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Dr. Paul Strøm

I am an Assistant Professor working on the PLATO space mission where I am responsible for the activities related to the scientific preparation of the mission. The PLATO space mission is designed to search for small, rocky exoplanets in the habitable zones of stars like the Sun.

I also work on a variety of astrophysical topics mainly focused on far-UV observations with the Hubble Space Telescope aimed at understanding exocomets and the the formation environments of young planets. I am also very interested in work related to exoplanet atmospheres and radial velocity follow-up.

I am the PI of the Warwick Astronomy Knowledge Exchange (WAKE) which is aimed at attracting an increase in the diversity of people applying for opportunities at Warwick especially from countries under-represented in the field of astronomy.

To learn more about me please visit my personal website: https://strom.acLink opens in a new window.

Dr. Paul A. Wilson

Write to:

Dr. Paul Strøm,
Department of Physics,
University of Warwick,
Coventry CV4 7AL

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Official E-Mail: paul.strom¨@¨

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