Pratishtha Rawat
I am a PhD student in the Astronomy and Astrophysics group at the University of Warwick. Using numerical techniques, I work on planet formation, planet evolution and disc evolution, with Dr. Farzana MeruLink opens in a new window and Dr. Rebecca NealonLink opens in a new window.
I completed my Master's in Astrophysics from the Geneva ObservatoryLink opens in a new window, working on planet formation and planetary system architectures with Prof. Stéphane UdryLink opens in a new window and Dr. Lokesh MishraLink opens in a new window for my Master's thesis.
More about my previous research can be found hereLink opens in a new window.
Other roles/activities:
As the Planetarium Manager, I am also responsible for Outreach activities related to the Planetarium (which will soon be resuming operations after COVID!). For any Planetarium-related queries, please write directly to
.At the University of Warwick, I also take first year undergraduate mathematics problem-solving classes (at FAB5.07 and FAB 3.28).