Tom Louden
I am a postdoc working primarily on the atmospheres of exoplanets.
Research highlights
Fast winds on HD 189733b
spiderman is a fast, analytical code for calculating secondary eclipses and phase curves. The code is written in C, and uses a novel radial integrator, which makes it exceptionally fast, and an ideal input to an MCMC. An arbitrary brightness distribution can be used, and planetary limb darkening can also be included.
The source code is availible at:
You can read the documentation at:
Recovering the X-ray flux of HD 209458
Ground based transmission spectroscopy
Ground based transmission spectroscopy
NGTS (Condor)
I've been involved in the development of the pipeline for the NGTS project
Publication List
Louden & Wheatley 2015, Spatially resolved eastward winds and rotation of HD 189733b
Write to:
Tom Louden,Department of Physics,
University of Warwick,
Coventry CV4 7AL
Contact details:
E-Mail: T.M.Louden AT
Twitter: @TomLoudenb