Kevin Heng
Common Interests Between Bern and Warwick
I enjoy interacting with students and postdocs, so please feel free to write to me if you wish to explore possible research collaborations or projects.
Current Students
Chloe Fisher, Andrea Guzman Mesa, Kathryn Jones, Sinan Li
Current Postdocs
Russell Deitrick, Simon Grimm, Kaustubh Hakim, Daniel Kitzmann, Brett Morris
Former Students & Postdocs (in Academia)
Chloe Fisher (SNF Postdoc Mobility Fellowship at University of Oxford, Aigrain & Birkby groups)
Jens Hoeijmakers (assistant professor at Lund University)
Pierre Auclair-Desrotour (permanent CNAP researcher at Paris Observatory)
Matej Malik (SNF Postdoc Mobility Fellowship at University of Maryland, Kempton group)
Joao Mendonca (permanent senior researcher at Technical University of Denmark, Buchhave group)
Shang-Min "Shami" Tsai (ERC postdoc at University of Oxford, Pierrehumbert group)
Selected Publications
Career: 1 textbook, 100+ peer-reviewed publications (6000+ citations using ADS)
Heng, K., Morris, B., & Kitzmann, D., 2021, Closed-form ab initio solutions of geometric albedos and reflected light phase curves of exoplanets, Nature Astronomy, 5, 1001
Heng, K., & Li, L., 2021, Jupiter as an Exoplanet: Insights from Cassini Phase Curves, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 909, L20
Heng, K., & Althaus, C.L., 2021, The approximately universal shapes of epidemic curves in the Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered (SEIR) model, Scientific Reports (Springer Nature),10, 19365
Guzman-Mesa, A., Kitzmann, D., Fisher, C., et al., 2020, Information Content Analysis of JWST NIRSpec Transmission Spectra, Astronomical Journal, 160, 15
Auclair-Desrotour, P., & Heng, K., 2020, Atmospheric stability and collapse on tidally locked rocky planets, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 638, A77
Deitrick, R., Mendonca, J.M., Schroffenegger, U., Grimm, S.L., Tsai, S.-M., & Heng, K., 2020, THOR 2.0: Major Improvements to the Open-source General Circulation Model, Astrophysical Journal Supplements, 248, 30
Fisher, C., Hoeijmakers, H.J., Kitzmann, D., et al., 2020, Interpreting High-resolution Spectroscopy of Exoplanets using Cross-correlations and Supervised Machine Learning, Astronomical Journal, 159, 192
Barstow, J.K., & Heng, K., 2020, Outstanding Challenges of Exoplanet Atmospheric Retrievals, Space Science Reviews, 216, 82
Veras, D., & Heng, K., 2020, The lifetimes of planetary debris disks around white dwarfs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496, 2292
Kitzmann, D., Heng, K., Oreshenko, M., et al., 2020, Helios-r2 – A new Bayesian, open-source retrieval model for brown dwarfs and exoplanet atmospheres, Astrophysical Journal, 890, 174
Oreshenko, M., Kitzmann, D., Marquez-Neila, P., et al., 2020, Supervised Machine Learning for Intercomparison of Model Grids of Brown Dwarfs: Application to GJ 570D and the Epsilon Indi B Binary System, Astronomical Journal, 159, 6
Heng, K., 2019, On physical interpretations of the reference transit radius of gas-giant exoplanets, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490, 3378
Marquez-Neila, P., Fisher, C., Sznitman, R., & Heng, K., 2018, Supervised Machine Learning for Analysing Spectra of Exoplanetary Atmospheres, Nature Astronomy, 2, 719
Heng, K., Malik, M., & Kitzmann, D., 2018, Analytical Models of Exoplanetary Atmospheres. VI. Full Solutions for Improved Two-stream Radiative Transfer Including Direct Stellar Beam, Astrophysical Journal Supplements, 237, 29
Hoeijmakers, H.J., Ehrenreich, D., Heng, K., et al., 2018, Atomic iron and titanium in the atmosphere of the exoplanet KELT-9b, Nature, 560, 453
Fisher, C., & Heng, K., 2018, Retrieval analysis of 38 WFC3 transmission spectra and the resolution of the normalisation degeneracy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481, 4698
Dorn, C., & Heng, K., 2018, Secondary Atmospheres on HD 219134 b and c, Astrophysical Journal, 853, 64
Heng, K., 2017, Exoplanetary Atmospheres: Theoretical Concepts & Foundations (Princeton University Press)
Heng, K., & Kitzmann, D., 2017, The theory of transmission spectra revisited: a fast method for analyzing WFC3 data and an unresolved challenge, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 470, 2972
Heng, K., & Tsai, S.-M., 2016, Analytical Models of Exoplanetary Atmospheres. III. Gaseous C-H-O-N Chemistry with 9 Molecules, Astrophysical Journal, 829, 104
Heng, K., & Showman, A.P., 2015, Atmospheric Dynamics of Hot Exoplanets, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 43, 509
Heng, K., & Malik, M., 2013, Debris discs around M stars: non-existence versus non-detection, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452, 2562
Heng, K., Menou, K., & Phillipps, P.J., 2011, Atmospheric circulation of tidally-locked exoplanets: a suite of benchmark tests for dynamical solvers, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 413, 2380
Heng, K., & Kenyon, S.J., 2010, Vortices as Nurseries for Planetesimal Formation in Protoplanetary Discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 408, 1476
Heng, K., & Tremaine, S., 2010, Long-Lived Planetesimal Discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 401, 867
Heng, K., & Spitkovsky, A., 2009, Magnetohydrodynamic Shallow Water Waves: Linear Analysis, Astrophysical Journal, 703, 1819
Heng, K., & Sunyaev, R., 2008, Broad Ly-alpha Emission from Supernova Remnants, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 481, 117
Heng, K., & McCray, R., 2007, Balmer-Dominated Shocks Revisited, Astrophysical Journal, 654, 923