up a new vendor

Notice of overseas travel

Notice of overseas travel



Open Access Publications of Journals

Information on open access, which refers to research literature that has been made freely accessible, publicly for anyone interested in the literature.


e-Procurement System


Information on the department's Outreach activities.

Overseas travel (Notice of)

Webform to complete before beginning any travel outside of the UK on University business



Paternity Leave

Information on paternity leave for staff

Payroll and personnel forms

Payroll and personnel forms


Information and background for the Foucault pendulum and stunning floor design found in the entrance lobby of the Physics Department

Personal Development Review (PDR)

Information on PDR process and forms

PGR- Information for staff

Important dates, feedback submission forms and useful information for staff supervising PGR students

Photo album

Photos from Departmental Events

Physics Days

"Physics Days at Warwick" are academic meetings, proposed and organized by members of the Physics Department at Warwick and their friends, to further the vision of Warwick as an exciting place to do science.

Post and courier instructions

Post and courier services

Poster Printing

Poster printing in the department

Postgraduate Admissions Info (for Staff)

Noteworthy information regarding applications, DTG allocations, deadlines etc.

Postgraduate Next of Kin Details

Submit next of kin details in case of an emergency

Postgraduate Project Titles and Summaries Form

Submit Project Titles and a Summary

Postgraduate supervisors

Information on supervision

Printer setup

Instructions on how to install printers on the network, including the photocopiers, for managed and unmanaged computers.


Details of the annual departmental prizes awarded to undergraduate students. Details of internal and external prizes awarded to postgraduate students can be found here.


Link to academic promotion information for Academic, Research and Technical Specialist Staff


Link to publication records on WRAP


How to purchase or pay for an item using OPeRA

Purchasing office (procurement)

Link to procurement and insurance




Quemis space and hazard management system.

Questionnaire Responses

Responses to Module Questionnaires



Recruitment and selection

Link to staff appointment procedures




Guidelines and forms for redeployment


Preparation for REF2021

Relocation Expenses

Details on how to claim relocation expenses

Research Committee

Webpage for the Physics Research Committee

Research Data Management (Open Data)

Information on research data management, open data and data statements.

Research Development Fund (RDF)

Link to Warwick RDF website

Research grant applications and contracts

How to write a research grant and deadlines

Research & Impact Services

RIS website

Research & Impact Services- contacts for Physics

Physics contacts in RIS

Risk Assessments

Information and the procedure for carrying out risk assessments and link to risk assessment form

Room bookings and timetables

Room bookings and tmetables



Salary tables and costings
Salary tables and costings
Screens in Physics buildings

Managing the Physics display screens

Senior Performance and Remuneration Review

Links to SPRR process and forms

Sickness reporting

Instructions for staff to report their own illness absence through SuccessFactors, the University's HR tool.


List of software available at Warwick

Staff Handbook

Information for staff members with tutees or teaching undergraduate modules

Staff meetings

Termly All-Staff Meeting to which all staff working in the department are invited

STEM Connect

STEM Connect (previously known as STEM Grand Challenge)


Physics Strategy Renewal 2020 and alignment to University Strategy 2018

Student Office Updates

Events and opportunities for students curated by the Student Office team.




For monitoring student attendance


Booking a taxi


Education Committee, Staff Handbook, Teaching Duties, Teaching Questionnaires,

Teaching and Demonstrating

Role allocation lists/Timesheets/Rates of Pay

Tenders for large purchases

Information on tendering

Term Dates

University term dates

Terms and conditions of employment

Terms and conditions of employment


Programme of study timetables


Information about the Transparent Approach to Costing, the standard method used for costing in higher education in the UK.

Training record

Data reveal page for completion dates of core H&S training modules

Travel and Expenses

Guidance on various areas regarding travel and expenses

Travel insurance

Link to University travel insurance pages.



UK Export Control

Export Controls aim to limit proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and counter international threats.

Unconscious bias

Guidance on how to limit unconscious bias when writing references or recruiting

Undergraduate Teaching handbook

Information on UG teaching in the department

Undergraduate Vacation Projects (URSS)

Information about our summer UG vacation projects

University bank details

Bank account details (and other useful financial information) for the University.



VAT Number

University VAT Number and other financial details.

Vehicle rental

Details of current approved supplier for car hire


Setting up a new vendor

Visiting students

Information for visiting postgraduate students (Graduate school)

Visitor Parking

Information on parking arrangements for visitors


How to appoint a visitor

Visualiser Bookings

Visualiser Bookings



Warwick Research Archive Portal (WRAP)

WRAP is the University of Warwick’s institutional repository. It is a full-text, open-access service showcasing and preserving research outputs of the Warwick community. The link here gets you to information on how to use WRAP; to go directly to WRAP visit

Warwick Scientific Services

Warwick Scientific Services (WSS) is a centre of excellence based at University of Warwick, delivering cutting-edge world-class scientific services, technical measurement solutions, innovative translational research, and knowledge and training services to businesses

Waste disposal

Guidance on safe disposal of waste (including radioactive and chemical) in Physics.

Welfare and Communication Group

Welfare and Communication Group


Wellbeing resources for staff.

Wellbeing support for employees

HR offers an Employee Assistance Programme service, delivered by an organisation called Health Assured, which provides a complete support network that offers expert advice and compassionate guidance 24/7, covering a wide range of issues.

What's new on the Physics website

Recent updates to the Physics website (automatically generated)

WiFi access

Instructions on how to access the various WiFi options on campus.

Work experience

Work experience in the Physics department

Working in Physics

Useful links relevant to working in the Physics department

Working patterns

Working patterns for support staff

Workload algorithm

Information on allocation of teaching duties
