Edward Bryant
I am an Astro Prize Fellow working to detect and characterise transiting exoplanets. My research focuses on using photometry from the NASA TESS space mission to study the overall planetary population demographics. In particular I am understanding how the occurrence rate of giant planets varies with the characteristics of the host star and orbital period of the planet. Uncovering these population demographics helps us to understand how these giant planets form and evolve and the role played by the host star in influencing these processes.
I am also a member of the Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTSLink opens in a new window) consortium, where I am mainly involved in obtaining high precision observations of exoplanet transits. These observations are used to help discover new exoplanetsLink opens in a new window, monitor transit timing variationsLink opens in a new window, support spectroscopic transit observationsLink opens in a new window, and much much more!
My previous positions -
I completed my PhD (Oct 2018 - April 2022) in the Astronomy and Astrophysics group at the University of Warwick, working with Daniel Bayliss as my supervisor. My PhD research was focused on obtaining high-precision exoplanet transit observations with the Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTSLink opens in a new window; Paper!Link opens in a new window ) and on studying the occurrence rates of giant planets with low-mass host stars (Paper!Link opens in a new window).
I then moved to UCL's Mullard Space Science Laboratory to work as a PostDoc with Vincent Van Eylen (June 2022 - February 2025). There I am continued my research into giant planet occurrence rates, but now with a focus on giant planets with evolved post-main sequence host stars. This population allows us to probe the impact had by the evolution of the host star on the evolution of planetary systems.
For more detailed info about my current and past research as well as my publications please check out my website - https://embryant.github.io/#Link opens in a new window
Write to:
Edward Bryant,Contact details:
Website: https://embryant.github.io/#